3 research outputs found

    Transcatheter balloon valvuloplasty

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    Naloga obravnava proces zbiranja zahtev, analizo problemov in pripravo predloga za izdelavo programske rešitve za management pogodbenih delavcev pri izvedbi projektov zbiranja podatkov. Podjetja, katerih glavna dejavnost je izvajanje trženjskih in drugih podobnih raziskav, morajo za izvedbo takšnih raziskav zbrati podatke, na osnovi katerih se opravijo analize in nato izdelajo poročila, ki predstavljajo njihov izdelek. Ti podatki se večinoma zberejo s pomočjo anketiranja v zelo kratkem in natančno določenem časovnem roku. Izvedba projektov zbiranja podatkov je zelo zahtevna z vidika organizacije pogodbenih delavcev, ki zbiranje podatkov dejansko izvedejo. Procesi dela se tej situaciji prilagodijo, posledica tega pa je uporaba različnih dokumentov v obliki elektronskih preglednic in besedil, ki so nastali z namenom rešiti trenutni problem. Zato so dokumenti nepovezani in podatki razdrobljeni. Cilj naloge je predstaviti predlog programske rešitve, ki bo združila vse podatke o pogodbenih delavcih iz vseh držav, v enoten sistem, odpravila uporabo nepovezanih dokumentov in avtomatizirala ponavljajoča zamudna opravila. Za zbiranje zahtev smo izbrali metodo FURPS+. Zahteve smo zbirali s pomočjo pisne dokumentacije, intervjujev, sestankov in demonstracije opravljanja delovnih nalog. Rešitev pa bomo predstavili s pomočjo diagramov jezika UML 2.0, predvsem z diagrami primerov uporabe in diagrami aktivnosti. Programska rešitev bo modul obstoječe aplikacije AI Admin, ki se uporablja kot pomoč pri vodenju projektov zbiranja podatkov. Z uvedbo rešitve bomo povečali učinkovitost dela, omogočili centralno upravljanje s podatki o pogodbenih delavcih, poenostavili naloge managementa in vodenja projektov zbiranja podatkov. Prav tako pa bo z uvedbo rešitve aplikacija AI Admin zaokrožena celota in tako tudi tržno zanimiva.The thesis addresses the process of gathering and analyzing the requirements, problem analysis and preparation of a proposal to design a program solution for employee management for the implementation of data collection projects. Companies with marketing and other similar researches as their main activity must collect data to implement their research and analyze it in order to prepare reports, which represent their product. The data is mainly collected by interviewing in a very short and precisely determined time period. Implementation of data collection projects is very demanding in regard to organization of part time employees, who do the actual fieldwork. Work processes adapt to the situation, which results in using different documents in form of spreadsheets and text, which were created in order to solve the problems at hand. That is why most of the documents are unrelated and data is fragmented. The goal of the thesis is to present a proposal for a software solution, which will connect the data from all part time employees from different countries in one unified system, eliminate the use of unrelated documents and automate the repetitive time-consuming tasks. The FURPS+ method was selected for the collection of the requirements. They were collected with the help of text documents, interviews, meetings and a demonstration of how the works tasks are completed. The solution was presented with the help of UML 2.0. language diagrams, especially with the case use diagrams and activity diagrams. The program solution will represent a module for the existing application Al Admin, which is used as support with data collection project management. The implementation of the solution will increase work efficiency, central management of the data on the part time employees will be enabled and management tasks and data collection project management will be simplified. Implementation of the solution will make the Al Admin application a rounded unit and it will be interesting for the market