44 research outputs found

    Safe Human-Robot Interaction Using Variable Stiffness, Hyper-Redundancy, and Smart Robotic Skins

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    In service robotics, safe human-robot interaction (HRI) is still an open research topic, requiring developments both in hardware and in software as well as their integration. In UMAY1 and MEDICARE-C2projects, we addressed both mechanism design and perception aspects of a framework for safe HRI. Our first focus was to design variable stiffness joints for the robotic neck and arm to enable inherent compliance to protect a human collaborator. We demonstrate the advantages of variable stiffness actuators (VSA) in compliancy, safety, and energy efficiency with applications in exoskeleton and rehabilitation robotics. The variable-stiffness robotic neck mechanism was later scaled down and adopted in the robotic endoscope featuring hyper-redundancy. The hyper-redundant structures are more controllable, having efficient actuation and better feedback. Lastly, a smart robotic skin is introduced to explain the safety support via enhancement of tactile perception. Although it is developed for a hyper-redundant endoscopic robotic platform, the artificial skin can also be integrated in service robotics to provide multimodal tactile feedback. This chapter gives an overview of systems and their integration to attain a safer HRI. We follow a holistic approach for inherent compliancy via mechanism design (i.e., variable stiffness), precise control (i.e., hyper-redundancy), and multimodal tactile perception (i.e., smart robotic-skins)

    Structural and magnetic properties of lithium ferrite (LiFe5O8) thin films: Influence of substrate on the octahedral site order

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    Structural properties of lithium ferrite [LiFe5O8, (LFO)] thin films are investigated as a function of substrate-induced strain and growth temperature. Through x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy analysis we find LFO films grown on isostructural MgAl2O4 (MAO) are closer to bulk single crystal behavior, whereas the films remain coherently strained on lattice matched MgO substrate. Film texture and surface morphology are enhanced with better lattice match, indicating different growth modes on different substrates. Raman spectra reveal enhanced disorder of Li and Fe ions at the octahedral sites on MgO substrate contrasting with the relatively high degree of octahedral site ordering on MAO. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3533908

    Microstructure and magnetic behavior of (Mg/Ni) co-doped ZnO nanoparticles

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    Zn0.95-xMgxNi0.05O nanoparticles were synthesized using sol-gel technique by varying x values from 0.01 to 0.05 in step of 0.01. The annealing temperature was optimized and 4% Ar-H-2 gas was used for the annealing process to obtain single phase Zn0.95-xMgxNi0.05O samples. The possible lost weights of samples in a wide temperature range for Zn0.95-xMgxNi0.05O samples were investigated by differential thermal analysis and thermo gravimetric analysis. X-ray diffraction of Zn0.95-xMgxNi0.05O samples exhibited single phase with annealing process under 4% Ar-H-2 gas at 450 degrees C. A structural distortion was revealed by replacing Zn2+ by Mg2+ and Ni2+ due to the ionic radius difference which gave rise to a decrease in the crystallite size. The SEM images showed cluster shape distribution in quasi-spherical particles and were almost observed in all frames with agglomeration. Magnetization measurements were conducted at room temperature for all samples under the DC magnetic field for magnetization curves (M vs. H). The magnetization curves of Mg and Ni-doped ZnO systems exhibited a ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature

    Band Gap Engineering of Mg Doped ZnO Nanorods Prepared by a Hydrothermal Method

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    The effect of band gap on the structure, magnetic, and optical properties of Zn1-xMgxO nanorods synthesized by hydrothermal method using varying x-values from 0.00 to 0.05 with 0.01 step increment is studied. The structural phases of Zn1-xMgxO samples are determined by X-ray diffraction tool. The Rietveld analysis is performed for the selected Zn0.95Mg0.05O sample and all samples' phases are found as single phase. The concentration-dependent of lattice parameters, cell volumes, microstrain, and dislocation density, locality of the atoms and their displacement, and bond length in Zn1-xMgxO structures are detailed. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) measurements are performed and analyzed through concentration dependence of the g-factor and the line-widths of pike to pike (Delta H-PP) of ESR spectra. A ferromagnetic behavior of the Zn0.95Mg0.05O nanorods is observed. The optical band gaps (E-g) of Zn1-xMgxO nanorods are obtained by the data taken from Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It is found that the E-g-values increased with increasing amount of Mg elements in the structure

    The Temperature Effect on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Zn0.95FE0.05O Nanoparticles

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    Zn0.95Fe0.05O solutions were prepared by sol-gel synthesis using 2,4-pentanedionate and acetate precursors which were dissolved into the solvent and chelating agent. The nanoparticles were annealed at various temperatures (400, 450, 500, 550, and 600 C-ay) and times to reveal the temperature effect on structural and magnetic properties. The thermal behaviors of the xerogels were analyzed using differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis to determine the heat treatment temperatures. The crystal structure and particle morphology were characterized by X-ray diffraction method and scanning electron microscope measurement tools. Quantum design physical properties measurement system was used to examine the magnetic properties of synthesized nanoparticles. The temperature and applied field dependences of magnetization of nanoparticles were recorded by using a vibrating sample magnetometer. Zero-field cooling and field-cooling conditions for magnetization as a function of temperature were performed at the magnetic field of 0.5 kOe. The structure, particle size, particle morphology, and magnetic properties of nanoparticles with different doping ratio, temperature, and time of annealing process were presented

    Negative Magnetization and Superconductivity in the (LaPt2Asx (x=1, 2) and BaPt2As2 Compounds

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    We have investigated the electrical and magnetic properties of the compounds LaPt2As, LaPt2As2, and BaPt2As2 prepared by conventional solid-state reaction, in the temperature range of 5-300 K, up to the field of H = 9 T. The zero-field cooled magnetization (M-ZFC) and field cooled magnetization (M-FC) split into two branches at the bifurcation temperatures due to large thermal hysteresis effects. A huge diamagnetic magnetization has been manifested on the M-ZFC branches in both samples. We describe different possible scenarios of the negative magnetization-like behavior. First, this huge diamagnetic signal may arise from some local nano-sized ferromagnetic clusters subjected to the negative internal field, which is originated from the local distortions in the electronic structure due to the inhomogeneous Pt atoms distributions. The second is suggested as an alternative model, so that the present phenomenon was not a true negative magnetization, the observed negative magnetization, in fact, is relative change in the magnetization. It may arise from the freezing spins at lower temperatures. The magnetic analysis reveals the development of superconductivity with a filamentary character at temperatures below 10 K for the sample LaPt2As and 22 K for the sample LaPt2As2. In order to prove the observed superconductivity, their critical current density, J(c)(H), and the normalized pinning force, F-p/(Fp,max), are obtained as a function of the applied field, and the types of flux pinning centers are identified using the conventional Beans and Dew-Hughes models. We report the resistivity data in the same temperature interval. The resistivity curves are fitted to the form rho(T) = rho(0) + rho T-1(alpha) + rho(2)exp (- T-o/T) over the entire range of the measurement temperatures. The last term presents a magnon-assisted inter-band electron-phonon electron scattering mechanism. In addition, we observe an anomaly around 115 K in LaPt2As2 associated with the charge density (CDW) phase transition

    Effects of Annealing Temperature on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Ni0.05Zn0.95Fe2O4 Nanoparticles

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    The magnetic behavior of Ni0.05Zn0.95Fe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by the sol-gel technique route was clarified To figure out the influence of annealing temperature on the structure of Ni0.05Zn0.95Fe2O4 particles, x-ray diffraction (XRD) tool was used and revealed spinel cubic structure without any secondary phases. The particle formation and sizes were obtained using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Elemental composition of the nanoparticles was also provided by an energy-dispersive x-ray analysis tool (EDX). The magnetic behaviors of the synthesized powders annealed at varying temperatures were determined by vibrating sample quantum design PPMS measurement system tool. The M-H curves of the samples showed that the samples had S-shape but they reached no saturation state at the presence even at 30 kOe

    Low Field Magnetic and Electric Transport Properties of LaFeAsO and Oxygen Deficiency of LaFeAsOx

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    We report the magnetization and electrical resistivity measurements of LaFeAsO and oxygen deficiency LaFeAsOx prepared by solid-state reaction. Superconductivity at around 35 K and a giant diamagnetic contribution at a higher temperature have been observed in LaFeAsOx, while the parent LaFeAsO is non-superconducting. However, after subtracting the paramagnetic background magnetic contribution, the parent compound exhibits a very small superconductivity at low temperatures below T-c similar to 35. The ZFC/FC (zero-field and field cooled magnetization) curves for both samples exhibit apparent irreversibility. The susceptibility increases significantly at low fields. All these behaviors seem to be explained by considering the system consisting of micro-scale weak poly-crystallite magnets owing to the dipolar magnetic interactions among them and individual localized nanoscale magnetic regions within crystallites. Furthermore, we have obtained the critical current density and the pinning force as a function of the applied field using the conventional Beans model. We conclude that the observed superconductivity has a filamentary character based on the implication of the superconductivity properties analyses

    Çoklu ferroik tek kristal film tabanlı aygıtların yapımı ve karakterizasyonu

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    ÇOKLU FERROİK TEK KRİSTAL FİLM TABANLI AYGITLARIN YAPIMI VE KARAKTERİZASYONU Lityum (LiFe5O8, LFO) ve farklı kombinasyonları ile oluşturulmuş ferriteler, katot malzemeleri, lityum iyonlu piller, jiratör, faz kaydırıcıları, devreler ve izole edici gibi mikrodalga aletlerindeki bileşenleriyle, teknolojik uygulama açısından bilim adamları ve sanayiciler tarafından sürekli bir ilgi odağı olmayı sürdürmektedir. Daha önceki çalışmalarda LiFe5O8 hetero yapısı ile birçok TMR aygıtı yapımı denemeleri, uygun alttaş seçimi sınırlı olması, maaliyetinin çok olması, film ve alttaş arasındaki örgü parametreleri uyumsuzluğu nedeni ile istenilen yüksek TMR etkisi elde edilememiştir. Önceki çalışmalarda LiFe5O8 hegza ferrit yapısı için sadece yalıtkan MgO alttaşı kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmadan LiFe5O8 hetero yapısı için daha uygun bir alttaş seçimi incelenmiş, ve TMR aygıt yapımına geçilmiştir. Aygıt yapımınında karşılaşılan zorluklar ise fizikte ve malzeme biliminde son yıllarda dahada önem kazanmıştır. Alttaş davranışının karakterizasyonunu açısından yeni bir çalışma alanı ortaya çıkarmıştır. Büyüme sıcaklığı ve alttaş etkisinin bir fonksiyonu olarak, PLD tekniği ile büyütülen, LiFe5O8 (LFO) lityum ferrit ince filmlerinin yapısal ve manyetik özellikleri incelendi. Özellikle alttaş etkisin anlaşılması amacıyla LFO ile örgü sabiti çok yakın kaya tuzu MgO, spinel yapılı MgAl2O4, ve perovskite yapısına sahip SrTiO3 alttaşları kullanıldı. Lityum ferritin 750 °C altında düzenli α fazında olduğunu ve 750 °C sonrası ise düzensiz β fazına geçtiği gözlemlendi. Bu yapısal faz geçişi ile birlikte kristalin yapısı değişmiştir. X-ışını kırınımı ve Raman spektroskopi analizlerinden, özdeş yapılı MgAl2O4 (MAO)’ nun bulk tekil kristal yapısına daha yakın olduğu gözlemlenirken, MgO alttaşı üzerine kaplanan filmler kaplama sıcaklığına uyumlu olarak gerildiği kanıtlandı. SrTiO3 alttaşında ise aynı durum gözlemlenmedi. SrTiO3 alttaşı ile LiFe5O8 filmi, maksimum örgü sabiti uyumsuzluğuna sahiptir. Bu ise SrTiO3 alttaşı üzerine büyüyen LFO filmlerinin yüzeyinde 3B (3 boyutlu) ada atomu oluşuma sebep olmaktadır. X-ışını analizleri ve Cohen metodu ile 412-690 °C sıcaklık aralığında, MgO alttaşı üzerine büyüyen LiFe5O8 epitaksiyel ince filmlerinin düzlem içi ve düzlem dışı örgü parametreleride hesaplanarak, sıcaklığın bir fonksiyonu olarak hücre hacminin değişimi ve birim hücreninde büyüme yönü saptandı. Raman spektroskopisi Li ve Fe iyonlarının MgO alttaşı üzerine oktahedral olarak düzensiz artımına karşın, oktahedral noktalarda MAO alttaşı üzerine düzenli artmasını ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Film dokusu ve yüzey morfolojisi daha iyi örgü uyumu ile zenginleştirildi ve bu sonuç ise farklı alttaşlar üzerine büyüme modlarının, farklı olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Tüm filmlerin omega taraması ile FWHM değerleri hesaplandı. Buna göre FWHM, MgO için <1, MgAl2O4 için ~1 ve SrTiO3 alttaşı için ise ~2 derece civarındadır. Tüm filmler için Possion oranıda pozitiftir. AFM çalışmalarımız, yüzey pürüzlüğü değerleri ile, FWHM değerleri arasındaki uyumuda ortaya koymaktadır ve sayısal olarak yüzey pürüzlülüğü FWHM değerleri ile aynı mertebededir ve epitaksiyel büyümeninde bir kanıtıdır. LFO filmlerinin manyetik özellikleri, bulk manyetik özellikleri ile uyumludur ve özellikle MAO alttaşı üzerine büyüyen LFO filmleri için doyum mıknatıslanması MgO’ ya nisbeten daha fazladır. 2007 yılında Dr. Peter Grünberg ve Dr. Albert Fert tarafında bulunan yüksek direnç etkili (TMR) aygıtlarının temiz odada yapımı ve manyetik özelliklerinin ve direnç etkisinin incelenmesi ise bu çalışmamın diğer bir aşamasıdır. La0.67 Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) yarı metal özelliği gösteren ideal olarak mükemmelliğe yakın spin kutuplanma etkisi gösteren ve teorik olarakta spin kutuplanma etkisi kanıtlanmış iyi bilinen bir malzemedir. Bunun anlamı LSMO aygıtında iletim elektronları sadece tek tip spin türüne sahiptir. Bu durum çoğunluk elektronlarının sayısının baskın olmasından kaynaklanmıştır. LSMO tabanlı aygıt yapımı çalışmaları ise bu yönde bir ilgi odağı oluşturmaktadır. Yüksek spin kutuplanması nedeniyle LSMO spin-elektronik uygunlamaları açısından çok çekici bir adaydır. La0.67 Sr0.33MnO3 /SrTiO3/ La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO/STO/LSMO) çoklu tabakalı TMR aygıtlarının filmleri PLD tekniği ile büyütüldü. Manyetik olarak çok tabakalı filmin fotolitografi tekniğiyle aygıt yapımı öncesi, manyetik karakterizasyonu SQUID ve yüzey karakterizasyonları AFM aygıtları ile sağlanarak film kaplama koşulları optimize edildi. Ferromanyetik elektrot La0.67 Sr0.33MnO3 ve ayırıcı yalıtkan tabaka SrTiO3 ile TMR aygıtı fotolitografi tekniği ile geliştirildi. Düşük sıcaklık transport ölçümleri H-R ve T-R ölçümleri 4 yönlü uç tekniği ile yapıldı. Kullanılan yalıtkan STO alttaşının iyon aşındırma etkisi ile metalik özellik göstermesi ve alttaş film arası bölgede gerilim etkisi ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu konuda geliştirdiğimiz hibrit aşındırma işlemi ve yeni aygıt yapım süreci ile alttaş seçimi yaparken alttaşın yalıtkan olsa bile aşındırma işlemi ile TMR devresine verdiği akım ele alınmıştır. Bu akımın ortadan kaldırmanın yolları araştırılıp ve yeni bir prosedür geliştirildi. Bu akımın kaynağının STO alttaşının Ar gazı ile aşındırmaya çok duyarlı olması sonucu oksijen atomunun elektronlarının oksidasyonu sonucu, Sr yada Ti atomlarına katılarak iletim bandı elektron sayısına katkıda bulunduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu ise yalıtkan STO alttaşının metalik özellik göstermesine neden olmuştur. Geliştirdiğimiz yeni aygıt prosedürü alttaşı korumuş ve bu akımı ortadan kaldırmıştır. ABSTRACT FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MULTIFERROIC SINGLE CRYSTAL FILM BASED DEVICES Lithium and related substituted ferrites LiFe5O8, (LFO) have attracted continual interest because of their technological applications as potential cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries and as components of microwave devices such as gyrators, phase shifters, circulars, and isolators. In the previous studies, with LiFe5O8 heterostructure, the desired results in high TMR effects have not been able to obtained with the attemptions of fabrication of TMR devices, due to limited substrate alternative, high cost, and the lattice mismatch between film and substrate. In previous studies, the insulator MgO substrate was used for LiFe5O8 hexaferrit structure. In this study, for LiFe5O8 heterostructure, more convenient substrate alternatives were inversigated and applied for TMR device fabrication. In physics and material science, the experienced complications in fabrications of TMR devices have given a new field of study in the characterization of substrate behaviour. Structural and magnetic properties of lithium ferrite LiFe5O8, (LFO) thin films, which were deposited by PLD, were investigated as a function of substrate-induced strain and growth temperature. With the aim of understanding of substrate-induced strain effect, rocksolt MgO, spinel structured MgAl2O4 and perovskite SrTiO3 substrate, which have the closest lattice match with LFO, were used. Under 750 °C deposition temperature, the ordered α phase and above 750 °C, the disorder β phase of LFO were investigated. The crystal structural of LFO altered with the structural phase transition. Through x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy analysis, we find LFO films grown on isostructural MgAl2O4 (MAO) are closer to bulk single crystal behavior, whereas the films remain coherently strained on lattice matched MgO substrate. For SrTiO3 substrate the same behaviour was not investigated. LiFe5O8 bulk structure has the maximum lattice mismatch with SrTiO3 substrate. This lattice mismatch gives rise to 3D (3 dimensional) adatom formations on the LFO films, grown on SrTiO3 substrate. With X-ray diffraction analysis and Cohen’s method in the 412-690 °C tempereture regime, for the epitaxial LiFe5O8 thin films grown on MgO substrate, in-plane and out of- plane lattice parameters and as a function of temperature, the change in the cell volume and the unit cell growth direction were determined. Raman spectra reveal enhanced disorder of Li and Fe ions at the octahedral sites on MgO substrate contrasting with the relatively high degree of octahedral site ordering on MAO. Film texture and surface morphology are enhanced with better lattice match, indicating different growth modes on different substrate. For all films, with omega scan (Rocking curve analysis), FWHM values were calculated. FWHM values for MgO, MgAl2O4 ,and SrTiO3 substrates are around <1, ~1, and ~2 degree respectively. Our AFM studies, shows the correlation between surface roughness and FWHM values and as numerical, these values are at the same order thus, this is the prove of the epitaxial growth. The magnetic properties of LFO films are compatible with bulk magnetic properties and especially for the LFO films, grown on MAO substrate, saturation magnetization is higher than the films grown on MgO substrate. In 2007, the scientists Dr. Peter Grünberg and Dr Albert Fert received the nobel prize with the invention of high resistance effected TMR devices. The fabrication of TMR devices in clean room, the investigations of magnetic properties and resistance effects are the further part of the this study. La0.67 Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) is a half-metallic oxide with near perfect spin polarization well known to have the high spin polarization also theoreticly; its spin polarization effect was proved. This means that the conduction electrons in LSMO have only one kind of spin i.e. conduction is due only to the majority spin electrons. In this way, LSMO-based devices fabrication studies have a potential interest. Due to high spin polarization, LSMO is an attractive candidate for spin-electronic applications. Multi-layered La0.67 Sr0.33MnO3 /SrTiO3/ La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO/STO/LSMO) films of TMR devices were growth by PLD technique. Before the device fabrication with photolithography technique of multi-layered magnetic films, the deposition conditions were characterized as magneticly and morphologically by SQUID and AFM tools. TMR device was fabricated by photolitohraphy technique using ferromagnetic electrot La0.67 Sr0.33MnO3 and the separator insulator layer SrTiO3. Low temperature transport measurements of H-R and T-R measurements were conducted by 4 probe technique. The substrate induced effect between film and substrate and with ion beam etching, the metallic behavior of used insulator substrate STO effect were investigated. The study is on fabrication and characterization of multi-layered La0.67 Sr0.33MnO3/SrTiO3/La0.67 Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO/STO/LSMO) TMR devices. Because of physical etching, the insulator substrate gets damaged and becomes conductor and this give rise to an unknow current in TMR device. The main reason of the metallic behavior of the substrate is oxidation. With physical etching, oxygen atoms lose their electrons and these are used by either Sr or Ti atoms in conducting band. We developed a new hybrid etching procedure to protect the substrate and got ride of the current

    Zincir moleküler sıvıların yüzey geriliminin bulk özellikleri ile ilişkilendirilmesi

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    ZİNCİR MOLEKÜLER SIVILARIN YÜZEY GERİLİMİNİN BULK ÖZELLİKLERİ İLE İLİŞKİLENDİRİRLMESİ Son yıllarda yüzey gerilimi araştırmaları, kaplama, yapışma, terleme ve köpürme gibi hem endüstriyel uygulamaları hem de fiziksel birçok olayın tanımlanması ve anlaşılmasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu konuda deneysel ve teorik olarak birçok çalışmalar yapılmaktadır [1-4]. Bu çalışmada S-S teorisi üzerine geliştirmiş olduğumuz yüzey gerilimi modeli anlatılacaktır [5]. Bu çalışmanın bir amacı S-S teorisinden bulk için elde edilen verilerini modelimizde kullanarak yüzey gerilimi verilerini tahmin etmek sistem parametrelerini hesaplamaktır. Bu çalışmanın diğer amacı yüzey gerilimi modelimizde ortaya çıkan parametrelerin zincir uzunluğuna göre davranışını incelemektir. Modelimizde kesikli ara yüzey modeli (discrete interface model) [5] temel alınarak S-S teorisi parametreleri cinsinden sistemin Helmholtz enerjisi yazıldı ve buradan yüzey gerilimi bağıntısını elde edildi. Çalışmamızda kullanılan hidrokarbonlar n = 11, 16, 24, 78 ve 150 zincir uzunluğuna sahip lineer polietilen hidrokarbonlardır ve bunların deneysel yüzey gerilimi verileri Gregory ve Dee [6] tarafından yayınlanan makaleden alınmıştır. Modelimiz ile birlikte öngördüğümüz yüzey derinlik faktörü b, bir zincir molekülün yüzeyde kalan segmentlerinin sayısı x, yüzey segmentlerinin etkileşmedikleri (bağ yapmadıkları) koordinasyon sayısı zs ve yüzeydeki segmentlerin serbestlik dereceleri cs gibi nicelikler zincir uzunluğuna göre ve birbirlerine göre değişimleri incelendi. Örneğin zs= 1 için x değeri zincir uzunluğu arttıkça eksponansiyel artığını ve 4.93 değerine doyuma ulaştığı görülmektedir. Oysaki yüzey derinlik faktörü b değeri ise x'nin tersine hareket etmektedir yani eksponansiyel olarak azalmaktadır ve sonsuz zincir uzunluklarında b değeri 1.41'ye asimptot olmaktadır. Çalışmamız diğer yüzey gerilimi çalışmalarının sonuçları ile uyum içerisindedir. [5, 6] Modelimiz yüzey fiziği alanında kullanılması açısından umut verici ve teşvik edicidir. Bu çalışmanın uzantısı olarak mevcut veriler çerçevesinde modelin diğer farklı yapısal hidrokarbonlar ile polimer malzemelere genelleştirilmesi ve yapı ilişkisi çalışılabilir. Ayrıca tek katman kabul ettiğimiz yüzeyin gradyentine bakılarak yüzey katmanındaki işgal edilen molekül veya boşluk yoğunlaşması incelenebilir. Temmuz 2004 Cihat BOYRAZ ABSTRACT LINKING THE BULK PROPERTIES OF SURFACE TENSION OF CHAIN MOLECULAR LIQUIDS In recent years, investigations on surface tension play very important roles in description and understanding of many physical processes such as coating, adhesion, wetting and foaming as industrial applications. Theoretical and experimental several studies are employed in this topic. [1-4] The surface tension model based on S-S theory that we have developed in this thesis will be explained [5]. One purpose of this study is to estimate the surface tension data and calculate the system parameters in our model using data obtained for bulk from S-S theory. The other purpose of this study is to examine the behaviors of chain length parameters in our surface tension model. In our model based on discrete interface model, the Helmholtz free energy of the system [5] was written in terms of the S-S theory parameters, and from Helmholtz free energy the expression of surface tension was obtained. The hydrocarbons used in our study, chain lengths n=11, 16, 24, 78, and 150, are linear polyethylene hydrocarbons and their surface tension data are taken from the article published by Gregory ve Dee [6] In our model, the surface depth factor b, the number of segments on the surface of a chain moleculex, the number of noninteracting coordinations of surface segments zs, and degrees of freedom of these segments on the surface cs were investigated according to chain lengths of these segments and the variations of these dependent on quantities each other. For example, for zs=1 x values increase exponantially as the length of chain values increase and it is observed to saturate for the value of 4.93. However, the surface depth factor, b, behaves inversely againstx. That is, it decreases exponentially and the value of b becomes unvarying at 1.41 for the infinite chain lengths. Our result is in good agreement with the result of other studies. This model especially in the area of surface physics advancing are promising and promoting for the future studies. As an extension of this thesis, with the perspective of the existing data, this model can be applied onto other different hydrocarbons and polymer matters and studied structural relation. In addition, from the gradient surface study which we accept as an only single layer, the density of molecules or the density of holes can be explored. Temmuz 2004 Cihat BOYRA