5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the remineralizing capacity of silver diamine fluoride on demineralized dentin under pH-cycling conditions

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    Objective: (1) to determine the effects of the silver diamine fluoride (SDF) and sodium fluoride (NaF) in demineralized dentin exposed to an acid challenge by pH-cycling, (2) to evaluate the remineralizing capacity of SDF/NaF products based on the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the treated dentin surfaces. Methodology: In total, 57 human molars were evaluated in different stages of the experimental period: sound dentin – negative control (Stage 1), demineralized dentin – positive control (Stage 2), and dentin treated with SDF/NaF products + pH-c (Stage 3). Several commercial products were used for the SDF treatment: Saforide, RivaStar, and Cariestop. The mineral composition and crystalline and morphological characteristics of the dentin samples from each experimental stage were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), X-ray diffraction, and electron microscopy (SEM-EDX) analytical techniques. Moreover, the mechanical response of the samples was analyzed by means of the three-point bending test. Statistics were estimated for ATR-FTIR variables by Wilcoxon test, while the mechanical data analyses were performed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney U tests. Results: Regarding the chemical composition, we observed a higher mineral/organic content in the SDF/NaF treated dentin + pH-c groups (Stage 3) than in the positive control groups (Saforide p=0.03; Cariestop p=0.008; RivaStar p=0.013; NaF p=0.04). The XRD results showed that the crystallite size of hydroxyapatite increased in the SDF/NaF treated dentin + pH-c groups (between +63% in RivaStar to +108% in Saforide), regarding the positive control. SEM images showed that after application of the SDF/NaF products a crystalline precipitate formed on the dentin surface and partially filled the dentin tubules. The flexural strength (MPa) values were higher in the dentin treated with SDF/NaF + pH-c (Stage 3) compared to the positive control groups (Saforide p=0.002; Cariestop p=0.04; RivaStar p=0.04; NaF p=0.02). Conclusions: The application of SDF/NaF affected the physicochemical and mechanical properties of demineralized dentin. According to the results, the use of SFD/NaF had a remineralizing effect on the dentin surface even under acid challenge

    Gender and Leadership Positions in Spanish Dentistry

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    The Research Ethics Committee of the University of Granada issued a favorable report in relation to the present research under number 2430/CEIH/2021.Data Availability The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.Dentists in Spain reached equal gender representation in 2012 and the number of female dentists has continued to grow (until 57.3% in 2020). This study aims to increase evidence about the gender distribution on the high responsibility positions and opinion leaders of the dental profession and academia. Composition of the executive comities of the main dental institutions of Spain (regional professional associations, national dental association, and scientific societies), members of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Granada in 2020 and speakers of the main dental congresses of 2019 (due to the lack of congress in 2020) were recorded and analyzed by genders using chi-squared test (P < .05). Mean representation of female dentists in executive committees of professional associations was 35.6%. More than 70% of presidents and vice-presidents of professional colleges and more than 60% of these positions in scientific societies were occupied by male dentists. None of dental congresses of 2019 reached equal gender participation, being 81.3% of lecturers presenting on main auditoriums male dentists. Although dental workforce in Spain is slightly overrepresented by females, leadership positions and figures among Spanish dentists doesn’t seem to reflect the gender distribution of the collective. There is a lack of women occupying highlevel positions in dentistry that proves the existence of the so-called “glass ceiling effect” on the profession. Further studies about sociodemographic aspects of dental workforce are needed to develop evidence-based policies for the collective.Research Projects of the Vice-rectorate of Equality, Inclusion and Sustainability of the University of Granada [grant number INV-IGU113-2020

    Chemical, Microstructural and Morphological Characterisation of Dentine Caries Simulation by pH-Cycling

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    This research was funded by PID2020-116660GB-I00 by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) of the Spanish Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)-NextGeneration-EU program.In vitro simulation of natural caries is of great importance in dental research for the development of more effective clinical treatments. The pH-cycling (pHc) procedure consists of a dynamic caries process with alternating de-remineralisation periods. The current research aims to evaluate the effects of the pHc procedure on mineral dentine properties in comparison with sound dentine and natural residual caries. For this purpose, dentine slices from human third molars were submitted to cycling periods of 14 and 28 days. The chemical composition, morphological and microstructural properties of the dentine samples were examined by infrared and Raman spectroscopies, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy techniques. In addition, the depth of the demineralisation front was evaluated by Masson’s trichrome (MT) staining. The results showed that the pHc procedure led to notable changes in the mineral composition and the crystalline characteristics with respect to sound dentine and some extent to natural caries. The MT results revealed that pHc 28 yields a deeper lesion than pHc 14, simulating potential progression of natural caries. The results of this study provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of demineralisation that could occur in an in vivo environment and provide a standardised substrate similar to natural residual caries.Spanish GovernmentEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)-NextGeneration-EU progra

    Chemical, Microstructural and Morphological Characterisation of Dentine Caries Simulation by pH-Cycling

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    In vitro simulation of natural caries is of great importance in dental research for the development of more effective clinical treatments. The pH-cycling (pHc) procedure consists of a dynamic caries process with alternating de-remineralisation periods. The current research aims to evaluate the effects of the pHc procedure on mineral dentine properties in comparison with sound dentine and natural residual caries. For this purpose, dentine slices from human third molars were submitted to cycling periods of 14 and 28 days. The chemical composition, morphological and microstructural properties of the dentine samples were examined by infrared and Raman spectroscopies, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy techniques. In addition, the depth of the demineralisation front was evaluated by Masson’s trichrome (MT) staining. The results showed that the pHc procedure led to notable changes in the mineral composition and the crystalline characteristics with respect to sound dentine and some extent to natural caries. The MT results revealed that pHc 28 yields a deeper lesion than pHc 14, simulating potential progression of natural caries. The results of this study provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of demineralisation that could occur in an in vivo environment and provide a standardised substrate similar to natural residual caries

    Chemical, Microstructural and Morphological Characterisation of Dentine Caries Simulation by pH-Cycling

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    In vitro simulation of natural caries is of great importance in dental research for the development of more effective clinical treatments. The pH-cycling (pHc) procedure consists of a dynamic caries process with alternating de-remineralisation periods. The current research aims to evaluate the effects of the pHc procedure on mineral dentine properties in comparison with sound dentine and natural residual caries. For this purpose, dentine slices from human third molars were submitted to cycling periods of 14 and 28 days. The chemical composition, morphological and microstructural properties of the dentine samples were examined by infrared and Raman spectroscopies, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy techniques. In addition, the depth of the demineralisation front was evaluated by Masson&rsquo;s trichrome (MT) staining. The results showed that the pHc procedure led to notable changes in the mineral composition and the crystalline characteristics with respect to sound dentine and some extent to natural caries. The MT results revealed that pHc 28 yields a deeper lesion than pHc 14, simulating potential progression of natural caries. The results of this study provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of demineralisation that could occur in an in vivo environment and provide a standardised substrate similar to natural residual caries