111 research outputs found

    The influence of a stressful microenvironment on tumor exosomes: a focus on the DNA cargo

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    Exosomes secreted by tumor cells, through the transport of bioactive molecules, reprogram the surroundings, building a microenvironment to support the development of the tumor. The discovery that exosomes carry genomic DNA reflecting that of the tumor cell of origin has encouraged studies to use them as non-invasive biomarkers. The exosome-mediated transfer of oncogenes suggested a new mechanism of malignant transformation that could play a role in the formation of metastases. Several studies have examined the role of tumor exosomes on the modulation of the tumor microenvironment, but relatively few have been directed to assess how stressful stimuli can influence their production and cargo. Understanding the changes in exosome loads and the production pattern of the stressed tumor cell may uncover actionable mechanisms responsible for tumor progression

    Incorporating Reflective Writing into the Clerkship

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    During the last decade, medical schools have turned to writing exercises as a means for encouraging students to reflect on their learning experiences during clinical clerkships. The reasons for the increased popularity of reflective writing are broad. Approaches to encouraging reflective writing are quite varied. Recently, three internal medicine clerkships (University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine, and University of Massachusetts Medical School) independently implemented reflective writing activities in the clerkship curriculum

    Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Training

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    Educational Objectives 1. To demonstrate the importance of training health care professionals in inter-disciplinary teamwork and geriatric health issues. 2. To increase one’s knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the various disciplines involved in interdisciplinary teamwork

    Differential Eye Movements in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury vs. Normal Controls

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    Objective measures to diagnose and to monitor improvement of symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) are lacking. Computerized eye tracking has been advocated as a rapid, user friendly and field ready technique to meet this need. Eye tracking data collected via a head mounted, video-based binocular eye tracker was used to examine saccades, fixations and smooth pursuit movement in 60 military Service Members with post concussive syndrome (PCS) and 26 asymptomatic control subjects in an effort to determine if eye movement differences could be found and quantified. The diagnosis of mTBI was confirmed by the study physiatrist’s history, physical examination, and a review of any medical records. Results demonstrated that subjects with symptomatic mTBI had statistically larger position errors, smaller saccadic amplitudes, smaller predicted peak velocities, smaller peak accelerations, and longer durations. Subjects with symptomatic mTBI were also less likely to follow a target movement (less primary saccades). In general, symptomatic mTBI tracked the stepwise moving targets less accurately, revealing possible brain dysfunction. A reliable, standardized protocol that appears to differentiate mTBI from normals was developed for use in future research. This investigation represents a step toward objective identification of those with PCS. Future studies focused on increasing the specificity of eye movement differences in those with PCS are needed

    Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on eye tracking abnormalities in males after mild traumatic brain injury

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    The effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) on eye movement abnormalities in 60 military servicemembers with at least one mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) from combat were examined in a single-center, randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, prospective study at the Naval Medicine Operational Training Center. During the 10 wk of the study, each subject was delivered a series of 40, once a day, hyperbaric chamber compressions at a pressure of 2.0 atmospheres absolute (ATA). At each session, subjects breathed one of three preassigned oxygen fractions (10.5%, 75%, or 100%) for 1 h, resulting in an oxygen exposure equivalent to breathing either surface air, 100% oxygen at 1.5 ATA, or 100% oxygen at 2.0 ATA, respectively. Using a standardized, validated, computerized eye tracking protocol, fixation, saccades, and smooth pursuit eye movements were measured just prior to intervention and immediately postintervention. Between- and within-groups testing of pre- and postintervention means revealed no significant differences on eye movement abnormalities and no significant main effect for HBO2 at either 1.5 ATA or 2.0 ATA equivalent compared with the sham-control. This study demonstrated that neither 1.5 nor 2.0 ATA equivalent HBO2 had an effect on postconcussive eye movement abnormalities after mTBI when compared with a sham-control

    Brain Endothelial Cells Activate Neuroinflammatory Pathways in Response to Early Cerebral Small Vessel Disease (CSVD) Patients’ Plasma

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    The pathogenesis of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) is largely unknown. Endothelial disfunction has been suggested as the turning point in CSVD development. In this study, we tested the effect of plasma from CSVD patients on human cerebral microvascular endothelial cells with the aim of describing the pattern of endothelial activation. Plasma samples from three groups of young subjects have been tested: PTs (subjects affected by early stage CSVD); CTRLs (control subjects without abnormalities at MRI scanning); BDs (blood donors). Human Brain Endothelial Cells 5i (HBEC5i) were treated with plasma and total RNA was extracted. RNAs were pooled to reduce gene expression-based variability and NGS analysis was performed. Differentially expressed genes were highlighted comparing PTs, CTRLs and BDs with HBEC5i untreated cells. No significantly altered pathway was evaluated in BD-related treatment. Regulation of p38 MAPK cascade (GO:1900744) was the only pathway altered in CTRL-related treatment. Indeed, 36 different biological processes turned out to be deregulated after PT treatment of HBEC5i, i.e., the cytokine-mediated signaling pathway (GO:0019221). Endothelial cells activate inflammatory pathways in response to stimuli from CSVD patients' plasma, suggesting the pathogenetic role of neuroinflammation from the early asymptomatic phases of cerebrovascular disease

    Caregiver distress in parkinsonism

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    This study examined the frequency and degree of caregiver burden in persons with parkinsonism, a group of disorders with four primary symptoms that include tremor, rigidity, postural instability, and bradykinesia. We assessed associations between perceived caregiver burden and physical, cognitive, and functional impairments using well-established tools for persons with parkinsonism. The 49 individuals with parkinsonism ranged in age from 61 to 87 (mean = 75), while their caregivers (N = 49) ranged in age from 48 to 83 (mean = 70). The caregivers were predominantly either wives (82%) or daughters (6%), with other family members, friends, and/or neighbors (12%) making up the rest. The caregivers reported a relatively high ability for coping (mean scores = 4.6/6). Caregiver burden was significantly negatively associated with activities of daily living and motoric difficulties as measured on the Unified Parkinson\u27s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Likewise, caregiver burden was negatively associated with caregiver self-reported sleep and coping ability. Results did not demonstrate an association on the UPDRS among mentation, behavior, and mood. We found a significant negative correlation for mentation between the Folstein Mini-Mental Status Examination and caregiver burden measures; however, we did not find this association with the Dementia Rating Scale-2. Patient\u27s self-reported pain and caregiver burden were not associated

    The Exposure to Osteoarthritic Synovial Fluid Enhances the Immunomodulatory Profile of Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome

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    Objective. Several clinical studies have proposed the infusion of adipose mesenchymal stem cells (AMSCs) as an alternative therapy for joint diseases with inflammatory components, such as osteoarthritis. Indeed, AMSCs are able to stimulate tissue repair through a paracrine activity and the interaction with the inflammatory microenvironment seems to have a critical role. Design. To reproduce the inflammatory microenvironment, AMSCs were exposed to osteoarthritic synovial fluid (SF) for 48 h and the effect of their secretome on differentiation of monocytes (M0) into macrophages M1-like and mature dendritic cells (mDCs) was evaluated. Furthermore, the effect of the secretome of AMSCs exposed to SF was evaluated on the T cell population in terms of T cell proliferation and expansion of T regulatory cells (T reg). Results. Our data show that the exposure of AMSCs to SF activates cells and promotes the release of immunosuppressive factors, which induce macrophage polarization of M0 into the M2-like phenotype and inhibit differentiation of monocytes into mature dendritic cells (mDCs). Only the secretome of exposed AMSCs was able to inhibit T cell proliferation and promote T reg expansion. Conclusions. Our results suggest that the microenvironment plays a fundamental role for the development of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of AMSCs
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