186 research outputs found

    ADN and HAN-based energetic fuels – A Minireview on compatibility and chemical stability in aqueous media

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    This article gives a short review on compatibility and chemical stability of selected aqueous ADN and HAN‐based energetic formulations. A brief introduction will outline Energetic Ionic Liquids (EILs) as a new class of energetic materials with beneficial physical‐chemical properties which make them valuable for application in propulsion technologies. EILs combine the advantages of e. g. low toxicity, showing equal or superior propulsion power compared to the state‐of‐the‐art monopropellant hydrazine. Focus is set on open access ADN and HAN‐based monopropellant formulations that are e. g. realized in the advanced blends LMP‐103S, FLP‐106 or LGP 1845

    Test Facility for Research on Advanced Green Propellants under High-Altitude Conditions

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    A test facility for research on green advanced propellants under subatmospheric conditions has been designed and built at test complex M11. The facility is capable of testing various green advanced propellants for satellite and orbital propulsion applications with focus on research requirements. High flexibility in using different propellants and propellant combinations, in control and measurement equipment and in test conduction are key aspects for operation of the test facility. An overview of the test facility itself and the conducted tests are given

    Nitrous Oxide Fuels Blends: Research on premixed Monopropellants at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) since 2014

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    In 2014 DLR started research activities focused on premixed monopropellants consisting of nitrous oxide and hydrocarbons. Those propellants offer promising characteristics as they are non-toxic, deliver a high Isp consist of components with low cost and could simplify a propulsion system due to self-pressurized operation. Initially DLR chose a mixture of nitrous oxide (N2O) and ethene (C2H4). In the course of the project, a mixture of nitrous oxide and ethane (C2H6) was included to the research activities. The activities are part of DLRs Future Fuels project and divided into five main parts: 1) investigations of the combustion behavior of the propellant in a rocket combustor, 2) testing and developing of flame arresters, 3) development and reduction of reaction mechanisms, 4) numerical simulations of the combustion process and 5) basic miscibility investigations. The emphasis within the project is on the first three tasks, while the last two tasks are used to widen the knowledge about the propellants physical and combustion properties. The following paper will give a short summary of the activities carried out within the projects and focus on selected results regarding premixed propellants


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    Treibstoffe II

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    Technische Thermodynamik I+II (Vorlesung an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-WĂŒrttemberg in Mosbach)

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    Diese Vorlesungsreihe ist eine EinfĂŒhrung in die Technische Thermodynamik


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    Dieser Vortrag gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber das Gebiet der Treibstoffe und der Brennkammerprozess
