4 research outputs found

    Correlation and Regression Analysis of Spraying Process Quality Indicators

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    The study presents the results of the correlation and regression of the deposition of liquid and the degree of coverage of sprayed objects. Preliminary experiments were conducted in terms of droplet size depending on liquid pressure and nozzle type. Studies on the degree of coverage and deposition of spray liquid were then carried out. The test stand consisted of a carrier of nozzles and artificial plants. Samplers were attached to the artificial plants to obtain vertical and horizontal surfaces. Water-sensitive paper and filter papers were sampled (for measurements of the degree of coverage and deposition of liquid, respectively). The results of these studies showed strong and very strong Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the analyzed indicators (degree of coverage and deposition of liquid), from 0.9143 to 0.9815. Furthermore, high values of the coefficient of determination (R2 > 0.85) were obtained for linear regression. The high R2 values indicate a good match of the regression model to empirical data

    The Dependence of the Liquid Application on the Coverage of the Sprayed Objects in Terms of the Characteristics of the Sprayed Object during Spraying

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    When assessing the quality of the spraying procedure, three indicators are used: uneven distribution of precipitation of liquid sprayed, degree of coverage of sprayed surfaces, and deposition of liquid spraying However, there is a lack of information on the relationship between the quality parameters of the procedure. Therefore, the research was carried out at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the degree of coverage of sprayed surfaces and the deposition of liquid in the aspect of the parametric characteristics of the protected plant using selected single and double stream nozzles. Experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions. The carrier of nozzles acted as an independent self-propelled sprayer used for spraying, whereas the parametric characteristics of plants were determined using artificial plants as the ratio of the vertical projection surface and the horizontal projection surface. The results and their analysis showed a strong and very strong correlation between the analyzed parameters in terms of the characteristics of the sprayed object

    Ocena narażenia operatorów na kontakt ze środkami ochrony roślin podczas przeprowadzania zabiegów opryskiwania

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    Plant protection products are one of the most dangerous substances in the agricultural working environment. The application of plant protection products by the broken implements or by wrong techniques can create the threats both for the operators, other people and for natural environment. The objective of this research was the evaluation of exposure of the sprayer operator on the liquid spray. Research was conducted for two types of the manual handling sprayers (backsprayer and shoulder-sprayer). To evaluate the exposure level the water-sensitive papers were used – they were placed on the elements of the workwear and personal protective equipment of operators. It was conclude that the highest exposure concerned the upper limbs (especially forearms) and the chest. Moreover, on the flat crop higher exposure on the liquid spray was observed for the shoulder-sprayer while on the orchard crop the differences between the sprayers in aspect of expo-sure were insignificant.Środki ochrony roślin są jednymi z najniebezpieczniejszych substancji w rolniczym środowisku pracy. Aplikacja środków ochrony roślin przy użyciu niesprawnego sprzętu lub nieprawidłową techniką może stanowić zagrożenie dla osoby wykonującej opryskiwanie, dla osób postronnych oraz dla środowiska naturalnego. Celem pracy była ocena narażenia opera-tora opryskiwacza na kontakt z cieczą roboczą przy wykonywaniu zabiegu opryskiwania. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch typów opryskiwaczy ręcznych: plecakowego i biodrowego. Do oceny stopnia narażenia wykorzystano papierki wodoczułe, które umieszczono na elementach odzieży roboczej i środkach ochrony indywidualnej operatora. Wykazano, że największe narażenie na kontakt z cieczą użytkową dotyczyło kończyn górnych (zwłaszcza przedramion) oraz klatki piersiowej. Ponadto wykazano, że podczas zabiegu na uprawie płaskiej większe narażenie na kontakt z cieczą wystąpiło przy użyciu opryskiwacza biodrowego, zaś przy opryskiwaniu uprawy sadowniczej nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu typu opryskiwacza na pokrycie ciała operatora cieczą użytkową

    Matching the Liquid Atomization Model to Experimental Data Obtained from Selected Nozzles

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    The spraying procedure is one of the most difficult operations in agricultural production. Achieving the desired effectiveness of the procedure is dependent on obtaining an appropriate level and uniformity of liquid distribution. The aim of this paper was to present a liquid decomposition model generated on the basis of experimental data. The tests were carried out on a test stand, which consisted of a container with nozzles and a grooved table. The experiments were carried out with the use of selected standard, anti-drift, and air-induction single-stream nozzles at constant liquid pressure. The optimization process was carried out in Microsoft Excel Solver. Furthermore, in order to compare the data generated by the model with the data from the virtual boom, we applied an analysis of correlation and linear regression in the Statistica 13.1 software. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the model is a good fit to the experimental data (R2 > 0.95). The model, which was generated on the basis of experimental data, will facilitate control of the operation and degree of wear of nozzles, which will contribute to ensuring uniform spraying