11 research outputs found

    Proportion of starfish that spawned in response to cues.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) seawater temperature, (<b>b</b>) water quality, (<b>c</b>) phytoplankton, (<b>d</b>) conspecific gametes, (<b>e</b>) sperm and phytoplankton. FSW = 0.2-μm filtered seawater; LS-FSW = low salinity filtered seawater; NE-FSW = nutrient-enriched filtered seawater; PP = combination of three phytoplankton species. Bars traversing the dashed lines represent spawning of more than 50% of individuals exposed to a given treatment.</p

    Response time and cumulative probability of spawning in male and female crown-of-thorns starfish after exposure to environmental and biological cues.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) seawater temperature, (<b>b</b>) water quality, (<b>c</b>) phytoplankton, (<b>d</b>) conspecific gametes, (<b>e</b>) sperm and phytoplankton. Solid circles are individual spawning events and different letters indicate significant differences based on multiple comparisons (Holm-Šídák) after Log-rank analyses. FSW = 0.2-μm filtered seawater; LS-FSW = low salinity filtered seawater; NE-FSW = nutrient-enriched filtered seawater; PP = combination of three phytoplankton species.</p

    Analysis of deviance table for hierarchical comparisons of log-linear models to test for patterns of complete dependence and conditional independence of variables inducing spawning response in crown-of-thorns starfish.

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    <p>‘Spawning’ was considered to be a response variable, so all fitted models included the ‘Treatment’ by ‘Sex’ interaction term.</p

    Results of mixed model hierarchical ANOVA for length, width, and stomach size of larvae from females under three treatments of maternal nutrition.

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    <p>Results of mixed model hierarchical ANOVA for length, width, and stomach size of larvae from females under three treatments of maternal nutrition.</p

    Fertilization success across all females under each maternal nutrition treatment.

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    <p>Proportion of fertilized eggs calculated from the number of eggs with raised fertilization envelopes out of 100 randomly selected eggs (n = 3). Error bars represent +1 standard deviation (SD).</p

    Bipinnaria larva morphometrics.

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    <p>Image analysis measurements of length, width, and stomach area of four-day old larvae.</p

    The Role of Maternal Nutrition on Oocyte Size and Quality, with Respect to Early Larval Development in The Coral-Eating Starfish, <i>Acanthaster planci</i> - Fig 7

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    <p><b>Proportion of larvae under 4 development categories: (1) early bipinnaria, (2) advanced bipinnaria, (3) late bipinnaria / early brachiolaria, and (–) abnormal larvae.</b> Arrows and p-values represent <i>post hoc</i> G-test pairwise comparisons with Benjamini-Hochberg-corrected significance levels.</p

    Daily survival rates of larvae reared for eight days.

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    <p>Data points are mean values ± 1SD of pooled proportions of surviving larvae from all females and rearing jars under each maternal nutrition treatment (n = 9).</p

    Size and shape of oocytes from females under different maternal nutrition treatments.

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    <p>Plots show median (dashed line), 25<sup>th</sup> and 75<sup>th</sup> percentile range in the grey box, 5<sup>th</sup> and 95<sup>th</sup> percentile range as error bars, and outliers as solid circles for oocyte (A) maximum diameter, (B) volume, and (C) sphericity index (n = 100). Different letters are significantly different based on <i>post hoc</i> pairwise comparisons.</p

    Reported oocyte size of <i>A</i>. <i>planci</i> and other coral reef asteroids (Order Valvatida) from different locations.

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    <p>Reported oocyte size of <i>A</i>. <i>planci</i> and other coral reef asteroids (Order Valvatida) from different locations.</p