40 research outputs found

    The association of exposure to PM10 with the quality of life in adult asthma patients

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    Objectives: Air pollution has become a critical environmental issue, which severely threatens the well-being of asthma patients. The quality of life of these patients, when exposed to air pollutants such as particulate matter 10 (PM10), has been poorly studied. The current research examined the association between the concentration of PM10 in the air and the quality of life of patients with asthma. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 300 adult asthma patients treated in 2 allergy outpatient clinics in Kraków, who declared they would not leave the city in the 14-day study period. Daily concentrations of PM10 from air monitoring stations were recorded over a period of 2 weeks, following which the patients filled out the standardized Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) regarding the monitored period to assess the total quality of life and its 4 domains (symptoms, limitation of activity, emotional functioning and environmental stimuli). Results: The average PM10 exposure was 65.2 μg/m3 and only 30% of the patients were exposed to values of ≤50 μg/m3 , i.e., the highest 24-h threshold value considered acceptable by the World Health Organization. The observed effect of an increased level of exposure to airborne PM10 was associated with reduced scores in AQLQ from 0.40 at the medium level to 0.46 at the high level, in comparison to the low level. The total score of the asthma-related quality of life and its domains showed poorer outcomes as the concentration of PM10 was increasing (every 0.08 pt per a 10 μg/m3 increase). Conclusions: The increase in the concentration of PM10 in the air impacts on the overall quality of life and its particular domains in people with exceptional predispositions, such as patients with bronchial asthma. Physicians taking care of asthma patients should pay special attention to the quality of patient’s life in response to the course and control of that illness, in relation to air pollution

    Rare Earth Elements in New Advanced Engineering Applications

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    From an engineering approach, rare earth elements (REE) have the extra potential to modify modern engineering in an extraordinary way. Their peculiar optical, mechanical, electronic, and magnetic properties have been used for years and even open up wider possibilities for using rare earth elements. With advances in all fields of engineering, it is predictable that the rare earth elements will play a crucial role. The use of the rare earth elements permits many new advances, including digital and magnetic technologies operating at reduced energy consumption, higher efficiency, miniaturization, speed, and durability. The REEs are particularly crucial components in clean energy applications, which is especially important in the fight against global warming. For these reasons, the rare earth elements will become essential components in the technological revolution in the second quarter of the twenty-first century

    Czy środowisko może mieć wpływ na jakość życia pacjentów z astmą oskrzelową?

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    Analysis of environmental factors influence on the quality of life of patients with asthmaHealth related quality of life assessment is an topic in public health, especially in socially meaningful chronic diseases. Chronic diseases such as asthma reduce the patient’s quality of life significant. The influence of environmental factors on health has been interested researchers for many years also in the public health area. Nowadays, we know that the clinical symptoms of the disease is a result of genotype-environment interaction. Despite our reach data of environmental threats, studying their influence on health or chronic diseases course seems insufficient. Thus, the analysis of relations and environmental factors influence on the quality of life assessment of patients with asthma may supplement the knowledge of environment influence on a human being. Previous research show that changing dust in the air and pollution causes increase or decrease of allergic symptoms, whereas the relations of life quality assessment of patients with asthma with the environment influence is not unequivocal

    Perception of air quality and its health effects, as an topic in public health research

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    Perceived air quality is an important measure for evaluating the health impact and quality of life in studies that have been carried out in the area of public health for years. The aim of this paper is to review and sum up the multidisciplinary knowledge regarding this topic, as well as to outline some main insights presented in the field of risk perception research. The literature on the perception of air pollution risks is structured around the five topics, proposed by the authors. Particular attention is focused on research that explores such issues as: factors influencing the air quality perception, the association between the subjective assessment of air pollutants and their objectively measured levels, the influence that perception of air quality has on human attitudes and activities. The paper concludes by evaluating the relevance of the reviewed knowledge for the future research and the field of public health practice

    Percepcja jakości powietrza oraz jej skutków zdrowotnych jako przedmiot badań w obszarze zdrowia publicznego

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    Perception of air quality and its health effects, as an topic in public health researchPerceived air quality is an important measure for evaluating the health impact and quality of life in studies that have been carried out in the area of public health for years. The aim of this paper is to review and sum up the multidisciplinary knowledge regarding this topic, as well as to outline some main insights presented in the field of risk perception research. The literature on the perception of air pollution risks is structured around the five topics, proposed by the authors. Particular attention is focused on research that explores such issues as: factors influencing the air quality perception, the association between the subjective assessment of air pollutants and their objectively measured levels, the influence that perception of air quality has on human attitudes and activities. The paper concludes by evaluating the relevance of the reviewed knowledge for the future research and the field of public health practice

    Analysis of environmental factors influence on the quality of life of patients with asthma

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    Health related quality of life assessment is an topic in public health, especially in socially meaningful chronic diseases. Chronic diseases such as asthma reduce the patient’s quality of life significant. The influence of environmental factors on health has been interested researchers for many years also in the public health area. Nowadays, we know that the clinical symptoms of the disease is a result of genotype-environment interaction. Despite our reach data of environmental threats, studying their influence on health or chronic diseases course seems insufficient. Thus, the analysis of relations and environmental factors influence on the quality of life assessment of patients with asthma may supplement the knowledge of environment influence on a human being. Previous research show that changing dust in the air and pollution causes increase or decrease of allergic symptoms, whereas the relations of life quality assessment of patients with asthma with the environment influence is not unequivocal

    Assessment of life quality in patients with bronchial asthma residing in Krakow in the areas of varying concentrations of particulate matter (PM10)

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    Introduction. Asthma is a chronic disease, from which more and more people in the world suffer. It is connected with many bothersome symptoms and limitations, which result in decreased quality of life for the patient. Environmental and individual aspects do not necessarily affect individuals in the same way, so it is necessary to determine which factors have predominantly impacted on an individual, in order to minimize their impact and to take better control over treatment of asthma. The aim of this research was to compare the quality of life among patients with bronchial asthma living in Krakow in the areas where they get exposed to varying concentrations of particulate matter (PM10). Material and methods. The study included 98 adults diagnosed with bronchial asthma. The research was conducted using the AQLQ poll. PM10 concentration was measured in several Malopolska Air Pollution Monitoring Stations located throughout the city. Results. Analyzing the quality of life in the view of symptoms, activity limitations and emotional well being, there was a substantial statistical difference observed in people occupying the areas with different PM10 concentrations. No significant statistical difference was observed in the frequency of asthma symptoms caused by the environmental stimuli between the 2 discussed groups. One group of patients who came to the allergy clinic for control of asthma symptoms and the second group who live in the vicinity of the monitoring stations measuring PM10 concentrations. Conclusions. For many of the cases, the quality of life was not worse for patients with asthma living in an area with slightly elevated concentrations of PM10, and sometimes paradoxically the quality of life was improved. These results show that PM10 concentrations do not correlate with quality of life of asthma patients

    Ocena prewencji przemocy wobec dziecka w Polsce z perspektywy zdrowia publicznego

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    This article assesses Poland’s performance with respect to the level of child violence prevention applying public health approach, based on an examination of current national policies to support the prevention of violence toward children (0–18 years) in July 2013. The analysis included the child violence surveillance, leadership and capacity, law and its’ enforcement, children’s rights protection, national policies, programmes and strategies, national media campaigns and education that support the child maltreatment, neglect and abuse prevention.The review of law and policy documents, interviews by phone or e-mail with representatives of government departments was conducted. The questionnaire developed in the frame of the European Project TACTICS (Tools to Address Childhood Trauma, Injury and Children’s Safety) was applied. Each policy was assessed on 3-points scale.The following scores were obtained for each of the overarching policies of child violence prevention in Poland (out of possible 100%): 80% in child violence surveillance system and leadership,75% in children’s rights protection, 63% in capacity related to support to the child-victim, and 71% in child maltreatment, neglect, and abuse prevention.Poland is doing a good job at the national level in addressing violence against children in all areas examined. However, the violence area scores indicate that further action is required in most areas, particularly in overarching polices addressing violence against children in the area of capacity related to support to the child-victim, and specific policies for the prevention of child maltreatment, neglect and abuse.Poland has undertaken a number of actions in the area of leadership and infrastructure including an national strategy in child domestic violence prevention. However, the level of child violence control and prevention in other settings is poor and not sufficient.Policies of children’s right protection need further efforts to ensure full implementation. There is a need for Poland to fund and support the implementation and monitoring of existing evidence-based good practices, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups such as children with disabilities, migrant children, children from minority groups (i.e. Romani children) and those in care institutions.There are some good programmes and services available in Poland to develop capacity both for children themselves and their families. However follow-up and monitoring to ensure implementation, particularly for those aimed at kindergartens and schools is needed. The monitoring of implementation of all available resources for school-aged children are required, which result also in decrease of socio-economic inequalities.The government approved the National Program of Domestic Violence Prevention, which does not include other areas of child maltreatment or abuse occurring outside of the domestic setting (e.g., sexual abuse occurring outside the home) and this leaves a gap that should be addressed. The development of national guidance and policy regarding assessment in situations of potential, suspected child maltreatment, neglect or abuse would strengthen existing services. The addition of home visits for new parents that include education on prevention of child violence would not only increase capacity, but would also provide another opportunity to screen for the risk of child violence