402 research outputs found
Natural Quintessence in String Theory
We introduce a natural model of quintessence in string theory where the light
rolling scalar is radiatively stable and couples to Standard Model matter with
weaker-than- Planckian strength. The model is embedded in an anisotropic type
IIB compactification with two exponentially large extra dimensions and
TeV-scale gravity. The bulk turns out to be nearly supersymmetric since the
scale of the gravitino mass is of the order of the observed value of the
cosmological constant. The quintessence field is a modulus parameterising the
size of an internal four-cycle which naturally develops a potential of the
order (gravitino mass)^4, leading to a small dark energy scale without tunings.
The mass of the quintessence field is also radiatively stable since it is
protected by supersymmetry in the bulk. Moreover, this light scalar couples to
ordinary matter via its mixing with the volume mode. Due to the fact that the
quintessence field is a flat direction at leading order, this mixing is very
small, resulting in a suppressed coupling to Standard Model particles which
avoids stringent fifth-force constraints. On the other hand, if dark matter is
realised in terms of Kaluza-Klein states, unsuppressed couplings between dark
energy and dark matter can emerge, leading to a scenario of coupled
quintessence within string theory. We study the dynamics of quintessence in our
set-up, showing that its main features make it compatible with observations.Comment: 26 page
Brane-Antibrane Backreaction in Axion Monodromy Inflation
We calculate the interaction potential between D5 and anti-D5 branes wrapping
distant but homologous 2-cycles. The interaction potential is logarithmic in
the separation radius and does not decouple at infinity. We show that
logarithmic backreaction is generic for 5-branes wrapping distant but
homologous 2-cycles, and we argue that this destabilises models of axion
monodromy inflation involving NS5 brane-antibrane pairs in separate warped
throats towards an uncontrolled region.Comment: 12 page
String Inflation After Planck 2013
We briefly summarize the impact of the recent Planck measurements for string
inflationary models, and outline what might be expected to be learned in the
near future from the expected improvement in sensitivity to the primordial
tensor-to-scalar ratio. We comment on whether these models provide sufficient
added value to compensate for their complexity, and ask how they fare in the
face of the new constraints on non-gaussianity and dark radiation. We argue
that as a group the predictions made before Planck agree well with what has
been seen, and draw conclusions from this about what is likely to mean as
sensitivity to primordial gravitational waves improves.Comment: LaTeX, 21 pages plus references; slight modification of the
discussion of inflection point inflation, references added and typos
Poly-instanton Inflation
We propose a new inflationary scenario in type IIB Calabi-Yau
compactifications, where the inflaton is a K\"ahler modulus parameterising the
volume of an internal four-cycle. The inflaton potential is generated via
poly-instanton corrections to the superpotential which give rise to a naturally
flat direction due to their double exponential suppression. Given that the
volume mode is kept stable during inflation, all the inflaton-dependent higher
dimensional operators are suppressed. Moreover, string loop effects can be
shown to be negligible throughout all the inflationary dynamics for natural
values of the underlying parameters. The model is characterised by a reheating
temperature of the order GeV which requires e-foldings of inflation. All the inflationary observables are compatible
with current observations since the spectral index is , while
the tensor-to-scalar ratio is . The volume of the Calabi-Yau
is of order in string units, corresponding to an inflationary scale
around GeVComment: 20 pages, 4 figure
Moduli Stabilization and Inflationary Cosmology with Poly-Instantons in Type IIB Orientifolds
Equipped with concrete examples of Type IIB orientifolds featuring
poly-instanton corrections to the superpotential, the effects on moduli
stabilization and inflationary cosmology are analyzed. Working in the framework
of the LARGE volume scenario, the Kaehler modulus related to the size of the
four-cycle supporting the poly-instanton contributes sub-dominantly to the
scalar potential. It is shown that this Kaehler modulus gets stabilized and, by
displacing it from its minimum, can play the role of an inflaton. Subsequent
cosmological implications are discussed and compared to experimental data.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, Reference added, Typo fixed, Published versio
Inflating with Large Effective Fields
We re-examine large scalar fields within effective field theory, in
particular focussing on the issues raised by their use in inflationary models
(as suggested by BICEP2 to obtain primordial tensor modes). We argue that when
the large-field and low-energy regimes coincide the scalar dynamics is most
effectively described in terms of an asymptotic large-field expansion whose
form can be dictated by approximate symmetries, which also help control the
size of quantum corrections. We discuss several possible symmetries that can
achieve this, including pseudo-Goldstone inflatons characterized by a coset
(based on abelian and non-abelian, compact and non-compact symmetries),
as well as symmetries that are intrinsically higher dimensional. Besides the
usual trigonometric potentials of Natural Inflation we also find in this way
simple {\em large-field} power laws (like ) and exponential
potentials, . Both of these can
describe the data well and give slow-roll inflation for large fields without
the need for a precise balancing of terms in the potential. The exponential
potentials achieve large through the limit and so
predict ; consequently gives but not much larger (and so could be ruled out as measurements on
and improve). We examine the naturalness issues for these models and
give simple examples where symmetries protect these forms, using both
pseudo-Goldstone inflatons (with non-abelian non-compact shift symmetries
following familiar techniques from chiral perturbation theory) and
extra-dimensional models.Comment: 21 pages + appendices, 3 figure
A 3.55 keV Photon Line and its Morphology from a 3.55 keV ALP Line
Galaxy clusters can efficiently convert axion-like particles (ALPs) to
photons. We propose that the recently claimed detection of a 3.55--3.57 keV
line in the stacked spectra of a large number of galaxy clusters and the
Andromeda galaxy may originate from the decay of either a scalar or fermionic
keV dark matter species into an axion-like particle (ALP) of mass , which subsequently converts to a photon in
the cluster magnetic field. In contrast to models in which the photon line
arises directly from dark matter decay or annihilation, this can explain the
anomalous line strength in the Perseus cluster. As axion-photon conversion
scales as and cool core clusters have high central magnetic fields, this
model can also explains the observed peaking of the line emission in the cool
cores of the Perseus, Ophiuchus and Centaurus clusters, as opposed to the much
larger dark matter halos. We describe distinctive predictions of this scenario
for future observations.Comment: 6 page
Modulated Reheating and Large Non-Gaussianity in String Cosmology
A generic feature of the known string inflationary models is that the same
physics that makes the inflaton lighter than the Hubble scale during inflation
often also makes other scalars this light. These scalars can acquire
isocurvature fluctuations during inflation, and given that their VEVs determine
the mass spectrum and the coupling constants of the effective low-energy field
theory, these fluctuations give rise to couplings and masses that are modulated
from one Hubble patch to another. These seem just what is required to obtain
primordial adiabatic fluctuations through conversion into density perturbations
through the `modulation mechanism', wherein reheating takes place with
different efficiency in different regions of our Universe. Fluctuations
generated in this way can generically produce non-gaussianity larger than
obtained in single-field slow-roll inflation; potentially observable in the
near future. We provide here the first explicit example of the modulation
mechanism at work in string cosmology, within the framework of LARGE Volume
Type-IIB string flux compactifications. The inflationary dynamics involves two
light Kaehler moduli: a fibre divisor plays the role of the inflaton whose
decay rate to visible sector degrees of freedom is modulated by the primordial
fluctuations of a blow-up mode (which is made light by the use of
poly-instanton corrections). We find the challenges of embedding the mechanism
into a concrete UV completion constrains the properties of the non-gaussianity
that is found, since for generic values of the underlying parameters, the model
predicts a local bi-spectrum with fNL of order `a few'. However, a moderate
tuning of the parameters gives also rise to explicit examples with fNL O(20)
potentially observable by the Planck satellite.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figure
LARGE Volume String Compactifications at Finite Temperature
We present a detailed study of the finite-temperature behaviour of the LARGE
Volume type IIB flux compactifications. We show that certain moduli can
thermalise at high temperatures. Despite that, their contribution to the
finite-temperature effective potential is always negligible and the latter has
a runaway behaviour. We compute the maximal temperature , above which
the internal space decompactifies, as well as the temperature , that is
reached after the decay of the heaviest moduli. The natural constraint
implies a lower bound on the allowed values of the internal
volume . We find that this restriction rules out a significant
range of values corresponding to smaller volumes of the order , which lead to standard GUT theories. Instead, the bound favours
values of the order , which lead to TeV scale
SUSY desirable for solving the hierarchy problem. Moreover, our result favours
low-energy inflationary scenarios with density perturbations generated by a
field, which is not the inflaton. In such a scenario, one could achieve both
inflation and TeV-scale SUSY, although gravity waves would not be observable.
Finally, we pose a two-fold challenge for the solution of the cosmological
moduli problem. First, we show that the heavy moduli decay before they can
begin to dominate the energy density of the Universe. Hence they are not able
to dilute any unwanted relics. And second, we argue that, in order to obtain
thermal inflation in the closed string moduli sector, one needs to go beyond
the present EFT description.Comment: 54 pages + appendix, 5 figures; v2: minor corrections, references and
footnotes added, version published on JCA
Explicit de Sitter Flux Vacua for Global String Models with Chiral Matter
We address the open question of performing an explicit stabilisation of all
closed string moduli (including dilaton, complex structure and Kaehler moduli)
in fluxed type IIB Calabi-Yau compactifications with chiral matter. Using toric
geometry we construct Calabi-Yau manifolds with del Pezzo singularities.
D-branes located at such singularities can support the Standard Model gauge
group and matter content. In order to control complex structure moduli
stabilisation we consider Calabi-Yau manifolds which exhibit a discrete
symmetry that reduces the effective number of complex structure moduli. We
calculate the corresponding periods in the symplectic basis of invariant
three-cycles and find explicit flux vacua for concrete examples. We compute the
values of the flux superpotential and the string coupling at these vacua.
Starting from these explicit complex structure solutions, we obtain AdS and dS
minima where the Kaehler moduli are stabilised by a mixture of D-terms,
non-perturbative and perturbative alpha'-corrections as in the LARGE Volume
Scenario. In the considered example the visible sector lives at a dP_6
singularity which can be higgsed to the phenomenologically interesting class of
models at the dP_3 singularity.Comment: 49 pages, 5 figures; v2: references adde
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