77 research outputs found

    Un insediamento di età eneolitica nella Sardegna centro-occidentale: il villaggio di cultura Monte Claro nel sito di Cuccurada, Mogoro (OR)

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    Nel sito archeologico di Cuccurada, in comune di Mogoro, è stato posto in luce, a partire dagli anni ’90 del secolo scorso, un vasto insediamento pluristratificato che ha restituito varie fasi di occupazione preistorica e protostorica dal Neolitico Recente (cultura di Ozieri), passando dall’Eneolitico (cultura di Monte Claro) sino alle Età del Bronzo e del Ferro, con momenti di rioccupazione più tarda di epoca romana e medievale. In questo lavoro si espone in dettaglio la fase insediativa di età eneolitica, a cui sono riferibili resti monumentali e manufatti pertinenti alla cultura di Monte Claro. Si presentano inediti dati stratigrafici, materiali ceramici e spunti di analisi sulla cultura Monte Claro in questa zona della Sardegna centro-occidentale.In the archaeological site of Cuccurada, in municipality of Mogoro, the research has revealed, since the 90s of the last century, a large pluristratified settlement. Various phases of prehistoric and protohistoric occupation have been recognized, from recent Neolithic (Ozieri culture), with evidences ofCopper Age (Monte Claro culture), up to the Bronze Age and Iron Age; the site was later reoccupied in Roman and medieval age. In this work we expose in detail the settlement phase of the Copper Age, to which monumental remains and artifacts pertinent to the Monte Claro culture are referable. We present unpublished stratigraphical data, ceramic materials and new elements ofanalysis about the cultural phase ofMonte Claro in this zone ofcentral-western Sardinia

    Scheda 3499. Sardegna - Cagliari - Giba – Is Gannaus

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    Scheda 3448. Sardegna - Cagliari - Cagliari – Capo S.Elia

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    Scheda 3608. Sardegna - Cagliari - Santadi – Pani Loriga

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    Studio dell’insediamento protostorico in un’area della Sardegna centro-occidentale tramite strumenti GIS ed analisi multivariate.

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    The authors analyze, as a sample-area, the region that includes the municipality of Mogoro, in central-western Sardinia, with the objective to reconstruct, through the study of the settlements and their relationships, some economic and social aspects of the human groups of nuragic culture that inhabited this area between the 18th and the 8th century BC. The territory is located at the foot of Monte Arci, along the Mogoro river that runs through the southern part of the plain of the Campidano of Oristano. The area has been intensively investigated from the half of the past century; an in-depth stratigraphic investigation was carried out since 1994 near the nuragic site of Cuccurada, the main center of an articulated territorial system including a rich network of monuments related to the nuragic civilization. The results are illustrated through various research methods: GIS, with the application of spatial analysis tools, and multivariate analysis (cluster and principal components analysis) that allowed to set out new hypotheses on occupation and populating dynamics and to identify among pre-historical monuments one or more homogeneous and distinguishable groups, resulting from a database in which geomorphological characteristics are recorded. A hierarchical organization and a specific criterion for exploiting and monitoring the landscape have been developed, in which settlement choices depend on functionality criteria, having nuraghi and villages a key role on the strategic control of the territory
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