214 research outputs found

    Autophagic and proteasomal mediated removal of mutant androgen receptor in muscle models of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy

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    Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is an X-linked motoneuron disease (MND) caused by a mutant androgen receptor (AR) containing an elongated polyglutamine (polyQ) tract. ARpolyQ toxicity is triggered by androgenic AR ligands, which induce aberrant conformations (misfolding) of the ARpolyQ protein that aggregates. Misfolded proteins perturb the protein quality control (PQC) system leading to cell dysfunction and death. Spinal cord motoneurons, dorsal root ganglia neurons and skeletal muscle cells are affected by ARpolyQ toxicity. Here, we found that, in stabilized skeletal myoblasts (s-myoblasts), ARpolyQ formed testosterone-inducible aggregates resistant to NP-40 solubilization; these aggregates did not affect s-myoblasts survival or viability. Both wild type AR and ARpolyQ were processed via proteasome, but ARpolyQ triggered (and it was also cleared via) autophagy. ARpolyQ reduced two pro-autophagic proteins expression (BAG3 and VCP), leading to decreased autophagic response in ARpolyQ s-myoblasts. Overexpression of two components of the chaperone assisted selective autophagy (CASA) complex (BAG3 and HSPB8), enhanced ARpolyQ clearance, while the treatment with the mTOR independent autophagy activator trehalose induced complete ARpolyQ degradation. Thus, trehalose has beneficial effects in SBMA skeletal muscle models even when autophagy is impaired, possibly by stimulating CASA to assist the removal of ARpolyQ misfolded species/aggregates

    Loss of PML nuclear bodies in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-frontotemporal dementia

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) are two neurodegenerative disorders that share genetic causes and pathogenic mechanisms. The critical genetic players of ALS and FTD are the TARDBP, FUS and C9orf72 genes, whose protein products, TDP-43, FUS and the C9orf72-dipeptide repeat proteins, accumulate in form of cytoplasmic inclusions. The majority of the studies focus on the understanding of how cells control TDP-43 and FUS aggregation in the cytoplasm, overlooking how dysfunctions occurring at the nuclear level may influence the maintenance of protein solubility outside of the nucleus. However, protein quality control (PQC) systems that maintain protein homeostasis comprise a cytoplasmic and a nuclear arm that are interconnected and share key players. It is thus conceivable that impairment of the nuclear arm of the PQC may have a negative impact on the cytoplasmic arm of the PQC, contributing to the formation of the cytoplasmic pathological inclusions. Here we focused on two stress-inducible condensates that act as transient deposition sites for misfolding-prone proteins: Promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) and cytoplasmic stress granules (SGs). Upon stress, PML-NBs compartmentalize misfolded proteins, including defective ribosomal products (DRiPs), and recruit chaperones and proteasomes to promote their nuclear clearance. SGs transiently sequester aggregation-prone RNA-binding proteins linked to ALS-FTD and mRNAs to attenuate their translation. We report that PML assembly is impaired in the human brain and spinal cord of familial C9orf72 and FUS ALS-FTD cases. We also show that defective PML-NB assembly impairs the compartmentalization of DRiPs in the nucleus, leading to their accumulation inside cytoplasmic SGs, negatively influencing SG dynamics. Although it is currently unclear what causes the decrease of PML-NBs in ALS-FTD, our data highlight the existence of a cross-talk between the cytoplasmic and nuclear PQC systems, whose alteration can contribute to SG accumulation and cytoplasmic protein aggregation in ALS-FTD

    Enhanced Clearance of Neurotoxic Misfolded Proteins by the Natural Compound Berberine and Its Derivatives

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    Background: Accumulation of misfolded proteins is a common hallmark of several neurodegenerative disorders (NDs) which results from a failure or an impairment of the proteinquality control (PQC) system. The PQC system is composed by chaperones and the degradative systems (proteasome and autophagy). Mutant proteins that misfold are potentially neurotoxic, thus strategies aimed at preventing their aggregation or at enhancing their clearance are emerging as interesting therapeutic targets for NDs. Methods: We tested the natural alkaloid berberine (BBR) and some derivatives for their capability to enhance misfolded protein clearance in cell models of NDs, evaluating which degradative pathway mediates their action. Results: We found that both BBR and its semisynthetic derivatives promote degradation of mutant androgen receptor (ARpolyQ) causative of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy, acting mainly via proteasome and preventing ARpolyQ aggregation. Overlapping effects were observed on other misfolded proteins causative of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, frontotemporal-lobar degeneration or Huntington disease, but with selective and specific action against each different mutant protein. Conclusions: BBR and its analogues induce the clearance of misfolded proteins responsible for NDs, representing potential therapeutic tools to counteract these fatal disorders

    Trehalose induces autophagy via lysosomal-mediated TFEB activation in models of motoneuron degeneration

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    Macroautophagy/autophagy, a defense mechanism against aberrant stresses, in neurons counteracts aggregate-prone misfolded protein toxicity. Autophagy induction might be beneficial in neurodegenerative diseases (NDs). The natural compound trehalose promotes autophagy via TFEB (transcription factor EB), ameliorating disease phenotype in multiple ND models, but its mechanism is still obscure. We demonstrated that trehalose regulates autophagy by inducing rapid and transient lysosomal enlargement and membrane permeabilization (LMP). This effect correlated with the calcium-dependent phosphatase PPP3/calcineurin activation, TFEB dephosphorylation and nuclear translocation. Trehalose upregulated genes for the TFEB target and regulator Ppargc1a, lysosomal hydrolases and membrane proteins (Ctsb, Gla, Lamp2a, Mcoln1, Tpp1) and several autophagy-related components (Becn1, Atg10, Atg12, Sqstm1/p62, Map1lc3b, Hspb8 and Bag3) mostly in a PPP3- and TFEB-dependent manner. TFEB silencing counteracted the trehalose prodegradative activity on misfolded protein causative of motoneuron diseases. Similar effects were exerted by trehalase-resistant trehalose analogs, melibiose and lactulose. Thus, limited lysosomal damage might induce autophagy, perhaps as a compensatory mechanism, a process that is beneficial to counteract neurodegeneration

    Management of upper airway edema caused by hereditary angioedema

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    Hereditary angioedema is a rare disorder with a genetic background involving mutations in the genes encoding C1-INH and of factor XII. Its etiology is unknown in a proportion of cases. Recurrent edema formation may involve the subcutis and the submucosa - the latter can produce obstruction in the upper airways and thereby lead to life-threatening asphyxia. This is the reason for the high, 30-to 50-per-cent mortality of undiagnosed or improperly managed cases. Airway obstruction can be prevented through early diagnosis, meaningful patient information, timely recognition of initial symptoms, state-of-the-art emergency therapy, and close monitoring of the patient. Prophylaxis can substantially mitigate the risk of upper airway edema and also improve the patients' quality of life. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any form of upper airway edema should be regarded as a potentially life-threatening condition. None of the currently available prophylactic modalities is capable of preventing UAE with absolute certainty

    Acquired angioedema

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    Acquired angioedema (AAE) is characterized by acquired deficiency of C1 inhibitor (C1-INH), hyperactivation of the classical pathway of human complement and angioedema symptoms mediated by bradykinin released by inappropriate activation of the contact-kinin system. Angioedema recurs at unpredictable intervals, lasts from two to five days and presents with edema of the skin (face, limbs, genitals), severe abdominal pain with edema of the gastrointestinal mucosa, life-threateing edema of the upper respiratory tract and edema of the oral mucosa and of the tongue. AAE recurs in association with various conditions and particularly with different forms of lymphoproliferative disorders. Neutralizing autoantibodies to C1-INH are present in the majority of patients. The therapeutic approach to a patient with AAE should first be aimed to avoid fatalities due to angioedema and then to avoid the disability caused be angioedema recurrences. Acute attacks can be treated with plasma-derived C1-INH, but some patients become non-responsive and in these patients the kallikrein inhibitor ecallantide and the bradykinin receptor antagonist icatibant can be effective. Angioedema prophylaxis is performed using antifibrinolytic agents and attenuated androgens with antifibrinolytic agents providing somewhat better results. Treatment of the associated disease can resolve AAE in some patients

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis related proteins are actively removed by HspB8

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a motor neuron disease caused by the presence of proteins that loose their proper conformation. TDP43 is one of the most important ALS-related protein. TDP43 has been found mislocalized and aggregated in the cytoplasm of neurons of ALS patients. In ALS the aggregates contain also TDP43 fragments of 35 and 25 kDa. In these study we analyzed the biochemical behavior of TDP43 and its disease-associated fragments in NSC34 cells. By immunofluorescence we observed that TDP43 fragments had a higher clearance than the full length form, but when unsufficiently removed they form large inclusions in the cytoplasm. We performed an NP-40 extraction and we found that the total amount of NP40 insoluble TDP25 was greater than the soluble fraction; TDP43 or TDP35 protein levels in the two fractions were comparable. We inhibited the degradative systems (proteasome and autophagy) and found that the three TDPs forms were all degraded by the proteasome; interestingly, we found that only TDP25 accumulated in presence of autophagy inhibition. The heat shock protein B8 (HspB8) is a molecular chaperone that we recently linked to the autophagic routing of misfolded and aggregated proteins. We overexpressed HspB8 in presence of the three TDPs and found that it reduced the NP40-insoluble TDP25 species in FRA. Surprisingly, when HspB8 was silenced we found a comparable reduction in the NP-40 insoluble species of all TDPs. We obtain similar reduction in TDPs accumulation by silencing Bag3 a co-chaperone required for HspB8 activity. In conclusion, we found that HspB8 may exert a protective role in presence of misfolded aggregated-prone proteins. We also found that the suppression of an autophagic re-routing pathway, probably activates other degradative pathway that could be important to understand the molecular mechanisms triggered by misfolded proteins

    Pathogenic variants of Valosin-containing protein induce lysosomal damage and transcriptional activation of autophagy regulators in neuronal cells

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    Aim: Mutations in the valosin-containing protein (VCP) gene cause various lethal proteinopathies that mainly include inclusion body myopathy with Paget's disease of bone and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Different pathological mechanisms have been proposed. Here, we define the impact of VCP mutants on lysosomes and how cellular homeostasis is restored by inducing autophagy in the presence of lysosomal damage. Methods: By electron microscopy, we studied lysosomal morphology in VCP animal and motoneuronal models. With the use of western blotting, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), immunofluorescence and filter trap assay, we evaluated the effect of selected VCP mutants in neuronal cells on lysosome size and activity, lysosomal membrane permeabilization and their impact on autophagy. Results: We found that VCP mutants induce the formation of aberrant multilamellar organelles in VCP animal and cell models similar to those found in patients with VCP mutations or with lysosomal storage disorders. In neuronal cells, we found altered lysosomal activity characterised by membrane permeabilization with galectin-3 redistribution and activation of PPP3CB. This selectively activated the autophagy/lysosomal transcriptional regulator TFE3, but not TFEB, and enhanced both SQSTM1/p62 and lipidated MAP1LC3B levels inducing autophagy. Moreover, we found that wild type VCP, but not the mutants, counteracted lysosomal damage induced either by trehalose or by a mutant form of SOD1 (G93A), also blocking the formation of its insoluble intracellular aggregates. Thus, chronic activation of autophagy might fuel the formation of multilamellar bodies. Conclusion: Together, our findings provide insights into the pathogenesis of VCP-related diseases, by proposing a novel mechanism of multilamellar body formation induced by VCP mutants that involves lysosomal damage and induction of lysophagy