153 research outputs found

    Nearly Optimal Resource Allocation for Downlink OFDMA in 2-D Cellular Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a resource allocation algorithm for the downlink of sectorized two-dimensional (2-D) OFDMA cellular networks assuming statistical Channel State Information (CSI) and fractional frequency reuse. The proposed algorithm can be implemented in a distributed fashion without the need to any central controlling units. Its performance is analyzed assuming fast fading Rayleigh channels and Gaussian distributed multicell interference. We show that the transmit power of this simple algorithm tends, as the number of users grows to infinity, to the same limit as the minimal power required to satisfy all users' rate requirements i.e., the proposed resource allocation algorithm is asymptotically optimal. As a byproduct of this asymptotic analysis, we characterize a relevant value of the reuse factor that only depends on an average state of the network.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Energy minimization based Resource Scheduling for Strict Delay Constrained Wireless Communications

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    This paper investigates the energy consumption minimization for resource scheduling in a wireless communication. We propose to take into account a strict delay constraint for each queued packet rather than an average delay constraint, in addition to a buffer overflow constraint. The associated optimization problem can be modeled as Constraint Markov Decision Problem where the actions are the number of packets sent on the known channel at each slot. The optimal random policy is exhibited through the resolution of standard linear programming. We show the gain in energy is substantial compared to naive policy

    Egalisation aveugle au second ordre pour des signaux à bande limitée : Connaisssance a priori sur le filtre

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    La plupart des algorithmes d'égalisation aveugle au second ordre basés sur le suréchantillonnage du signal reçu a des performances médiocres quand le signal reçu a une bande passante réduite. Or, le filtre à identifier provient de l'effet conjugué d'un filtre de mise en forme (connu) et d'un canal de propagation (inconnu). Nous analysons, ici, les conséquences de cette connaissance partielle du filtre dans le cadre de la méthode sous-espace introduite par Moulines et al
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