7 research outputs found

    Stellar kinematics from the symmetron fifth force in the Milky Way disk

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    It has been shown that the presence of nonminimally coupled scalar fields giving rise to a fifth force can noticeably alter dynamics on galactic scales. Such a fifth force must be screened in the Solar System but if unscreened it can have similar observational effects as a component of nonbaryonic matter. We consider this possibility in the context of the vertical motions of local stars in the Milky Way disk by reframing a methodology used to measure the local density of dark matter. By attempting to measure the properties of the symmetron field required to support vertical velocities we can test it as a theory of modified gravity and understand the behavior of screened scalar fields in galaxies. In particular, this relatively simple setup allows the symmetron field profile to be solved for model parameters where the equation of motion becomes highly nonlinear and difficult to solve in other contexts. We update the existing Solar System constraints for this scenario and find a region of parameter space not already excluded that can explain the vertical motions of local stars out to heights of 1 kpc. At larger heights the force due to the symmetron field profile exhibits a characteristic turn over which would allow the model to be distinguished from a dark matter halo

    Axion astronomy with microwave cavity experiments

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    Terrestrial searches for the conversion of dark matter axions or axion-like particles into photons inside magnetic fields are sensitive to the phase space structure of the local Milky Way halo. We simulate signals in a hypothetical future experiment based on the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) that could be performed once the axion has been detected and a frequency range contain- ing the axion mass has been identified. We develop a statistical analysis to extract astrophysical parameters, such as the halo velocity dispersion and laboratory velocity, from such data and find that with only a few days integration time a level of precision can be reached matching that of astro- nomical observations. For longer experiments lasting up to a year in duration we find that exploiting the modulation of the power spectrum in time allows accurate measurements of the Solar peculiar velocity with an accuracy that would improve upon astronomical observations. We also simulate signals based on results from N-body simulations and find that finer substructure in the form of tidal streams would show up prominently in future data, even if only a subdominant contribution to the local dark matter distribution. In these cases it would be possible to reconstruct all the properties of a dark matter stream using the time and frequency dependence of the signal. Finally we consider the detection prospects for a network of streams from tidally disrupted axion miniclusters. These features appear much more prominently in the resolved spectrum than suggested by calculations based on a scan over a range of resonant frequencies, making the detection of axion minicluster streams more viable than previously thought. These results confirm that haloscope experiments in a post-discovery era are able to perform “axion astronomy”

    Dark matter astrophysical uncertainties and the neutrino floor

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    Phenomenology of the companion-axion model: photon couplings

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    We study the phenomenology of the ‘companion-axion model’ consisting of two coupled QCD axions. The second axion is required to rescue the Peccei–Quinn solution to the strong-CP problem from the effects of colored gravitational instantons. We investigate here the combined phenomenology of axion–axion and axion–photon interactions, recasting present and future single-axion bounds onto the companion-axion parameter space. Most remarkably, we predict that future axion searches with haloscopes and helioscopes may well discover two QCD axions, perhaps even within the same experiment

    Directional detection of dark matter streams

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