746 research outputs found

    De la práctica al diseño transmedia. El papel del diseño en el desarrollo de los proyectos transmedia

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    Lluny d'emprar el terme transmèdia com un simple adjectiu que pot qualificar a certs substantius, actualment es pot considerar la transmedialitat com una veritable manera d'executar projectes abordant la complexitat de l'escenari mediàtic contemporani. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és definir la disciplina de Disseny Transmèdia mitjançant la descripció de les activitats de projecte i  d'investigació desenvolupades en el Politècnic de Milà, amb especial atenció al projecte Plug Social TV. Plug Social TV és un projecte posat en marxa el 2013 en dos barris perifèrics de la ciutat de Milà amb la participació dels estudiants del curs de Disseny de Comunicació, dirigits per l'equip d'investigació Imagis Lab. L'objectiu principal del projecte és experimentar els processos i els instruments de comunicació que, a través de la construcció de mons narratius i la seva distribució estratègica i multicanal (analògica i digital), poden suportar la formació d'un diàleg entre els interessats presents en el territori.Far from using the term transmedia as a simple adjective to characterise certain nouns, nowadays, transmediality can be considered a real way to execute projects tackling the complexity of the contemporary media scene. The aim of this work is to define the Transmedia Design discipline, by describing the project and research activities carried out a Polytechnic University of Milan, placing special emphasis on the Plug Social TV project. Plug Social TV is a project that was started up in 2013 in two neighbourhoods on the outskirts of Milan, involving the participation of students from Communication Design, and directed by the research team from ImagisLab. The main aim of the project is to test drive the communication processes and instruments which, through building storytelling worlds and their strategic and multichannel distribution (analogue and digital), can support the creation of a dialogue between interested parties present in the territory.Lejos de usar el término transmedia como un simple adjetivo que puede calificar a ciertos sustantivos, actualmente puede considerarse la transmedialidad como una verdadera manera de ejecutar proyectos abordando la complejidad del escenario mediático contemporáneo. El objetivo de este trabajo es definir la disciplina de Diseño Transmedia mediante la descripción de las actividades de proyecto y de investigación desarrolladas en el Politécnico de Milán, con especial atención al proyecto Plug Social TV. Plug Social TV es un proyecto puesto en marcha en 2013 en dos barrios periféricos de la ciudad de Milán con la participación de los estudiantes del curso de Diseño de Comunicación, dirigidos por el equipo de investigación ImagisLab. El objetivo principal del proyecto es experimentar los procesos y los instrumentos de comunicación que, a través de la construcción de mundos narrativos y su distribución estratégica y multicanal (analógica y digital), pueden soportar la formación de un diálogo entre los interesados presentes en el territorio

    CE 341-101: Soil Mechanics

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    CE 443-001:Foundation Design

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    CE 443-001: Foundation Design

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    What is transmedia? Projects and thoughts beyond the buzzword.

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    Transmedia is a cultural paradigm that allows audiences to participate in the meaning-making process of narrative worlds. However, what does 'transmedia' really mean? There are so many voices and definitions, but the question remains: is transmedia a real practice able to foster multiple perspectives, allowing the development of widespread creativity and enhancing the role of the crowd? The aim of this paper is to expose the debate around the term and identify its key features in order to develop a design tool

    Specifying and Verifying Properties of Space - Extended Version

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    The interplay between process behaviour and spatial aspects of computation has become more and more relevant in Computer Science, especially in the field of collective adaptive systems, but also, more generally, when dealing with systems distributed in physical space. Traditional verification techniques are well suited to analyse the temporal evolution of programs; properties of space are typically not explicitly taken into account. We propose a methodology to verify properties depending upon physical space. We define an appropriate logic, stemming from the tradition of topological interpretations of modal logics, dating back to earlier logicians such as Tarski, where modalities describe neighbourhood. We lift the topological definitions to a more general setting, also encompassing discrete, graph-based structures. We further extend the framework with a spatial until operator, and define an efficient model checking procedure, implemented in a proof-of-concept tool.Comment: Presented at "Theoretical Computer Science" 2014, Rom

    CE 341-002: Soil Mechanics

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    Transfer Pricing: A Comparative Study of the French and U.S. Legal Systems

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    For several decades, the number of multinational corporations has significantly increased and this phenomenon has created a new problem: the issue of transfer pricing. Indeed, national states have observed that multinationals could simply manipulate cross- border transfer pricing policies in order to shift profits from one jurisdiction to another. France, along with the United States, was one of the very first countries to introduce transfer-pricing legislations. Although the aims of the French and U.S. transfer pricing systems are similar, the means used to apply such rules are different and often raise difficulties to get rid of double taxations. Nevertheless, many solutions can be found in the 1994 tax treaty enforced between both countries, whose goal is the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion. The mutual agreement procedure and arbitration are two of the proposed alternative solutions

    CE 443-002: Foundation Design

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