258 research outputs found

    Nonlocal compensation of pure phase objects with entangled photons

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    We suggest and demonstrate a scheme for coherent nonlocal compensation of pure phase objects based on two-photon polarization and momentum entangled states. The insertion of a single phase object on one of the beams reduces the purity of the state and the amount of shared entanglement, whereas the original entanglement can be retrieved by adding a suitable phase object on the other beam. In our setup polarization and momentum entangled states are generated by spontaneous parametric downconversion and then purified using a programmable spatial light modulator, which may be also used to impose arbitrary space dependent phase functions to the beams. As a possible application, we suggest and demonstrate a quantum key distribution protocol based on nonlocal phase compensation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Squeezing Phase Diffusion

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    We address the use of optical parametric oscillator (OPO) to counteract phase diffusion, and demonstrate phase-noise reduction for coherent signals traveling through a suitably tuned OPO. In particular, we theoretically and experimentally show that there is a threshold value on the phase noise, above which OPO can be exploited to "squeeze" phase noise. The threshold depends on the energy of the input coherent state, and on the relevant parameters of the OPO, i.e., gain and input-output and crystal loss rates

    Laser temporal pulse shaping based on the DAZZLER

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    Report 1 PHIN-CARE-JRA2-WP3 Second Task: Pulse Shaping

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    This report presents the activity developed on laser pulse shaping argument in years 2004-2005 by Milano-INFN within the framework of CARE /JRA2 \Charge production with Photoinjectors" second task \Pulse Shaping". A dedicated laser system with the relative diagnostic tools have been developed. A liquid crystal programmable spatial light modulator(LCP-SLM) shaper have been studied and set for the generation of di®erent waveforms. The shaper is integrated in the laser system for an automatic generation of the target waveforms via the insetion of a computer which drives the system through the developed software. The system can be programmed to generate any target waveform compatible with the spectral bandwidth of the laser system and some exemples are presented. The following issues are treated: (i) the operation stability as function of perturbations of the set-up parameters, (ii) the design of the shaper for the SPARC project, (iii) a new shaper concept for the generation of long target waveforms and (iiii) the rectangular pulse generation at the second harmonic

    Experimental realization of a local-to-global noise transition in a two-qubit optical simulator

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    We demonstrate the transition from local to global noise in a two-qubit all-optical quantum simulator subject to classical random fluctuations. Qubits are encoded in the polarization degree of freedom of two entangled photons generated by parametric down-conversion (PDC) while the environment is implemented by using their spatial degrees of freedom. The ability to manipulate with high accuracy the number of correlated pixels of a spatial-light-modulator and the PDC spectral width allows us to control the transition from a scenario where the qubits are embedded in local environments to the situation where they are subject to the same global noise. We witness the transition by monitoring the decoherence of the two-qubit state

    Intracavity intensity noise suppression in the inverse Compton scattering source BriXSinO exploiting carrier-envelope offset manipulation

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    We report on a technique that exploits the control of the carrier -envelope offset to suppress the frequency-to-intensity noise conversion in the locking of a mode-locking laser against a high-finesse optical enhancement resonator. A proper combination of the laser carrier-envelope offset and the resonator finesse allows the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio of the optical intensity trapped into the optical resonator. In this paper, we show the application of this technique in the laser system of the inverse Compton scattering source BriXSinO, currently under development in Milan, Italy, demonstrating the possibility of achieving an intracavity intensity noise reduction of a factor of 20

    Experimental investigation of the effect of classical noise on quantum non-Markovian dynamics

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    We provide an experimental study of the relationship between the action of different classical noises on the dephasing dynamics of a two-level system and the non-Markovianity of the quantum dynamics. The two-level system is encoded in the photonic polarization degrees of freedom and the action of the noise is obtained via a spatial light modulator, thus allowing for an easy engineering of different random environments. The quantum non-Markovianity of the dynamics driven by classical Markovian and non-Markovian noise, both Gaussian and non-Gaussian, is studied by means of the trace distance. Our study clearly shows the different nature of the notion of non-Markovian classical process and non-Markovian quantum dynamics
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