2 research outputs found

    The historic hydrotechnical system in Jędrów (Świętokrzyskie Province) preserved in landforms and sediments – geoarchaeological and conservation study

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    The water mill is one of the few objects in the Old Polish Industrial District that have been preserved in good condition. This also applies to the remains of hydrotechnical infrastructure that are still visible in the relief and traces of its functioning preserved in the sediments of the Kamionka River floodplain. Detailed analyzes using specialized research methods supported by a query of historical materials revealed the location of individual elements of this infrastructure, i.e. former reservoir, mill race, dyke. Part of this infrastructure is well preserved in the relief and visible on the digital elevation model. Other historical metallurgical activity traces are only visible after macro- and microscopic analysis of lacustrine and overbank sediments, i.e. charcoals, slags and microscopic iron balls. A forge operated in the place of the restored mill or nearby, as proven by archival materials. Currently, the water mill is being restored, and the research presented in the article was used to take this object along with the nearest surroundings under protection as a technical monument.Młyn w Jędrowie jest jednym z niewielu obiektów na terenie Staropolskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego, który zachował się w dobrym stanie. Dotyczy to również pozostałości wciąż widocznej w rzeźbie infrastruktury hydrotechnicznej oraz śladów jej funkcjonowania zachowanych w osadach równiny zalewowej Kamionki. Szczegółowe analizy, z wykorzystaniem specjalistycznych metod badawczych podpartych kwerendą materiałów historycznych, pozwoliły na lokalizację poszczególnych elementów tej infrastruktury, tj. dawny zbiornik, młynówka, wały. Część tej infrastruktury jest dobrze zachowana w rzeźbie i widoczna na numerycznym modelu terenu. Inne ślady po historycznej działalności metalurgicznej widoczne są dopiero po makro- i mikroskopowej analizie osadów jeziornych oraz pozakorytowych, tj. węgielki drzewne, żużle i mikroskopijne kulki żelaza. W miejscu odrestaurowanego młyna lub też w jego pobliżu funkcjonowała kuźnica, o czym świadczą materiały archiwalne. Obecnie młyn jest odrestaurowywany, a badania przedstawione w artykule posłużyły do objęcia tego obiektu wraz z najbliższym otoczeniem ochroną konserwatorską jako zabytku techniki

    Morphology and sediments of flash flood near Kromołów (southern Poland) after 20 years

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    The examined area is located in southern Poland on Silesian Upland. According to geomorphologic regionalization, it is southernmost part of Valley of Upper Warta and Prosna Rivers between two cuestas – Upper Jurassic in the east and Upper Triassic in the west. There is northern Upper Silesia Region near spring of Warta River, tributary of Oder River. Some dry, fluvio-denudational valley (trough, dellen) form drainage pattern around Kromołów, which is a district of Zawiercie city. These dellen, which have been formed in periglacial conditions of the Pleistocene, are relict forms very typical for Polish Uplands (Fig. 1, 2). These Pleistocene valleys were rejuvenated during the Holocene. Good example of this type of relief transformation is a small dry valley located near center of the Kromołów. The first-phase of headward erosion reached upper section of the valley in the Subatlantic Large scale of soil erosion is confirmed by thick (about 3 m) series of deposits with fragments of 17-18 c. pottery accumulated in the middle section of the valley. The erosion cut in middle section has a depth of 3-4 meters and a length of almost 800 meters. This accumulation and incision was associated with flash floods which were main morphogenetic factor of transformation of this valley type during the Holocene. A scale of erosion-accumulation processes during catastrophic event was showed by last flash flood in 1996. Few profiles located in this valley, give us information about accumulation during one event. Alluvia (thickness 2.5 m) were deposited in two phases in middle section of the valley (Kromołów KR 4 profile) (Fig. 4, 5, 6). Two sediment members are separated by thin layer with plastic garbage. Lower member consists of sand mixed with detritus and coal. After almost twenty years forms and sediments of these floods are preserved only in the middle section of the eastern valley. Hydro-technical constructions (dam, reservoirs) built in the northern valley only partially protect Kromołów against further flash flood events