6 research outputs found


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    With the help of monoclonal antibodies (MCA-1, MCA-3, G1 class immunoglobulins) and polyspecific antiserum (As) by means of immunoblotting (IB) the increase of the expression of the tumor-associated proteins (TAP) in the samples of the tumor tissues (in 94, 55 and 38% respectively), metastatic lymph nodes — LN(m+) and sera of the patients with ovarian cancer (OC) (in 82, 77 and ~100% of the cases, respectively), was detected. The important feature of As was the reactivity with the samples of the LN (m+) on the numerous proteins (>5-10) in 78% of the patients. The statistical analysis of the data using Student t-criterion revealed the significant differences (MCA-1, MCA-3) in the expression of the markers in the tumor tissues and blood sera of the oncological patients compar- ing with the samples of the adjacent tissues, blood sera of the patients with the other tumor localization and healthy donors (p<0,05). The further research using a larger amount of the clinical material and development of the more precise quantitative immunoenzyme analysis to measure TAP, is needed. It is possible that detection of TAP using MCA-1 and As may serve a basis for the creation of the test-system for the immunodiagnostics of the OC and determination of the stage of the tumor process


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    SUMMARY. Early diagnosis of alcohol dependence is one of the most important and urgent problems of modernaddiction narcology. Attraction of family practice doctors to this problem allows them to identify potential cohort ofpersons with symptoms of alcohol dependence. Prompt medical consultation of narcologist will provide an opportunityto confirm or exclude the presence of narcopatology, determine the treatment program. The study involved 255 patientswith hepatic disorders, seeking medical care in somatic hospitals. On the basis of clinical interview, psycho-diagnostictesting, laboratory research complex algorithm designed to identify alcohol dependence in patients with chronic liverdiseases.KEY WORDS: early diagnosis, alcohol abuse, family doctor.РЕЗЮМЕ. Рання діагностика алкогольної залежності є однією з найважливіших і найактуальніших завданьсучасної наркології. Залучення до вирішення цієї проблеми лікарів сімейної практики дозволить на етапіобстеження пацієнтів з гепатопатичною патологією виявити потенційну когорту осіб, які мають симптомиалкогольної залежності. Своєчасна консультація лікаря нарколога дасть можливість підтвердити або виключитинаявність наркопатології, визначити лікувальну програму. Обстежено 255 пацієнтів з гепатопатичними розладами,які звернулися за медичною допомогою в загальносоматичні лікувальні установи. На основі даних клінічногоінтерв'ю, психодіагностичного тестування, лабораторного дослідження розроблено комплексний алгоритмвиявлення алкогольної залежності у пацієнтів з хронічними захворюваннями печінки.КЛЮЧОВІ СЛОВА: рання діагностика, алкогольна залежність, сімейний лікар

    Quantification analysis of the expression of tumor-associated proteins in serum samples from patients with ovarian cancer and those with other tumor location. Possibilities of their use in the diagnosis and estimation of the extent of a tumorous process

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    The specific features of the expression of tumor-associated proteins (TAP) were immunologically studied in the sera of patients with ovarian cancer (OC) and other tumor location by means of immune sera (As) or monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to find out whether they could be used to diagnose and estimate the extent of a tumorous process.MAb 1 (to HEp-2 cell membrane proteins, larynx cancer), Ac4 (to a pool of two ovarian cystadenocarcinomas), and MAb 3 (to affinity-pu- rified proteins of the apparently intact human gastric mucosa) were used to examine the sera of patients with OC and other tumor location and positive responsiveness was detected in 82, ~100, and 77 % of cases, respectively. The differences in the expression of TAP in the patients versus healthy donors were shown to be statistically significant (p = 0.0001; p = 0.015; p = 0.01, respectively).The sensitivity of quantifying ELISA in detecting TAP was 78 and 85 % in patients with Stages I–II and III–IV OC, respectively; ~100 and 89 % in patients with breast cancer and in those with gastrointestinal tract cancer, respectively; and 60 and 14 % in patients with lymphopro- liferative diseases and healthy donors, respectively. Comparison of TAP detection rates in the authors’ test systems with multiplex testing with a biochip array of 12 tumor markers has shown that these test systems are at the world standard level