4 research outputs found

    XSim version 2: simulation of modern breeding programs

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    AbstractSimulation can be an efficient approach to design, evaluate, and optimize breeding programs. In the era of modern agriculture, breeding programs can benefit from a simulator that integrates various sources of big data and accommodates state-of-the-art statistical models. The initial release of XSim, in which stochastic descendants can be efficiently simulated with a drop-down strategy, has mainly been used to validate genomic selection results. In this article, we present XSim Version 2 that is an open-source tool and has been extensively redesigned with additional features to meet the needs in modern breeding programs. It seamlessly incorporates multiple statistical models for genetic evaluations, such as GBLUP, Bayesian alphabets, and neural networks, and it can effortlessly simulate successive generations of descendants based on complex mating schemes by the aid of its modular design. Case studies are presented to demonstrate the flexibility of XSim Version 2 in simulating crossbreeding in animal and plant populations. Modern biotechnology, including double haploids and embryo transfer, can all be simultaneously integrated into the mating plans that drive the simulation. From a computing perspective, XSim Version 2 is implemented in Julia, which is a computer language that retains the readability of scripting languages (e.g. R and Python) without sacrificing much computational speed compared to compiled languages (e.g. C). This makes XSim Version 2 a simulation tool that is relatively easy for both champions and community members to maintain, modify, or extend in order to improve their breeding programs. Functions and operators are overloaded for a better user interface so they may concatenate, subset, summarize, and organize simulated populations at each breeding step. With the strong and foreseeable demands in the community, XSim Version 2 will serve as a modern simulator bridging the gaps between theories and experiments with its flexibility, extensibility, and friendly interface

    Harnessing Agronomics through Genomics and Phenomics in Plant Breeding: A Review

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    Plant breeding primarily focuses on improving conventional agronomic traits, e.g. yield, quality, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress; however, genetic improvement methods are being rapidly enhanced through genomics and phenomics. In the Genomics-Phenomics-Agronomics (GPA) paradigm, diverse research approaches have been conducted to bridge any two of these elements, and recently, all of them together. This review first highlights the progress to link i) genomics to agronomics; ii) genomics to phenomics; and iii) phenomics to agronomics. Secondly, the GPA domain is dissected into different layers, each addressing the three elements simultaneously. These dissected layers include genetic dissection through gene mapping using genome-wide association studies and genomic selection using Best Linear Unbiased Prediction, Bayesian approaches, and machine learning. The objective of the review is to help readers to grasp the core developments among the exponentially growing literature in each of these fields. Through this review, the connections among the three elements of the GPA paradigm are coherently integrated toward the prospect of sustainable development of agronomic traits through both genomics and phenomics.This is a pre-print of the article Zhang, Zhiwu, Chunpeng Chen, Jessica Rutkoski, James Schnable, Seth Murray, Lizhi Wang, Xiuliang Jin, Benjamin Stich, Jose Crossa, and Ben Hayes. "Harnessing Agronomics through Genomics and Phenomics in Plant Breeding: A Review." (2021). DOI: 10.20944/preprints202103.0519.v1. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Copyright 2021 by the authors. Posted with permission