1 research outputs found

    DataSheet_1_Comparative and phylogenetic analysis of complete chloroplast genomes from five Artemisia species.docx

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    Artemisia Linn. is a large genus within the family Asteraceae that includes several important medicinal plants. Because of their similar morphology and chemical composition, traditional identification methods often fail to distinguish them. Therefore, developing an effective identification method for Artemisia species is an urgent requirement. In this study, we analyzed 15 chloroplast (cp) genomes, including 12 newly sequenced genomes, from 5 Artemisia species. The cp genomes from the five Artemisia species had a typical quadripartite structure and were highly conserved across species. They had varying lengths of 151,132–151,178 bp, and their gene content and codon preferences were similar. Mutation hotspot analysis identified four highly variable regions, which can potentially be used as molecular markers to identify Artemisia species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the five Artemisia species investigated in this study were sister branches to each other, and individuals of each species formed a monophyletic clade. This study shows that the cp genome can provide distinguishing features to help identify closely related Artemisia species and has the potential to serve as a universal super barcode for plant identification.</p