37 research outputs found

    Instantaneous rate of biomass production (A, C, E), and instantaneous rate of nitrogen (N) uptake (B, D, F).

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    <p>A, B: total rate of biomass production and N uptake by wheat and faba bean of different planting systems. C, D: shoot growth rate and instantaneous per capita N uptake by shoot of wheat and faba bean. E, F: root growth rate and instantaneous per capita N uptake by root of wheat and faba bean. iso w: isolated wheat; mono w: monocropped wheat; iso f: isolated faba bean; inter w: intercropped wheat; inter f: intercropped faba bean.</p

    Times and rates of maximum instantaneous biomass production and nitrogen uptake by wheat and faba bean estimated by a logistic model (Eqn 1).

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    <p>Note: A logistic model was fitted separately to the mean of three replicates of total plant, shoot and root. Iso indicates isolated plants; Mono indicates monocropped plants; Inter indicates intercropped plants.</p><p>Times and rates of maximum instantaneous biomass production and nitrogen uptake by wheat and faba bean estimated by a logistic model (Eqn 1).</p

    Cumulative biomass production.

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    <p>A, B: total plant biomass of wheat, and faba bean; C, D: shoot biomass of wheat, and faba bean; E, F: root biomass of wheat, and faba bean. iso: isolated plants; mono: monocropped plants; inter: intercropped plants. Open and solid circles, open triangles indicate the mean of actual data at each sampling. All values represent means±SE (n = 3). Curves are derived from the logistic equation using the mean of three replicates.</p

    Cumulative nitrogen (N) uptake.

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    <p>A, B: total plant N uptake of wheat, and faba bean; C, D: shoot N content of wheat, and faba bean; E, F: root N content of wheat, and faba bean. iso: isolated plants; mono: monocropped plants; inter: intercropped plants. Open and solid circles, open triangles indicate the mean of actual data at each sampling. All values represent means±SE (n = 3). Curves are derived from the logistic equation using the mean of three replicates.</p

    The maximum biomass and nitrogen (N) uptake of wheat and faba bean estimated by a logistic model (Eqn 1).

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    <p>Note: A logistic model was fitted separately to the mean of three replicates of total plant, shoot and root. Iso indicates isolated plants; Mono indicates monocropped plants; Inter indicates intercropped plants.</p><p>The maximum biomass and nitrogen (N) uptake of wheat and faba bean estimated by a logistic model (Eqn 1).</p

    Ratio of instantaneous rate of biomass production of faba bean to that of wheat, and ratio of instantaneous nitrogen (N) uptake rate of faba bean to that of wheat in total (A, B), shoot (C, D) and root (E, F).

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    <p>Two lines in each graph indicate isolated (iso: open circle and dashed curves), intercropped (inter: solid symbols and continuous curves) wheat and according faba bean. The dashed lines indicate the y = 1. The arrows mean the date (33 DAS) of wheat stem elongation.</p

    Trajectories of cumulative biomass production and cumulative nitrogen (N) uptake of total (A, B), shoot (C, D) and root (E, F) by isolated (iso: open circle and dashed curve), monocropped (mono: open triangles and dashed curve), intercropped (inter: solid symbols and continuous curve) wheat and according faba bean.

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    <p>Data was derived from the logistic equation using the mean of actual data at each sampling. Numbers near the curves represent the samplings time (day). The dashed line shows the 1∶1 relationship between faba bean and wheat.</p

    Schematic representation of different plant combinations.

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    <p>Schematic representation of different plant combinations.</p


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    <p>This study implements temporal and spatial appraisals on the operational performance and corresponding microbial community structure of a full-scale advanced anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed (AnaEG) which was used to treat low organic loading starch processing wastewater. Results showed stable treatment efficiency could be maintained with long-term erratic influent quality, and a major reaction zone located at the bottom of the AnaEG, where the main pollutant removal rate was greater than 90%. Remarkably, high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons displayed that the predominant members constructed the major part of the overall microbial community and showed highly temporal stability. They were affiliated to Chloroflexi (16.4%), Proteobacteria (14.01%), Firmicutes (8.76%), Bacteroidetes (7.85%), Cloacimonetes (3.21%), Ignavibacteriae (1.80%), Synergistetes (1.11%), Thermotogae (0.98%), and Euryarchaeota (3.18%). This part of microorganism implemented the long-term stable treatment efficiency of the reactor. Simultaneously, an extraordinary spatial homogeneity in the granule physic properties and microbial community structure along the vertical direction was observed within the AnaEG. In conclusion, the microbial community structure and the bioreactor’s performance showed notable spatial and temporal consistency, and the predominant populations guaranteed a long-term favorable treatment performance of the AnaEG. It provides us with a better understanding of the mechanism of this recently proposed anaerobic reactor which was used in low organic loading wastewater treatment.</p