2,514 research outputs found

    Aspect ratio dependence of heat transport by turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection in rectangular cells

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    We report high-precision measurements of the Nusselt number NuNu as a function of the Rayleigh number RaRa in water-filled rectangular Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection cells. The horizontal length LL and width WW of the cells are 50.0 cm and 15.0 cm, respectively, and the heights H=49.9H=49.9, 25.0, 12.5, 6.9, 3.5, and 2.4 cm, corresponding to the aspect ratios (ΓxL/H,ΓyW/H)=(1,0.3)(\Gamma_x\equiv L/H,\Gamma_y\equiv W/H)=(1,0.3), (2,0.6)(2,0.6), (4,1.2)(4,1.2), (7.3,2.2)(7.3,2.2), (14.3,4.3)(14.3,4.3), and (20.8,6.3)(20.8,6.3). The measurements were carried out over the Rayleigh number range 6×105Ra10116\times10^5\lesssim Ra\lesssim10^{11} and the Prandtl number range 5.2Pr75.2\lesssim Pr\lesssim7. Our results show that for rectangular geometry turbulent heat transport is independent of the cells' aspect ratios and hence is insensitive to the nature and structures of the large-scale mean flows of the system. This is slightly different from the observations in cylindrical cells where NuNu is found to be in general a decreasing function of Γ\Gamma, at least for Γ=1\Gamma=1 and larger. Such a difference is probably a manifestation of the finite plate conductivity effect. Corrections for the influence of the finite conductivity of the top and bottom plates are made to obtain the estimates of NuNu_{\infty} for plates with perfect conductivity. The local scaling exponents βl\beta_l of NuRaβlNu_{\infty}\sim Ra^{\beta_l} are calculated and found to increase from 0.243 at Ra9×105Ra\simeq9\times10^5 to 0.327 at Ra4×1010Ra\simeq4\times10^{10}.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Accepted by Journal of Fluid Mechanic

    Experimental Investigation of Longitudinal Space-Time Correlations of the Velocity Field in Turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard Convection

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    We report an experimental investigation of the longitudinal space-time cross-correlation function of the velocity field, C(r,τ)C(r,\tau), in a cylindrical turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection cell using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. We show that while the Taylor's frozen-flow hypothesis does not hold in turbulent thermal convection, the recent elliptic model advanced for turbulent shear flows [He & Zhang, \emph{Phys. Rev. E} \textbf{73}, 055303(R) (2006)] is valid for the present velocity field for all over the cell, i.e., the isocorrelation contours of the measured C(r,τ)C(r,\tau) have a shape of elliptical curves and hence C(r,τ)C(r,\tau) can be related to C(rE,0)C(r_E,0) via rE2=(rβτ)2+γ2τ2r_E^2=(r-\beta\tau)^2+\gamma^2\tau^2 with β\beta and γ\gamma being two characteristic velocities. We further show that the fitted β\beta is proportional to the mean velocity of the flow, but the values of γ\gamma are larger than the theoretical predictions. Specifically, we focus on two representative regions in the cell: the region near the cell sidewall and the cell's central region. It is found that β\beta and γ\gamma are approximately the same near the sidewall, while β0\beta\simeq0 at cell center.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, submitted to J. Fluid Mec

    A Comparative Study on Improved Arrhenius-Type and Artificial Neural Network Models to Predict High-Temperature Flow Behaviors in 20MnNiMo Alloy

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    The stress-strain data of 20MnNiMo alloy were collected from a series of hot compressions on Gleeble-1500 thermal-mechanical simulator in the temperature range of 1173∼1473 K and strain rate range of 0.01∼10 s−1. Based on the experimental data, the improved Arrhenius-type constitutive model and the artificial neural network (ANN) model were established to predict the high temperature flow stress of as-cast 20MnNiMo alloy. The accuracy and reliability of the improved Arrhenius-type model and the trained ANN model were further evaluated in terms of the correlation coefficient (R), the average absolute relative error (AARE), and the relative error (η). For the former, R and AARE were found to be 0.9954 and 5.26%, respectively, while, for the latter, 0.9997 and 1.02%, respectively. The relative errors (η) of the improved Arrhenius-type model and the ANN model were, respectively, in the range of −39.99%∼35.05% and −3.77%∼16.74%. As for the former, only 16.3% of the test data set possesses η-values within ±1%, while, as for the latter, more than 79% possesses. The results indicate that the ANN model presents a higher predictable ability than the improved Arrhenius-type constitutive model

    Hydraulic fracturing propagation mechanism during shale gas reservoir stimulation through horizontal well

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    Način razlamanja stijenske mase u naslagama naftnih škriljaca jedan je od glavnih čimbenika koji djeluju na učinkovitost hidrauličkog frakturiranja (frakiranja). U ovom su radu provedena fizikalna ispitivanja i numeričko modeliranje u svrhu sustavnog ispitivanja učinka in-situ (podzemnog) naprezanja i kuta bušenja na stvaranje tlaka zbog hidrauličkog frakturiranja, širenje razlamanja i način razlamanja u horizontalnoj bušotini naftnog nalazišta Shengli u Luojia pokrajini, u izvođenju Sinopec Corp. Ukupno je razmatrano šest različitih in-situ kombinacija naprezanja i osam različitih kutova bušenja slojevite stijenske mase tijekom hidrauličkog frakturiranja. Sažetak nastanka i širenja pukotine te završni oblici pukotina nastalih hidrauličkim frakturiranjem u slojevitim stijenskim masama otkrivaju da kod stratificiranih stijena s istim kutom bušenja, što je veći in-situ omjer naprezanja (t.j. niže maksimalno horizontalno osnovno naprezanje pri konstantnim vertikalnim naprezanjem), potreban je niži hidraulički tlak za poticanje i širenje hidrauličkog frakturiranja. Štoviše, ustanovljeno je da je kod stratificirane stijenske mase pri istom omjeru naprezanja, tlak hidrauličkog frakturiranja, u slučaju kad je kut bušenja 30°, veći nego u svim drugim slučajevima. Nadalje, zapaženo je da učinak stratifikacije na hidrauličko frakturiranje postaje slabiji s porastom in-situ omjera naprezanja. Konačno je zaključeno da rezultati ove analize mogu biti važan teorijski pokazatelj u poboljšanju oblikovanja hidrauličkog frakturiranja kako bi se osiguralo učinkovito stimuliranje naslaga naftnih škriljaca.The fracture pattern of rock mass in shale gas reservoirs is one of the main factors affecting the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing. In this paper, physical experiments and numerical modelling were conducted to systematically investigate the effect of the in-situ stress and perforation angle on the hydraulic fracture initiation pressure and location, fracture propagation, and fracture pattern in a horizontal well drilled by Sinopec Corp. in Luojia area of Shengli Oilfield. A total of six different in-situ stress combinations and eight different perforation angles were considered for the stratified rock mass during the hydraulic fracturing. A summary of the fracture initiations and propagation, and the final fracture patterns induced by the hydraulic fracturing in the stratified rock masses reveals that, for the stratified rock masses with the same perforation angle, the larger the in-situ stress ratio (i.e. lower maximum horizontal principal stress when the vertical stress remains constant) is, the lower hydraulic pressure is required for hydraulic fracturing initiation and propagation. Moreover, it is found that, for the stratified rock mass under the same stress ratio, the hydraulic fracturing pressure in the case with a perforation angle of 30° is higher than that in all other cases. Furthermore, it is noted that the effect of the stratification on the hydraulic fracturing becomes weaker with the in-situ stress ratio increasing. It is finally concluded that the results from this study can provide important theoretical guidance for improving the hydraulic fracturing design in order to ensure the effective shale gas reservoir stimulations

    OL-065 An outbreak of SARS in a single diabetes ward of a general hospital

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    Screening Quality Evaluation Factors of Freeze-Dried Peach ( Prunus Persica

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    The quality evaluation of processed products is complex. To simplify the quality evaluation process and improve the efficiency, fourteen evaluation factors of freeze-dried powders of seventeen cultivars of peach at different ripening times were analyzed. The most important evaluation indicators and criteria were obtained by analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA), system cluster analysis (SCA), and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Results showed that the peach powders had the significant differences in quality (P<0.05), and some processing factors were related with some physicochemical and nutritional factors. Five principle components were extracted by PCA and the cumulative contribution achieved was 84.46%. Through the score plot of the first two principal components, a clear differentiation among ripening times was found and three distinct groups were separated according to ripening time. Five characteristic factors were obtained as titratable acid, browning index, hemicellulose, hygroscopicity, and vitamin C by SCA. Their weights of 0.1249, 0.3007, 0.0514, 0.4916, and 0.0315 were obtained by AHP, respectively. The peach cultivars were divided into four evaluation grades by the comprehensive quality score

    Sulfadiazine Sodium Ameliorates the Metabolomic Perturbation in Mice Infected with Toxoplasma gondii

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    In this study, we analyzed the global metabolomic changes associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice in the presence or absence of sulfadiazine sodium (SDZ) treatment. BALB/c mice were infected with T. gondii GT1 strain and treated orally with SDZ (250 g/ml in water) for 12 consecutive days. Mice showed typical manifestations of illness at 20 days postinfection (dpi); by 30 dpi, 20% had survived and developed latent infection. We used ultraperformance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to profile the serum metabolomes in control (untreated and uninfected) mice, acutely infected mice, and SDZ-treated and infected mice. Infection induced significant perturbations in the metabolism of-linolenic acid, purine, pyrimidine, arginine, tryptophan, valine, glycerophospholipids, and fatty acyls. However, treatment with SDZ seemed to alleviate the serum metabolic alterations caused by infection. The restoration of the serum metabolite levels in the treated mice was associated with better clinical outcomes. These data indicate that untargeted metabolomics can reveal biochemical pathways associated with restoration of the metabolic status of T. gondii-infected mice following SDZ treatment and could be used to monitor responses to SDZ treatment. This study provides a new systems approach to elucidate the metabolic and therapeutic effects of SDZ in the context of murine toxoplasmosis. K E Y W O R D S Toxoplasma gondii, biomarkers, metabolomics, mice, serum metabolites, sulfadiazine sodium Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, is highly prevalent in warm-blooded animals and humans (1). T. gondii comprises three clonal lineages (type I, type II, and type III) (2). Despite 98% genetic similarity, dramatic differences in virulence exist among strains belonging to these T. gondii genotypes (3). Humans acquire infection mainly by ingesting undercooked meat containing tissue cysts or oocysts from contaminated water (4). Acute infection with this parasite is mediated by the aggressive, fast-replicating, tachyzoite stage, which can cause encephalitis or retinochoroiditis. In addition, reactivation of the latent form (i.e., bradyzoites-containing cysts) of T. gondii can cause life-threatening conditions and even death in immuno-compromised individuals (5)

    Statistical Spectral Characteristics of Three-Dimensional Winds in the Mesopause Region Revealed by the Andes Lidar

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    By analyzing data recorded at the Andes Lidar Observatory in Cerro Pachon, Chile (30.3°S, 70.7°W) from May 2014 to July 2019, we investigated the fundamental features of three-dimensional wind and temperature spectra. The vertical wavenumber spectral amplitudes of horizontal winds show obvious seasonal variations that are closely related to the seasonal variations in the source and background winds. The wavenumber spectral slopes of the horizontal winds are systematically less negative than −3, with mean values of −1.96 and −2.18 for zonal and meridional winds, respectively. The zonal and meridional wind frequency spectra have mean slopes of −1.37 and −1.56, respectively; these values are slightly less negative than −5/3. Moreover, the frequency spectral amplitudes show different seasonal variations from those of the wavenumber spectra, possibly because they correspond to different GW spectral components. The vertical wind has obviously different spectral features than the horizontal winds. The vertical wind spectra are notably shallower than the horizontal wind spectra, with mean slopes of −0.82 and −0.91 for the wavenumber and frequency spectra, respectively, departing evidently from those expected under linear instability theory (LIT). Although the vertical wind spectrum is almost always separable, the horizontal wind spectra are separable only at high frequencies. As the frequency increased, the horizontal wind wavenumber spectra become shallower and depart from the spectral slope expected under LIT, likely because high-frequency GWs are not completely saturated. In general, our results do not support LIT