3 research outputs found

    Phase Structures and Morphologies Determined by Competitions Among Self-Organization, Crystallization, and Vitrification in a Disordered Poly(Ethylene Oxide)-B-Polystyrene Diblock Copolymer

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    A poly(ethylene oxide)-b-polystyrene (PEO-b-PS) diblock copolymer having a number-average molecular weight ((M) over bar(n)) of 11000 g/mol in the PEO blocks and an (M) over bar(n) of 5200 g/mol in the PS blocks has been synthesized (with a volume fraction of the PEO blocks of 0.66 in the molten state). Differential scanning calorimetry results show that this copolymer possesses a single endotherm, which is attributed to the melting of the PEG-block crystals. Based on real-time resolved synchrotron small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) observations, the diblock copolymer is in a disordered state above the glass transition temperature of the PS-rich phase (T-g(PS)) which has been determined to be 44.0 degrees C during cooling using dilatometer mode in thermomechanical measurements. The order-disorder transition temperature (T-ODT) for this diblock copolymer is thus experimentally inaccessible. Depending upon different isothermal crystallization temperatures quenched from the disordered state (T(q)s), four cases can be investigated in order to understand the phase relationships among self-organization, crystallization of the PEO blocks, and vitrification of the PS-rich phase: the region where the T-q is above the T-g(PS), the regions where the T-q is near but slightly higher or lower than the T-g(PS) ; and the region where the T-q is below the T-g(PS) . Utilizing simultaneous SPXS and wide angle x-ray-diffraction experiments, it can be seen that lamellar crystals of the PEO blocks in the first case grow with little morphological constraint due to initial disordered phase morphology. As the T-q approaches but is still slightly higher than the T-g(PS) , as in the second case, the PEG-block crystals with a greater long period (L) than that of the disordered state start to grow. The initial disordered phase morphology is gradually destroyed, at least to a major extent. When the T-q is near but slightly lower than the T-g(PS), the crystallization takes place largely within the existing phase morphology. Only a gradual shift of the L towards smaller q values can be found with increasing time, which implies that the initial phase morphology is disturbed by the crystallization of the PEO blocks. In the last case, the PEO blocks crystallize under a total constraint provided by the disordered phase morphology due to rapid vitrification of the PS-rich phase. Substantial decrease of crystallinity can be observed in this case. This study also provides experimental evidence that the PS-rich phase size, which is down to 7-8 nm, can still retain bulky glassy properties. [S0163-1829(99)01138-8]

    Exchange of Chains between Micelles of Labeled Polystyrene-block-poly(oxyethylene) As Monitored by Nonradiative Singlet Energy Transfer

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    The dynamics of the exchange of chains between micelles formed by diblock copolymers in dilute solution in a selective solvent has been studied using fluorescence measurements. The samples are polystyrene-block-poly(oxyethylene) with a single fluorescent label (either naphthalene or pyrene) covalently attached at the junction between the blocks. The critical micelle concentration (cmc) of each sample can be determined from the concentration dependence of the integrated emission intensity, provided the cmc is high enough to permit detection. In order to study the kinetics, micelles of the two differently labeled samples were first prepared at the same concentration, solvent, and temperature, but in two different containers. The contents of the containers were then mixed, and the efficiency of nonradiative singlet energy transfer from naphthalene to pyrene was measured as a function of time. The time dependence of the intensity of the emission from naphthalene can be fitted to a sum of two exponentials, with time constants that differ by at least an order of magnitude. Activation energies are somewhat smaller for the faster process than for the slower process, but in both cases they are on the order of 102 kJ mol-1 under the conditions where they can be measured. We have not been able to account for this result with a kinetic scheme that assumss the exchange of chains between the micelles takes place exclusively via the population of free chains. This difficulty suggests that an additional mechanism for the exchange of chains may be active. © 1995, American Chemical Society. All rights reserved

    Progression of Geographic Atrophy in Age-related Macular Degeneration

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