83 research outputs found

    Класифікатор глибокого навчання на основі нейронної мережі NEFPROX

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    It is proposed a new class of fuzzy classifiers. It is a deep learning classifier based onNEFPROX neural network. The pre-learning is supplied with help of Restricted Boltzman MachineПредложен новый класс нечетких классификаторов. Это классификаторы глубокого обучения на основенейронной сети NEFPROX. Предварительное обучение обеспечивается с помощью ограниченной машины БольцманаЗапропоновано новий клас нечітких класифікаторів. Це класифікатори глибокого навчання на основі нейронноїмережі NEFPROX. Попереднє навчання забезпечується за допомогою обмеженої машини Больцман

    Класифікатор глибокого навчання на основі нейронної мережі NEFCLASS

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    It is proposed a new class of fuzzy classifiers. It is a deep learning classifier based onNEFCLASS neural network. The pre-learning is supplied with help of Restricted Boltzman MachineПредложен новый класс нечетких классификаторов. Это классификаторы глубокого обучения на основе нейронной сети NEFCLASS. Предварительное обучение обеспечивается с помощью ограниченной машины БольцманаЗапропоновано новий клас нечітких класифікаторів. Це класифікатори глибокого навчання на основі нейронної мережі NEFCLASS. Попереднє навчання забезпечується за допомогою обмеженої машини Больцман

    Інтелектуальна мобільна інформаційна система пасажирів метрополітену

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    Ways to improve ease of subway passengers is considered. Environmental parameters forprediction problems are studied. Choice of machine learning methods is made. The accuracy of theprediction is estimatedРассмотрены способы повышения удобства пользования метрополитена его пассажирами. Проведено исследование параметров окружающей среды для задач прогнозирования. Выполнен выбор методов машинного обучения. Проведена оценка точности прогнозированияРозглянуто способи підвищення зручності користування метрополітену пасажирами. Проведено дослідження параметрів навколишнього середовища для задач прогнозування. Виконано вибір методів машинного навчання. Проведено оцінку точності прогнозуванн

    Навчання модулів нейронної мережі

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    Currently, there exists a huge number of neural networks of different classes, each with itsown advantages and disadvantage. However, there aren’t a lot of focus on hybrid neural networks, basedon the combination of knowт topologies of neural networks. Modular organization principle seems to bevery promising, however principles of its module creation isn’t known and needs further research. Thepresent study, therefore, proposes some methods of hybrid neural network module creation and theirlearning algorithmsРассмотрена система гибридных нейронных сетей. Предложены методы обучения их модулейРозглянуто систему гібридних нейронних мереж. Запропоновано методи навчання їх модулі

    Інтелектуальна система діагностики патології щитовидної залози

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    It is considered a principle of thyroid pathology diagnostics intelligent system structure. It is determined basic ultrasound images features for patients with thyroid cancers. The block diagram of intellectual diagnostics is proposed. It includes two basic subsystems: making decision support and image processing. As a classifier it is used fuzzy neural networks (NEFCLASS) due to its synergy capabilities: rule-based representation and generalization possibilities. As a activation function of rule neuron (to calculate of activation of rules on the basis of membership functions) the T-norm is used. It is used convolution neural networks for ultrasound images processing.Розглянуто принцип побудови інтелектуальної системи діагностики патологій щитовидної залози. Визначено основні особливості ультразвукових зображень для пацієнтів з раком щитовидної залози. Запропоновано структурну схему інтелектуальної діагностики, яка включає дві основні підсистеми: підтримки прийняття рішень і обробки зображень. В якості класифікатора використовується нечітка нейронна мережа (NEFCLLASS) через її синергетичні можливості: представлення результату на основі правил і можливості узагальнення. Як функції активації нейрона (для розрахунку активації правил на основі функцій приналежності) використовується Т-норма. Для обробки ультразвукових зображень використовується згорткова нейронна мережа

    Concepts and essential features of environmental land use

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    Among the most important problems of socio-economic development of society, special importance belongs to the effective use of land and resources, on which depends the economic, social, environmental security of the state and living standards. Negative trends observed in the process of land use require new organizational and legal approaches to regulating land use and creating economic incentives for rational use and protection of land in Ukraine. In this article the concept and functioning of "land use" as a natural, legal and economic category is considered. The essence and formation of an integrated system of environmental land use, which includes: part of a single land fund (land, land and rights to them), provided by the state or acquired or leased by a separate owner or user, the boundaries of which are determined on the ground; land object of law, object of economic, ecological, town-planning, agricultural and other land relations, for which the land user is issued a document certifying the right to land with certain boundaries, area, composition of lands, property objects and, if necessary, with geodetic coordinates of boundary signs defined in nature and the process of human (society) use of the integrated potential of the natural territory are revealed. The concept and essence of "land-territorial resource" are studied. Keywords: land, land, land use, land management, agricultural and environmental land use, territory

    State support of bioenergy in Ukraine: legal problems

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    The article is devoted to the study of state support in the field of bioenergy production in Ukraine. It is mentioned, that it is still not clear the legal nature of agricultural bioenergy relations. However, it is quite clear that relations on state support of bioenergy production (in terms of production of biofuels from agricultural raw materials) belong to the subject of agroprotective law and are regulated by it. This is due to the fact that: first, the objects of bioenergy relations are biomass and biofuels, which are agricultural products; secondly, the subjects of bioenergy relations are mainly agricultural producers or processors; thirdly, the content of bioenergy relations is in the production and processing of agricultural products. That is, bioenergy relations at the stages of production (formation) of biomass and its processing into biofuels constitute a type of agricultural activity, the state support of which is regulated by agroprotective law. It is revealed that in terms of state support should be taken such measures as: support of processing of actually produced agricultural products by its producer; support of creation of agricultural processing cooperatives; support of bioenergy production, which is based on the process of processing biomass into biofuels. Improvement of agroprotective legislation in this area should occur by: a) foreseeing universal legal mechanisms to support processing activities in the Law of Ukraine "On state support of agriculture of Ukraine"; b) addition to the Law of Ukraine "On agricultural cooperation" of agroprotective provisions on agricultural processing cooperatives; c) adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On production and sale of biofuels"

    Protected areas as a basis for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services in Europe: assessment of Ukraine's contribution

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    The article analyzes the structure of nature conservation areas in a number of European countries. The necessity of conducting a study of the state and features of the formation of natural territorial complexes has been determined. In connection with this, a significant volume of bibliographic and electronic Internet sources, both foreign and domestic authors and researchers, has been worked out. The information basis of the research is statistical data of the State Geocadastre of Ukraine, Eurostat, and the European Environment Agency, which made it possible to analyze the state of nature conservation areas. The role of nature conservation areas as the basis for the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems and their functions of the territory is substantiated and determined. The author's assessment of the state of nature conservation areas is provided and an approach to calculating the conservation index of European countries is proposed. An analysis of the structure of nature conservation areas in Europe and determination of directions for the expansion of the areas of the latter was carried out. It was determined that in most developed countries, the basis of such territories are: forests, natural pastures, shrubs, water and wetlands, land without vegetation cover. That is, the prospective inclusion or granting of the status of nature conservation areas and eco-networks is a significant potential for nature conservation and improvement of biodiversity conservation and provision of ecosystem services.Key words: nature reserve fund, land use, nature use, territory, ecological network, biological diversity

    Synthesis, Morphology, and Optical Properties of Au/CdS Hybrid Nanocomposites Stabilized by Branched Polymer Matrices

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    Metal/semiconductor (Au/CdS) nanocomposites were synthesized in the solution of branched D-g-PAA polymer. TEM and DLS of Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites revealed complicated nanocomposite structure consisting of the Au nanoparticles (NPs) of 6 nm in size surrounded by small CdS NPs with size of 3 nm. These nanocomposites formed the aggregates-clusters with average size of 50–800 nm. Absorption spectra of Au/CdS nanocomposites consist of the bands of excitons in CdS NPs and surface plasmons in Au ones. The surface plasmon band of gold NPs is red shifted and broadened in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites comparing to the one of Au NPs in Au/D-g-PAA proving the fact of close location of CdS and Au NPs in the synthesized Au/CdS/D-g-PAA nanocomposites. The PL spectra of Au/CdS nanocomposites originate from the radiative transitions in excitons in CdS NPs. The 4-fold increase of intensity of free exciton PL is observed for CdS NPs in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA comparing to CdS ones in CdS/D-g-PAA that is due to PL enhancement by local field of surface plasmons of Au NPs. Also, the 12-fold decrease of intensity of localized exciton PL is observed for CdS NPs in Au/CdS/D-g-PAA comparing to CdS ones in CdS/D-g-PAA. Most probably, it is due to passivation of the surface of CdS NPs carried out by the Au ones