7 research outputs found

    Measures to limit subsidence of underground oil pipeline in insular permafrost

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    In this paper optimal solutions to limit the subsidence of underground oil pipeline in insular permafrost are proposed

    Impact of Heat Treatment on the Structure and Properties of Tomsk Region Peat

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    Botanical composition of terrestrial peat and fen peat with decomposition degree (R) ranging from 25% to 45% has been studied and technical analysis has been carried out. The effect of heat treatment on peat group composition alteration was evaluated. The peculiarities defined by the preliminary heat treatment were revealed. Optical properties of peat were studied by IR spectroscopy. Conclusions about the degree of heat treatment influence on the physicochemical properties of peat were made

    Design of automated oil sludge treatment unit

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    The article provides the feasibility study of contemporary oil sludge treatment methods. The basic parameters of a new resource-efficient oil sludge treatment unit that allows extracting as much oil as possible and disposing other components in efficient way have been outlined. Based on the calculation results, it has been revealed that in order to reduce the cost of the treatment unit and the expenses related to sludge disposal, it is essential to apply various combinations of the existing treatment methods

    Regularization of peat humic acids functional composition

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    Humic acids are perspective complicated natural objects for different purposes. The problem of humic acids functional composition regularization is very important. The effect of heat treatment on peat humic acids group composition alteration was evaluated to solve this problem. The projection study by principal component analysis of IR-spectra data is presented. The possibility of peat humic acids functional composition regularization by temperature treatment and subsequent storage was found

    Alteration in elemental and functional composition of heated peat humic acids

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    The article analyzes the effect of thermal modification of different-type peat on the alteration of elemental and functional composition of peat humic acids. Based on the data of IR-spectra and readings of electron paramagnetic resonance, structural alterations are identified. It is shown that the impact of peat characteristics on humic acids is preserved after thermal modification. It is revealed that the strongest alteration of humic acid composition and properties caused by peat heating are typical to humic acid samples extracted from the peat with low decomposition degree

    Study of humic acids in various types and kinds of peats at Khantymansi autonomous area - Ygra by NMR 13C spectroscopy

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    This article presents the results of humic acid studies in peat resources of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area -Yugra by NMR 13C spectroscopy. Their differences were revealed in the distribution of carbon atoms along structuralfragments which allowed to diagnose the peculiarities of the drug molecular structure, depending on the botanicalcomposition of the original peat and its degree of decomposition. It was found that humic acids of various peats haveminor differences in the content of Cal. and Carom. The resulting spectroscopic information was used for an in-depthanalysis of the features concerning peat humic acid structure of various origin

    Impact of Heat Treatment on Humic Acid Elemental Content and Thermal Stability

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    The article examines the impact of thermal peat modification on the elemental content and properties of humic acids. It has been revealed that preliminary heat treatment of different peat types characterized by various decomposition degrees causes the changes in elemental content; precisely it leads to the increase in macromolecule benzoid degree and subsequent enhancement of its thermal stability