14 research outputs found

    The impact of economic factors on consumer behavior on sustainable food market

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    Importance of economic and noneconomic factors in collaborative consumption

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    The main goal of this paper is to point out the awareness and activity of young consumers in the area of collaborative activities and to indicate what factors condition such attitudes and behaviours. The study performed has comparative character and was conducted on the group of active user of one of the forms of collaborative consumption and on the control group with a use of questionnaire. Results show clearly that people who do not use this form of collaborative consumption consider economical aspects more important. Active users, on the other hand, value higher ecological, social and psychological benefits. Additionally, the research shows the profile of collaborative consumption users as well as factors that drive their activity. This research aims at answering hypotheses spread about collaborative consumption being a trend corresponding only to economic crisis

    Wp艂yw reklamy na zachowania konsument贸w o niskim i wysokim poziomie konsumpcji produkt贸w mleczarskich

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    The main goal of this work was to evaluate the influence of the advertising of dairy products on consumer behaviour on the specific market. The objective was completed based on the primary data from a research carried out on a sample of 550 interviewees. The study revealed that examined sample differed in sensitivity to advertising messages depending on the level of consumption. The effectiveness of advertising was measured by operationalizing theoretical model of the advertising impact, namely AIDA. Regression tree models were built across groups of consumers with different consumption levels of dairy products in order to illustrate the differences between them. It was observed that advertising messages of emotional nature have signifi cant importance for heavy users while light users are more sensitive to rational communication.Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu reklamy na zachowania konsument贸w na rynku produkt贸w mleczarskich. Cel ten zosta艂 zrealizowany z wykorzystaniem danych pochodz膮cych z badania w艂asnego przeprowadzonego na pr贸bie 550 respondent贸w. Wyniki badania pokaza艂y, 偶e badani cechuj膮 si臋 r贸偶n膮 wra偶liwo艣ci膮 na komunikaty reklamowe w zale偶no艣ci od stopnia spo偶ycia produkt贸w mleczarskich. Zoperacjonalizowany model teoretyczny oddzia艂ywania reklamy AIDA pos艂u偶y艂 do przedstawienie skuteczno艣ci reklamy. Dla wskazania r贸偶nic pomi臋dzy grupami konsument贸w zbudowano drzewa regresji dla grup konsument贸w r贸偶ni膮cych si臋 poziomem spo偶ycia produkt贸w mleczarskich. Zaobserwowano istotne znaczenie komunikat贸w o charakterze emocjonalnym w艣r贸d u偶ytkownik贸w intensywnych oraz komunikat贸w racjonalnych u sporadycznych u偶ytkownik贸w produkt贸w mleczarskich

    Awareness of eco-labeling vs young consumers' preferences

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    Celem artyku艂u by艂a ocena stopnia, w jakim znajomo艣膰 znak贸w ekologicznych przez konsument贸w wi膮偶e si臋 z ich opiniami i dokonywaniem zakup贸w produkt贸w ekologicznych. Do realizacji postawionego celu przeprowadzono badanie kwestionariuszowe na grupie m艂odych konsument贸w. Rezultaty wskazuj膮 na istotn膮 zale偶no艣膰 mi臋dzy deklarowan膮 znajomo艣ci膮 znak贸w ekologicznych a wykorzystywaniem tych informacji w trakcie dokonywania zakup贸w oraz gotowo艣ci膮 do zap艂acenia wy偶szej ceny za produkty ekologiczne.The aim of this article is to present the importance of awareness of eco-labeling opinions about organic products. To fulfill this aim a questionnaire survey was conducted on a group of young consumers. Results indicate a significant relationship between the declared awareness of eco-labels and market behaviour as well as a willingness to pay a higher price for organic products

    Personal Ontologies for Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing in Collaborative PrOnto Framework

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    This paper summarizes our preliminary experiences with implementing some of the ideas lying behind the concept of creative environment. Research group at the National Institute of Telecommunications has developed a prototype framework for collaborative knowledge acquisition and sharing, called PrOnto. At the moment the artifacts we organize and share are typical sources of scientific knowledge, namely journal papers and web pages. In PrOnto we introduce two interrelated explicit levels of knowledge representation: keywords and ontological concepts. Each user of the framework maintains his own ontological profile, consisting of concepts and each concept is, in turn, by subjective user's decision, related to a set of weighted keywords that define its meaning. Furthermore, dedicated indexing engine is responsible for objectively establishing correspondence between documents and keywords, or in other words, the measure of representativeness of the keyword to document's content. Developing an appropriate knowledge model is a preliminary step to share it efficiently. We believe that higher level representation facilitates exploration of other people's areas of interest. PrOnto gives an opportunity to browse knowledge artifacts from the conceptual point of view of any user registered in the system. The paper presents the ideas behind the PrOnto framework, gives an outline of its components and finalizes with a number of conclusions and proposals for futuren enhancements

    Types of saving behaviours of young residents of Georgia on the example of Tbilisi inhabitants

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    Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o wyodr臋bnienie typ贸w zachowa艅 oszcz臋dno艣ciowych m艂odych Gruzin贸w - mieszka艅c贸w Tbilisi. Cel zosta艂 zrealizowany z wykorzystaniem danych pierwotnych pochodz膮cych z bada艅 ankietowych prowadzonych w Gruzji. Za pomoc膮 analizy skupie艅 wyr贸偶niono trzy typy zachowa艅 istotnie r贸偶ni膮ce si臋 mi臋dzy sob膮 strategiami w zakresie podej艣cia do oszcz臋dno艣ci. Badania wykaza艂y, 偶e w艣r贸d m艂odych mieszka艅c贸w Gruzji dominuje typ ceni膮cy bezpiecze艅stwo, lokuj膮cy swoje oszcz臋dno艣ci w produkty o ma艂ym stopniu ryzyka, takie jak: depozyty bankowe w krajowej walucie, got贸wka i polisy ubezpieczeniowe.The aim of this study is to distinguish the types of saving behaviour of young Georgians - residents of the capital Tbilisi. The objective was achieved using primary survey data and cluster analysis. Three types of saving behaviour strategies were distin- guished: with cash, valuing safety and diversifying saving portfolio. Research indicates that among young residents of Georgia dominates the type of valuing safety. People be- longing to this group place their savings in products with a low degree of risk, such as bank deposits in the national currency, cash and insurance policies

    Wykrywanie wiedzy w du偶ych zbiorach danych: przyk艂ad personalizacji in偶ynierii ontologicznej

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    W artykule, po przedyskutowaniu szeroko rozumianego poj臋cia in偶ynierii wiedzy, a w szczeg贸lno艣ci in偶ynierii ontologicznej, koncentruj膮cej si臋 na wykrywaniu wiedzy w du偶ych zbiorach tekstu, om贸wiono rezultaty prac wykonanych w Instytucie 艁膮czno艣ci PIB w ramach projektu badawczego zamawianego "Us艂ugi i sieci teleinformatyczne nast臋pnej generacji - aspekty techniczne, aplikacyjne i rynkowe". Prace wst臋pne i rozpoznawcze doprowadzi艂y do sformu艂owania za艂o偶enia na przyjazny, spersonalizowany system wspomagania wyszukiwania wiedzy w du偶ych zbiorach tekstu. Efektem ko艅cowym za艣 jest pilotowy system PrOnto wykorzystuj膮cy narz臋dzia in偶ynierii ontologicznej w dw贸ch aspektach: jednym - wspomagaj膮cym wyszukiwanie informacji w dokumentach elektronicznych na podstawie osobistej ontologii u偶ytkownika i drugim - wspomagaj膮cym wsp贸艂dzielenie 藕r贸de艂 wiedzy przy wykorzystaniu modeli ontologicznych. Artyku艂 ko艅cz膮 wnioski co do stosowalno艣ci r贸偶nych metod wykorzystania narz臋dzi in偶ynierii ontologicznej oraz sposob贸w kontynuacji prac

    Personalized Knowledge Mining in Large Text Sets

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    The paper starts with a discussion of the concept of knowledge engineering, in particular ontological engineering. Consequently, the paper presents assumptions accepted as a basis for a group research on a radically personalized system of ontological knowledge mining, relying on the perspective of human centered computing and combining ontological concepts of the user with an ontology resulting from an automatic classification of a given set of textual data. The paper presents a pilot system PrOnto that supports research work in two aspects: searching for information interesting for a user according to her/his personalized ontological profile, and supporting research cooperation in a group of users (Virtual Research Community) according, e.g., to a comparison of such personalized ontological profiles. The paper concludes with suggestions concerning diverse applications of ontological engineering tools and future work