95 research outputs found

    Pulsars With Jets May Harbor Dynamically Important Accretion Disks

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    For many astrophysical sources with jets, there is evidence for the contemporaneous presence of disks. In contrast, pulsars such as the Crab and Vela show jets but have not yet revealed direct evidence for accretion disks. Here we show that for such pulsars, an accretion disk radiating below detectable thresholds may simultaneously account for (1) observed deviations in the braking indices from that of the simple dipole, (2) observed pulsar timing ages, and (3) possibly even the jet morphology via a disk outflow that interacts with the pulsar wind within, collimating and/or redirecting it.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figs., in press, ApJ. Let

    Quark Matter in Neutron Star Mergers

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    Binary neutron star mergers are expected to be one of the most promising source of gravitational waves (GW) for the network of laser interferometric and bar detectors becoming operational in the next few years. The merger wave signal is expected to be sensitive to the interior structure of the neutron star (NS). The structure of high density phases of matter is under current experimental investigation in heavy-ion collisions. We investigate the dependence of the merger process and its GW signal on the presence of quarks in these phases by performing numerical simulations, where the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method and the conformally flat approximation for the 3-geometry in general relativistic gravity are implemented.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Figures, Proc. Nuclei in the Cosmos 7, 200

    Mapping Deconfinement with a Compact Star Phase Diagram

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    We have found correlations between properties of the equation of state for stellar matter with a phase transition at supernuclear densities and two characteristic features of a "phase diagram" for rotating compact stars in the angular velocity - baryon number plane: 1) the critical dividing line between mono- and two-phase star configurations and 2) the maximum mass line. The second line corresponds to the minimum mass function for black hole candidates whereas the first one is observable by a population statistics, e.g. for Z-sources in low-mass X-ray binaries. The observation of a population gap in the mass distribution for the latter is suggested as an astrophysical verification of the existence of a first order phase transition in QCD at high densities such as the deconfinement.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Contribution to Proceedings of Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, July 18 - 24, 200

    Nuclear structure beyond the neutron drip line: the lowest energy states in 9^9He via their T=5/2 isobaric analogs in 9^9Li

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    The level structure of the very neutron rich and unbound 9^9He nucleus has been the subject of significant experimental and theoretical study. Many recent works have claimed that the two lowest energy 9^9He states exist with spins Jπ=1/2+J^\pi=1/2^+ and Jπ=1/2J^\pi=1/2^- and widths on the order of hundreds of keV. These findings cannot be reconciled with our contemporary understanding of nuclear structure. The present work is the first high-resolution study with low statistical uncertainty of the relevant excitation energy range in the 8^8He+n+n system, performed via a search for the T=5/2 isobaric analog states in 9^9Li populated through 8^8He+p elastic scattering. The present data show no indication of any narrow structures. Instead, we find evidence for a broad Jπ=1/2+J^{\pi}=1/2^+ state in 9^9He located approximately 3 MeV above the neutron decay threshold

    Enhanced Production of Neutron-Rich Rare Isotopes in Peripheral Collisions at Fermi Energies

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    A large enhancement in the production of neutron-rich projectile residues is observed in the reactions of a 25 MeV/nucleon 86Kr beam with the neutron rich 124Sn and 64Ni targets relative to the predictions of the EPAX parametrization of high-energy fragmentation, as well as relative to the reaction with the less neutron-rich 112Sn target. The data demonstrate the significant effect of the target neutron-to-proton ratio (N/Z) in peripheral collisions at Fermi energies. A hybrid model based on a deep-inelastic transfer code (DIT) followed by a statistical de-excitation code appears to account for part of the observed large cross sections. The DIT simulation indicates that the production of the neutron-rich nuclides in these reactions is associated with peripheral nucleon exchange. In such peripheral encounters, the neutron skins of the neutron-rich 124Sn and 64Ni target nuclei may play an important role. From a practical viewpoint, such reactions between massive neutron-rich nuclei offer a novel and attractive synthetic avenue to access extremely neutron-rich rare isotopes towards the neutron-drip line.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Expanding RIB Capabilities at the Cyclotron Institute: \textsuperscript{3}He-LIG production with an Isobar Separator LSTAR

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    A new \textsuperscript{3}He-driven IGISOL production station and mass separator have been designed to produce neutron-deficient low-mass isotopes at the Cyclotron Institute for the TAMUTRAP facility. The LSTAR design has a mass resolution M/ΔM3,000M/\Delta M\geq 3, 000 to reject contaminants with >95%\gt95\% efficiency.Comment: Proceeding for EMIS 202

    Population clustering as a signal for deconfinement in accreting compact stars

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    We study the evolution of the rotation frequency for accreting compact stars. The discontinuous change of the moment of inertia of a rapidly rotating star due to the possible quark core appearance entails a characteristic change in the spin evolution. Numerical solutions have been performed using a model equation of state describing the deconfinement phase transition. Trajectories of spin evolution are discussed in the angular velocity - baryon number plane (phase diagram) for different accretion scenarios defined by the initial values of mass and magnetic field of the star, as well as mass accretion rate and magnetic field decay time. We observe a characteristic increase in the waiting time when a configuration enters the quark core regime. Overclustering of the population of Z sources of LMXBs in the phase diagram is suggested as a direct measurement of the critical line for the deconfinement phase transition since it is related to the behaviour of the moment of inertia of the compact star.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, uses aastex.cls (included), text and figures revised, references update