320 research outputs found

    Majorana Fermions on Zigzag Edge of Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

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    Majorana fermions, quantum particles with non-Abelian exchange statistics, are not only of fundamental importance, but also building blocks for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Although certain experimental breakthroughs for observing Majorana fermions have been made recently, their conclusive dection is still challenging due to the lack of proper material properties of the underlined experimental systems. Here we propose a new platform for Majorana fermions based on edge states of certain non-topological two-dimensional semiconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling, such as monolayer group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD). Using first-principles calculations and tight-binding modeling, we show that zigzag edges of monolayer TMD can host well isolated single edge band with strong spin-orbit coupling energy. Combining with proximity induced s-wave superconductivity and in-plane magnetic fields, the zigzag edge supports robust topological Majorana bound states at the edge ends, although the two-dimensional bulk itself is non-topological. Our findings points to a controllable and integrable platform for searching and manipulating Majorana fermions.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Valley Contrasting Magnetoluminescence in Monolayer MoS2_{2} Quantum Hall Systems

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    The valley dependent optical selection rules in recently discovered monolayer group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) make possible optical control of valley polarization, a crucial step towards valleytronic applications. However, in presence of Landaul level(LL) quantization such selection rules are taken over by selection rules between the LLs, which are not necessarily valley contrasting. Using MoS2_{2} as an example we show that the spatial inversion-symmetry breaking results in unusual valley dependent inter-LL selection rules, which directly locks polarization to valley. We find a systematic valley splitting for all Landau levels (LLs) in the quantum Hall regime, whose magnitude is linearly proportional to the magnetic field and in comparable with the LL spacing. Consequently, unique plateau structures are found in the optical Hall conductivity, which can be measured by the magneto-optical Faraday rotations

    Automatic Calibration for CE-QUAL-W2 Model Using Improved Global-Best Harmony Search Algorithm

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    CE-QUAL-W2 is widely used for simulating hydrodynamics and water quality of the aquatic environments. Currently, the model calibration is mainly based on trial and error, and therefore it is subject to the knowledge and experience of users. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm has been tested for automatic calibration of CE-QUAL-W2, but it has an issue of prematurely converging to a local optimum. In this study, we proposed an Improved Global-Best Harmony Search (IGHS) algorithm to automatically calibrate the CE-QUAL-W2 model to overcome these shortcomings. We tested the performance of the IGHS calibration method by simulating water temperature of Devils Lake, North Dakota, which agreed with field observations with R2 = 0.98, and RMSE = 1.23 and 0.77 °C for calibration (2008–2011) and validation (2011–2016) periods, respectively. The same comparison, but with the PSO-calibrated CE-QUAL-W2 model, produced R2 = 0.98 and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) = 1.33 and 0.91 °C. Between the two calibration methods, the CE-QUAL-W2 model calibrated by the IGHS method could lower the RMSE in water temperature simulation by approximately 7–15%

    Superconductivity in metallic twisted bilayer graphene stabilized by WSeâ‚‚

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    Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), with rotational misalignment close to 1.1 degrees, features isolated flat electronic bands that host a rich phase diagram of correlated insulating, superconducting, ferromagnetic and topological phases. Correlated insulators and superconductivity have been previously observed only for angles within 0.1 degree of the magic angle and occur in adjacent or overlapping electron-density ranges; nevertheless, the origins of these states and the relation between them remain unclear, owing to their sensitivity to microscopic details. Beyond twist angle and strain, the dependence of the TBG phase diagram on the alignment and thickness of the insulating hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) used to encapsulate the graphene sheets indicates the importance of the microscopic dielectric environment. Here we show that adding an insulating tungsten diselenide (WSe₂) monolayer between the hBN and the TBG stabilizes superconductivity at twist angles much smaller than the magic angle. For the smallest twist angle of 0.79 degrees, superconductivity is still observed despite the TBG exhibiting metallic behaviour across the whole range of electron densities. Finite-magnetic-field measurements further reveal weak antilocalization signatures as well as breaking of fourfold spin–valley symmetry, consistent with spin–orbit coupling induced in the TBG via its proximity to WSe₂. Our results constrain theoretical explanations for the emergence of superconductivity in TBG and open up avenues towards engineering quantum phases in moiré systems

    SWAT Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollution in Depression-Dominated Basins under Varying Hydroclimatic Conditions

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    Non-point source (NPS) pollution from agricultural lands is the leading cause of various water quality problems across the United States. Particularly, surface depressions often alter the releasing patterns of NPS pollutants into the environment. However, most commonly-used hydrologic models may not be applicable to such depression-dominated regions. The objective of this study is to improve water quantity/quality modeling and its calibration for depression-dominated basins under wet and dry hydroclimatic conditions. Specifically, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was applied for hydrologic and water quality modeling in the Red River of the North Basin (RRB). Surface depressions across the RRB were incorporated into the model by employing a surface delineation method and the impacts of depressions were evaluated for two modeling scenarios, MS1 (basic scenario) and MS2 (depression-oriented scenario). Moreover, a traditional calibration scheme (CS1) was compared to a wet-dry calibration scheme (CS2) that accounted for the effects of hydroclimatic variations on hydrologic and water quality modeling. Results indicated that the surface runoff simulation and the associated water quality modeling were improved when topographic characteristics of depressions were incorporated into the model (MS2). The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) coefficient indicated an average increase of 30.4% and 19.6% from CS1 to CS2 for the calibration and validation periods, respectively. Additionally, the CS2 provided acceptable simulations of water quality, with the NSE values of 0.50 and 0.74 for calibration and validation periods, respectively. These results highlight the enhanced capability of the proposed approach for simulating water quantity and quality for depression-dominated basins under the influence of varying hydroclimatic conditions

    Strain Tuning Three-state Potts Nematicity in a Correlated Antiferromagnet

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    Electronic nematicity, a state in which rotational symmetry is spontaneously broken, has become a familiar characteristic of many strongly correlated materials. One widely studied example is the discovered Ising-nematicity and its interplay with superconductivity in tetragonal iron pnictides. Since nematic directors in crystalline solids are restricted by the underlying crystal symmetry, recently identified quantum material systems with three-fold rotational (C3) symmetry offer a new platform to investigate nematic order with three-state Potts character. Here, we report reversible strain tuning of the three-state Potts nematicity in a zigzag antiferromagnetic insulator, FePSe3. Probing the nematicity via optical linear dichroism, we demonstrate either 2{\pi}/3 or {\pi}/2 rotation of nematic director by uniaxial strain. The nature of the nematic phase transition can also be controlled such that it undergoes a smooth crossover transition, a Potts nematic transition, or a Ising nematic flop transition. The ability to tune the nematic order with in-situ strain further enables the extraction of nematic susceptibility, which exhibits a divergent behavior near the magnetic ordering temperature. Our work points to an active control approach to manipulate and explore nematicity in three-state Potts correlated materials.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 6 additional figures. Initial submission on May 30t
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