436 research outputs found

    First Principles Prediction Unveils High-Tc_c Superconductivity in YSc2_2H24_{24} Cage Structures

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    The quest for room-temperature superconductivity has been a long-standing aspiration in the field of materials science, driving extensive research efforts. In this work, we present a novel hydride, YSc2_2H24_{24}, which is stable at high pressure using a crystal structure prediction approach with a fixed composition based on known structures. The discovered material is crystalline in a hexagonal unit cell with space group P6/mmm and has a fastinating structure consisting of two distinct cages: Sc@H24_{24} and Y@H30_{30}. By conducting an extensive numerical investigation of lattice dynamics, electron-phonon coupling, and solving the isotropic Eliashberg equation, we have revealed a significant value of λ\lambda = 2.96 as the underlying factor responsible for the remarkably high critical temperature (Tc_c) of 306-332 K in YSc2_2H24_{24}. As pressure increases, the Tc_c remains above the ambient temperature. Our work has the potential to enhance the existing understanding of high-temperature superconductors, with implications for practical applications. The unique network of these cage-like structures holds great promise for advancing our understanding of high-temperature superconductors, potentially leading to innovative applications


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    Phytophagous insects is one of the major biological constraints in crop production. To cope with continuous threat from insects, plants produce insecticidal peptides or proteins. Plant lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins, one of the most important secondary metabolites which also serve as a defense tool against plant-eating organisms. Although most lectins have moderate effects to development, fecundity or growth of insect, several lectins are highly toxic to insects. In the last decade, many studies reported a role of lectins in pest management. In particular, several plant lectins respond to different kinds of stress such as drought, fire, wounding, high-salinity, hormone treatment and pathogen attack. This group of lectin is called as “inducible plants lectin”. This review summarized recent progresses in research on the application of lectin as a potential approach for integrated pest management. Côn trùng gây hại được biết đến như là yếu tố sinh học bất lợi gây ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến sinh trưởng và phát triển của cây nông nghiệp. Thực vật tự bảo vệ bằng cách tổng hợp ra protein hay peptide đối kháng, trong đó lectin được xem như một nhóm protein gây độc hiệu quả đối với côn trùng. Hầu hết các lectin chỉ ảnh hưởng ở mức độ vừa phải đến sự sinh trưởng và phát triển nhưng một số lại có khả năng dẫn đến tỷ lệ tử vong cao đối với côn trùng. Trong  một thập kỷ trở lại, rất nhiều nghiên cứu đã được công bố liên quan đến khả năng kháng côn trùng hiệu quả của một số loại lectin trên cây trồng, đặc biệt là chúng có thể được cảm ứng sinh tổng hợp trong các điều kiện môi trường bất lợi. Bài viết này tóm tắt và thảo luận các thành tựu nghiên cứu về tiềm năng ứng dụng của lectin trong quản lý dịch hại trên đồng ruộng. Đây được coi là hướng nghiên cứu tiềm năng cho ngành trồng trọt, nhất là trong bối cảnh các điều kiện bất lợi gây ra bởi biến đổi khí hậu ngày càng ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến tình hình sản xuất cây nông nghiệp như hiện nay

    The Commitment with FDI Firms of Accountants in Noi Bai Industrial Park - Creative Application in Economics Sociological Knowledge

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    This study was conducted to identify, evaluate and measure the attributes of accountants’ commitment with FDI firms in Noi Bai industrial park, Hanoi based on the organizational commitment theory of Meyer & Allen (1991) and Creative application in economics sociological knowledge.  Beside, we based on literature review and the results of some interviews, 150 questionnaires were sent directly to accountants in FDI firms in Noi Bai industrial park and were collected in 1 month. However, only 110 questionnaires were satisfactory and included in the analysis. The results of descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s Alpha analysis and Independent T-test have identified and measured 12 attributes of accountants’ commitment which effect on accountants in the FDI firms in Noi Bai industrial park. Based on the findings, some recommendations are given to improve the accountants’ commitment. Keywords: commitment, accountants, FDI firms, Noi Bai industrial park JED codes: M41, M40, O15 DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-22-15 Publication date: November 30th 201


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from twigs and leaves of Magnolia macclurei (Dandy) Figlar from Ha Giang Province, Vietnam

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    The chemical composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of the twigs and leaves of Magnolia macclurei collected in Hoang Su Phi, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam was analyzed using GC/MS. A total of 38 compounds were detected in essential oil, accounting for 94.49% of the oil, in which 37 compounds were identified accounting for 93.33%. cis-β-Elemene (14,30%), bicyclogermacrene (18,57%), and 10-epi-ᵧ-eudesmol (16,86%) were the main components of essential oil. The minor components present with rather high amount were: Germacrene D (2,12%), guaiol (8,52%), hinesol (2,34%), valerianol (6,76%), and bulnesol (2,93%). Antibiotic activity of the essential oil sample was tested against a Gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, a Gram negative bacteria Escherichia coli, and a yeast Candida albicans using an agar disk diffusion method. All three microorganisms tested are resistant to the oil from twigs and leaves of M. macclurei. That is exhibited through the inhibitory zone diameters ranging from 4 to 12 mm

    Unexpected cases in field diagnosis of African swine fever virus in Vietnam: The needs consideration when performing molecular diagnostic tests

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    Background: The first confirmed case of African swine fever (ASF) in Vietnam was reported officially in February 2019. To date, ASF virus (ASFV) have been detected in 63/63 provinces in Vietnam. Currently, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is considered to be a powerful tool for viral detection in field samples, including ASFV. However, some recent reports have suggested that mismatches in primer and probe binding regions may directly affect real-time PCR qualification, leading a false-negative result.Aim: This study aims to further examine a conflicting result obtained from two OIE recommended methods, conventional PCR and real-time PCR, for ASFV detection.Methods: Two ASF suspected pigs from different provinces in the north of Vietnam were selected for this study based on clinical signs and postmortem lesions. The different results obtained by OIE-recommended conventional PCR and real-time PCR were further analyzed by the Sanger sequencing method and virus isolation in combination with hemadsorption (HAD) test using porcine alveolar macrophages cells.Results: The results showed that when the primer sequence matched perfectly with the sequences of field isolates, a mutation in probe binding region was found, indicating that a single mismatch in the probe binding site may cause a false-negative result by real-time PCR in detecting ASFV in clinical samples in Vietnam. An agreement between conventional PCR, using PPA1/PPA2 primers and two golden standard methods, virus isolation in combination with HAD assay, and sequencing method was observed in this study.Conclusion: A single mismatch in the probe binding site caused a failse-negative result by realtime PCR method in field diagnosis of ASFV. The needs consideration when selecting the appropriate molecular diagnostic methods is based on the current databases of ASFV sequences,  particularly for epidemiological surveillance of ASF. Keywords: African swine fever, PCR, Pigs, Real-time PCR, Vietna


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    Y-chromosome microsatellites or short tandem repeats (STRs) have been proved to be ideal markers to delineate the differences between individuals in human population. Nowadays, Y-STR testing using the PowerPlex® Y23 amplification kit is considered as an extremely sensitive analysis method and has the potential to be used to perform forensic caseworks, and to explore the complexity in population substructures. However, little is known about the forensic Y-chromosome databases in the Vietnam population. In this study, 23 Y-STR loci (DYS576, DYS389I, DYS389 II, DYS448, DYS19, DYS391, DYS481, DYS549, DYS533, DYS438, DYS437, DYS570, DYS635, DYS390, DYS439, DYS392, DYS393, DYS458 DYS456, DYS643, YGATAH4, and DYS385a/b) were investigated in 120 non-related males of the Kinh population in Northern Vietnam using PowerPlex® Y23 system kit (Promega). Our results showed that allele frequencies of 23 loci in the sample population, with the calculated average gene diversity (GD) for each locus, ranged from 0.24 (DYS438) to 0.92 (DYS385a/b). In addition, a total of 120 different haplotypes were found, all of them were unique. Therefore, we found that the haplotype diversity was 1 with a discrimination capacity of 100%, which serves as an essential prerequisite for using Y-chromosomal STR with PowerPlex® Y23 System kit in forensic application in Vietnam. We also compared genetic distances between Kinh population and 10 other neighboring populations from Y-chromosome haplotype reference database (YHRD). The Kinh population is significantly different from other populations. In conclusion, it was indicated that the 23 Y-STR loci were highly genetically polymorphic in the Kinh population in Vietnam and might be of great value in forensic application

    Brza serotipizacija virusa afričke kuge svinja zasnovana na analizi kratkih fragmenata EP402R gena koji kodira CD2-like protein

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    The first confirmed case of African swine fever (ASF) in Vietnam was officially reported in February 2019. To date, the ASF virus (ASFV) has been detected in all 63 cities/provinces in Vietnam. In order to get a better understanding of the potential role of the EP402R gene in a grouping of ASFV serotypes, thirty ASFV sequences of EP402R genes (accession numbers: MN711757-86) from North Central Coast of Vietnam and 68 well-known references of serotype groups from previous studies were further analyzed. Interestingly, we found that a short fragment of 90 nucleotides was very typical for 8 serological groups of ASFVs. A primer set was designed to amplicon the short fragment of 90 nucleotides using the Primer3 program to establish a simplified method for the serotyping of ASFV. Our results indicated that phylogenetic analysis of the short fragment (90 nucleotides) of the EP402R gene is a very specific and useful method for ASFV serotyping when compared to the previous method using a long fragment (816 nucleotides) of this gene and well-known serotype references based on haemadsorption inhibition (HAI) assay.Prvi potvrđen slučaj afričke kuge svinja (ASF) u Vijetnamu bio je zvanično prijavljen u februaru 2019. godine. Do danas, ASF virus (ASFV) je detektovan u 63 provincije Vijetnama. Radi boljeg razumevanja potencijalne uloge EP402R gena u grupisanju ASFV serotipova, analizirano je trideset ASFV sekvenci EP402R gena (pristupni brojevi: MN711757-86) poreklom iz Centralne severne obale Vijetnama i 68 referentnih uzoraka serotip grupa koji su dobro poznati iz prethodnih studija. Interesantan je bio nalaz da je kratak fragment od 90 nukleotida bio tipičan za 8 seroloških grupa ASF virusa. Dizajniran je set prajmera sa ciljem amplifi kacije kratkih fragmenata (90 nukleotida), korišćenjem Primer3 programa, a za uspostavljanje jednostavne metode serotipiziranja ASFV. Rezultati ukazuju da je fi logenetska analiza kratkih fragmenata (90 nukleotida) EP402R gena je veoma specifična i predstavlja korisnu metodu serotipizacije ASFV u poređenju sa prethodno opisanim metodama koje su koristile duge fragmente (816 nukleotida) ovog gena kao i dobro poznate referentne serotipove dobijene metodom inhibicije hemadsorbcije


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    Hybridization between wild and domestic bovine occurs widely due to the overlapping of the natural habitat of the wild and human farm animals. Due to the loss of habitat, the number of wild gaur (Bos gaurus) in Vietnam was in serious decline. Since 2009, a male wild gaur (Bos gaurus) has appeared and incorporated with female domestic cows (Bos taurus) in buffer zone Phuoc Binh National Park, on the border with Lam Dong and Ninh Thuan provinces. Then, several calves were born that carried some traits of wild gaur including physical characteristics and behaviors. These calves were supposed to be offspring between wild gaur and domestic cows. In previous study, the karyotypes of putative calves were identified with 2n = 58 and non-homologous chromosome 28 and 29 in these hybrids. In this study, we characterized the putative hybrids between track-lacking Bos gaurus and Bos taurus for breeding and preservation using Cytochrome b analysis, microsatellites and a novel marker growth hormone factor 1 (POU1F1). Cytochrome b analysis indicated the maternal lineage of the putative hybrids, with 100% nucleotide sequence identity. Microsatellite BM861 and sequence of ZFY gene region reveal Bos taurus chromosome Y origin was among the male putative hybrids. Importantly, the analysis of POU1F1 gene sequence on 1 chromosome showed efficacy in determining both Bos gaurus and Bos taurus lineage in the putative hybrids. The karyotyping results were confirmed by molecular analysis and our results provide a feasible way for detecting the putative hybrids between wild and domestic cattle in case of lacking the wild trace

    Morphological characterization and classification of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Vietnam

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    The aim of this study was to establish the morphological basis for the classification of major cassava cultivars (Manihot esculenta Crantz) planted in Vietnam. Twenty typical descriptors were observed in various specific growth stages. Four traits related to mature leaves and two traits related to leaf veins were detected in cassava plant after the 4-month stage. At the same time, 12 root- and stem-related descriptors were collected in cassava plants from 8-months to harvest. We found that two traits in the apical leaves can be observed in every growth stage. A classification tree based on these traits was constructed with 6 essential morphological descriptors to recognize the 7 most common cassava cultivars in Vietnam. KM 140 variety is distinguished by purplish-red in apical leaves, while KM 98-7 can be classified with straight or linear shapes of central leaflet. The irregular orientation of the petiole is a unique descriptor of local cultivar XVP. In the case of SM 937-26, weak foliar scars are observed. Finally, KM 94, KM 419, and KM 98-5 varieties can be classified by the color of the stem epidermis. These morphological descriptors will be a foundation to classify all cassava varieties planted in Vietnam.