1 research outputs found

    Additional file 5: of Geminin prevents DNA damage in vagal neural crest cells to ensure normal enteric neurogenesis

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    Figure S4. Efficient ablation of the Gem locus when combined with the inducible Sox10iCreER T2 line. Whole-mount gut preparations of control (A) and Sox10CreER(i8.5)|Gem (B) E12.5 embryos, immunostained for GFP to visualise the distribution of ENCCs within the gut. Red arrows indicate the position of the most caudally located ENCCs in the gut preparations. (C–D), Relative quantitation of Gem transcript levels in the FACS-purified ENCCs of Sox10CreER(i8.5)|Gem and Sox10CreER(i10)|Gem embryos normalised to the levels of b-actin. Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction, **P value < 0.01, ***P value < 0.001. Scale bar: (A, B) 400 μm. (TIF 1130 kb