5 research outputs found

    VZV Infection of Primary Human Adrenal Cortical Cells Produces a Proinflammatory Environment without Cell Death

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    Virus infection of adrenal glands can disrupt secretion of mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and sex hormones from the cortex and catecholamines from the medulla, leading to a constellation of symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, weight loss, nausea, and muscle and joint pain. Specifically, varicella zoster virus (VZV) can produce bilateral adrenal hemorrhage and adrenal insufficiency during primary infection or following reactivation. However, the mechanisms by which VZV affects the adrenal glands are not well-characterized. Herein, we determined if primary human adrenal cortical cells (HAdCCs) infected with VZV support viral replication and produce a proinflammatory environment. Quantitative PCR showed VZV DNA increasing over time in HAdCCs, yet no cell death was seen at 3 days post-infection by TUNEL staining or Western Blot analysis with PARP and caspase 9 antibodies. Compared to conditioned supernatant from mock-infected cells, supernatant from VZV-infected cells contained significantly elevated IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-4, and TNF-α. Overall, VZV can productively infect adrenal cortical cells in the absence of cell death, suggesting that these cells may be a potential reservoir for ongoing viral replication and proinflammatory cytokine production, leading to chronic adrenalitis and dysfunction

    Histopathological Analysis of Adrenal Glands after Simian Varicella Virus Infection

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    Latent varicella zoster virus (VZV) has been detected in human adrenal glands, raising the possibility of virus-induced adrenal damage and dysfunction during primary infection or reactivation. Rare cases of bilateral adrenal hemorrhage and insufficiency associated with VZV reactivation have been reported. Since there is no animal model for VZV infection of adrenal glands, we obtained adrenal glands from two non-human primates (NHPs) that spontaneously developed varicella from primary simian varicella virus (SVV) infection, the NHP VZV homolog. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis revealed SVV antigen and DNA in the adrenal medulla and cortex of both animals. Adrenal glands were observed to have Cowdry A inclusion bodies, cellular necrosis, multiple areas of hemorrhage, and varying amounts of polymorphonuclear cells. No specific association of SVV antigen with βIII-tubulin-positive nerve fibers was found. Overall, we found that SVV can productively infect NHP adrenal glands, and is associated with inflammation, hemorrhage, and cell death. These findings suggest that further studies are warranted to examine the contribution of VZV infection to human adrenal disease. This study also suggests that VZV infection may present itself as acute adrenal dysfunction with “long-hauler” symptoms of fatigue, weakness, myalgias/arthralgias, and hypotension

    Simian Varicella Virus Pathogenesis in Skin during Varicella and Zoster

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    Primary simian varicella virus (SVV) infection and reactivation in nonhuman primates is a valuable animal model in the study of varicella zoster virus disease [varicella (chickenpox) and herpes zoster (shingles)]. To understand SVV pathogenesis in skin, we inoculated 10 rhesus macaques with SVV, resulting in varicella rash. After the establishment of latency, eight of the monkeys were immunosuppressed using tacrolimus with or without irradiation and prednisone and two monkeys were not immunosuppressed. Zoster rash developed in all immunosuppressed monkeys and in one non-immunosuppressed monkey. Five monkeys had recurrent zoster. During varicella and zoster, SVV DNA in skin scrapings ranged from 50 to 10 copies/100 ng of total DNA and 2-127 copies/100 ng of total DNA, respectively. Detection of SVV DNA in blood during varicella was more frequent and abundant compared to that of zoster. During varicella and zoster, SVV antigens colocalized with neurons expressing β-III tubulin in epidermis, hair follicles, and sweat glands, suggesting axonal transport of the virus. Together, we have demonstrated that both SVV DNA and antigens can be detected in skin lesions during varicella and zoster, providing the basis for further studies on SVV skin pathogenesis, including immune responses and mechanisms of peripheral spread

    Protein Design: Toward Functional Metalloenzymes

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    The scope of this Review is to discuss the construction of metal sites in designed protein scaffolds. We categorize the effort of designing proteins into redesign, which is to rationally engineer desired functionality into an existing protein scaffold,(1-9) and de novo design, which is to build a peptidic or protein system that is not directly related to any sequence found in nature yet folds into a predicted structure and/or carries out desired reactions.(10-12) We will analyze and interpret the significance of designed protein systems from a coordination chemistry and biochemistry perspective, with an emphasis on those containing constructed metal sites as mimics for metalloenzymes