5,136 research outputs found

    Relativistic Winds from Compact Gamma-Ray Sources: II. Pair Loading and Radiative Acceleration in Gamma-ray Bursts

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    We consider the effects of rapid pair creation by an intense pulse of gamma-rays propagating ahead of a relativistic shock. Side-scattered photons colliding with the main gamma-ray beam amplify the density of scattering charges. The acceleration rate of the pair-loaded medium is calculated, and its limiting bulk Lorentz factor related to the spectrum and compactness of the photon source. One obtains, as a result, a definite prediction for the relative inertia in baryons and pairs. The deceleration of a relativistic shock in the moving medium, and the resulting synchrotron emissivity, are compared with existing calculations for a static medium. The radiative efficiency is increased dramatically by pair loading. When the initial ambient density exceeds a critical value, the scattering depth traversed by the main gamma-ray pulse rises above unity, and the pulse is broadened. These considerations place significant constraints on burst progenitors: a pre-burst mass loss rate exceeding 10^{-5} M_\odot per year is difficult to reconcile with individual pulses narrower than 10 s, unless the radiative efficiency is low. An anisotropic gamma-ray flux (on an angular scale \Gamma^{-1} or larger) drives a large velocity shear that greatly increases the energy in the seed magnetic field forward of the propagating shock.Comment: 19 pp., LaTeX (aaspp4.sty), revised 12/23/99, Ap. J. in press; summary section added and several minor improvements in presentatio

    Electrodynamics of Magnetars IV: Self-Consistent Model of the Inner Accelerator, with Implications for Pulsed Radio Emission

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    We consider the voltage structure in the open-field circuit and outer magnetosphere of a magnetar. The standard polar-cap model for radio pulsars is modified significantly when the polar magnetic field exceeds 1.8x10^{14} G. Pairs are created by accelerated particles via resonant scattering of thermal X-rays, followed by the nearly instantaneous conversion of the scattered photon to a pair. A surface gap is then efficiently screened by e+- creation, which regulates the voltage in the inner part of the circuit to ~10^9 V. We also examine the electrostatic gap structure that can form when the magnetic field is somewhat weaker, and deduce a voltage 10-30 times larger over a range of surface temperatures. We examine carefully how the flow of charge back to the star above the gap depends on the magnitude of the current that is extracted from the surface of the star, on the curvature of the magnetic field lines, and on resonant drag. The rates of different channels of pair creation are determined self-consistently, including the non-resonant scattering of X-rays, and collisions between gamma rays and X-rays. We find that the electrostatic gap solution has too small a voltage to sustain the observed pulsed radio output of magnetars unless i) the magnetic axis is nearly aligned with the rotation axis and the light of sight; or ii) the gap is present on the closed as well as the open magnetic field lines. Several properties of the radio magnetars -- their rapid variability, broad pulses, and unusually hard radio spectra -- are consistent with a third possibility, that the current in the outer magnetosphere is strongly variable, and a very high rate of pair creation is sustained by a turbulent cascade.Comment: 32 pages, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Hard Burst Emission from the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1900+14

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    We present evidence for burst emission from SGR 1900+14 with a power-law high energy spectrum extending beyond 500 keV. Unlike previous detections of high energy photons during bursts from SGRs, these emissions are not associated with high-luminosity burst intervals. Not only is the emission hard, but the spectra are better fit by Band's GRB function rather than by the traditional optically-thin thermal bremsstrahlung model. We find that the spectral evolution within these hard events obeys a hardness/intensity anti-correlation. Temporally, these events are distinct from typical SGR burst emissions in that they are longer (~ 1 s) and have relatively smooth profiles. Despite a difference in peak luminosity of > 1E+11 between these bursts from SGR 1900+14 and cosmological GRBs, there are striking temporal and spectral similarities between the two kinds of bursts, aside from spectral evolution. We outline an interpretation of these events in the context of the magnetar model.Comment: 11 pages (text and figures), submitted to ApJ Letters, corrected erroneous hardness ratio

    Statistical properties of SGR 1806-20 bursts

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    We present statistics of SGR 1806-20 bursts, combining 290 events detected with RXTE/PCA, 111 events detected with BATSE and 134 events detected with ICE. We find that the fluence distribution of bursts observed with each instrument are well described by power laws with indices 1.43, 1.76 and 1.67, respectively. The distribution of time intervals between successive bursts from SGR 1806-20 is described by a lognormal function with a peak at 103 s. There is no correlation between the burst intensity and either the waiting times till the next burst or the time elapsed since the previous burst. In all these statistical properties, SGR 1806-20 bursts resemble a self-organized critical system, similar to earthquakes and solar flares. Our results thus support the hypothesis that the energy source for SGR bursts is crustquakes due to the evolving, strong magnetic field of the neutron star, rather than any accretion or nuclear power.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, To appear in ApJ Letter

    Reconciling ^(56)Ni Production in Type Ia Supernovae with Double Degenerate Scenarios

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    We combine the observed distribution of Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) ^(56)Ni yields with the results of sub-Chandrasekhar detonation and direct collision calculations to estimate what mass white dwarfs (WDs) should be exploding for each scenario. For collisions, the average exploding WD mass must be peaked at ≈0.75M_☉, significantly higher than the average field WD mass of ≈0.55–0.60M_☉. Thus, if collisions produce most SNe Ia, then a mechanism must exist that favours higher mass WDs. On the other hand, in old stellar populations, collisions would naturally result in low-luminosity SNe Ia, and we suggest these may be related to 1991bg-like events. For sub-Chandrasekhar detonations, the average exploding WD mass must be peaked at ≈1.1M_☉. This is similar to the average total mass in WD–WD binaries, but it is not clear whether double degenerate mergers would synthesize sufficient ^(56)Ni to match observed yields. If not, then actual ≈1.1M_☉ WDs would be needed for sub-Chandrasekhar detonations. Since such high-mass WDs are produced relatively quickly in comparison to the age of SN Ia environments, this would require either accretion on to lower mass WDs prior to ignition or a long time-scale between formation of the ≈1.1M_☉ WD and ignition

    Relativistic Winds from Compact Gamma-ray Sources: I. Radiative Acceleration in the Klein-Nishina Regime

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    We consider the radiative acceleration to relativistic bulk velocities of a cold, optically thin plasma which is exposed to an external source of gamma-rays. The flow is driven by radiative momentum input to the gas, the accelerating force being due to Compton scattering in the relativistic Klein-Nishina limit. The bulk Lorentz factor of the plasma, Gamma, derived as a function of distance from the radiating source, is compared with the corresponding result in the Thomson limit. Depending on the geometry and spectrum of the radiation field, we find that particles are accelerated to the asymptotic Lorentz factor at infinity much more rapidly in the relativistic regime; and the radiation drag is reduced as blueshifted, aberrated photons experience a decreased relativistic cross section and scatter preferentially in the forward direction. The random energy imparted to the plasma by gamma-rays can be converted into bulk motion if the hot particles execute many Larmor orbits before cooling. This `Compton afterburn' may be a supplementary source of momentum if energetic leptons are injected by pair creation, but can be neglected in the case of pure Klein-Nishina scattering. Compton drag by side-scattered radiation is shown to be more important in limiting the bulk Lorentz factor than the finite inertia of the accelerating medium. The processes discussed here may be relevant to a variety of astrophysical situations where luminous compact sources of hard X- and gamma-ray photons are observed, including active galactic nuclei, galactic black hole candidates, and gamma-ray bursts.Comment: LateX, 20 pages, 5 figures, revised version accepted for publication in the Ap

    A Search for Stars of Very Low Metal Abundance. VI. Detailed Abundances of 313 Metal-Poor Stars

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    We present radial velocities, equivalent widths, model atmosphere parameters, and abundances or upper limits for 53 species of 48 elements derived from high resolution optical spectroscopy of 313 metal-poor stars. A majority of these stars were selected from the metal-poor candidates of the HK Survey of Beers, Preston, and Shectman. We derive detailed abundances for 61% of these stars for the first time. Spectra were obtained during a 10-year observing campaign using the Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle spectrograph on the Magellan Telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory, the Robert G. Tull Coude Spectrograph on the Harlan J. Smith Telescope at McDonald Observatory, and the High Resolution Spectrograph on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory. We perform a standard LTE abundance analysis using MARCS model atmospheres, and we apply line-by-line statistical corrections to minimize systematic abundance differences arising when different sets of lines are available for analysis. We identify several abundance correlations with effective temperature. A comparison with previous abundance analyses reveals significant differences in stellar parameters, which we investigate in detail. Our metallicities are, on average, lower by approx. 0.25 dex for red giants and approx. 0.04 dex for subgiants. Our sample contains 19 stars with [Fe/H] < -3.5, 84 stars with [Fe/H] < -3.0, and 210 stars with [Fe/H] < -2.5. Detailed abundances are presented here or elsewhere for 91% of the 209 stars with [Fe/H] < -2.5 as estimated from medium resolution spectroscopy by Beers, Preston, and Shectman. We will discuss the interpretation of these abundances in subsequent papers.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. 60 pages, 59 figures, 18 tables. Machine-readable versions of the long tables can be found in the ancillary data file

    Epidemiology and Impact of Abdominal Oblique Injuries in Major and Minor League Baseball.

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    BACKGROUND: Oblique injuries are known to be a common cause of time out of play for professional baseball players, and prior work has suggested that injury rates may be on the rise in Major League Baseball (MLB). PURPOSE: To better understand the current incidence of oblique injuries, determine their impact based on time out of play, and to identify common injury patterns that may guide future injury prevention programs. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive epidemiological study. METHODS: Using the MLB Health and Injury Tracking System, all oblique injuries that resulted in time out of play in MLB and Minor League Baseball (MiLB) during the 2011 to 2015 seasons were identified. Player demographics such as age, position/role, and handedness were included. Injury-specific factors analyzed included the following: date of injury, timing during season, days missed, mechanism, side, treatment, and reinjury status. RESULTS: A total of 996 oblique injuries occurred in 259 (26%) MLB and 737 (74%) MiLB players. Although the injury rate was steady in MiLB, the MLB injury rate declined (P = .037). A total of 22,064 days were missed at a mean rate of 4413 days per season and 22.2 days per injury. The majority of these occurred during batting (n = 455, 46%) or pitching (n = 348, 35%), with pitchers losing 5 days more per injury than batters (P \u3c .001). The leading side was injured in 77% of cases and took 5 days longer to recover from than trailing side injuries (P = .009). Seventy-nine (7.9%) players received either a corticosteroid or platelet-rich plasma injection, and the mean recovery time was 11 days longer compared with those who did not receive an injection (P \u3c .001). CONCLUSION: Although the rate of abdominal oblique injuries is on the decline in MLB, this is not the case for MiLB, and these injuries continue to represent a significant source of time out of play in professional baseball. The vast majority of injuries occur on the lead side, and these injuries result in the greatest amount time out of play. The benefit of injections for the treatment of oblique injuries remains unknown

    Electrodynamics of Magnetars III: Pair Creation Processes in an Ultrastrong Magnetic Field and Particle Heating in a Dynamic Magnetosphere

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    We consider the details of the QED processes that create electron-positron pairs in magnetic fields approaching and exceeding 10^{14} G. The formation of free and bound pairs is addressed, and the importance of positronium dissociation by thermal X-rays is noted. We calculate the collision cross section between an X-ray and a gamma ray, and point out a resonance in the cross section when the gamma ray is close to the threshold for pair conversion. We also discuss how the pair creation rate in the open-field circuit and the outer magnetosphere can be strongly enhanced by instabilities near the light cylinder. When the current has a strong fluctuating component, a cascade develops. We examine the details of particle heating, and show that a high rate of pair creation can be sustained close to the star, but only if the spin period is shorter than several seconds. The dissipation rate in this turbulent state can easily accommodate the observed radio output of the transient radio-emitting magnetars, and even their infrared emission. Finally, we outline how a very high rate of pair creation on the open magnetic field lines can help to stabilize a static twist in the closed magnetosphere and to regulate the loss of magnetic helicity by reconnection at the light cylinder.Comment: 25 pages, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Intense Electromagnetic Outbursts from Collapsing Hypermassive Neutron Stars

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    We study the gravitational collapse of a magnetized neutron star using a novel numerical approach able to capture both the dynamics of the star and the behavior of the surrounding plasma. In this approach, a fully general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics implementation models the collapse of the star and provides appropriate boundary conditions to a force-free model which describes the stellar exterior. We validate this strategy by comparing with known results for the rotating monopole and aligned rotator solutions and then apply it to study both rotating and non-rotating stellar collapse scenarios, and contrast the behavior with what is obtained when employing the electrovacuum approximation outside the star. The non-rotating electrovacuum collapse is shown to agree qualitatively with a Newtonian model of the electromagnetic field outside a collapsing star. We illustrate and discuss a fundamental difference between the force-free and electrovacuum solutions, involving the appearance of large zones of electric-dominated field in the vacuum case. This provides a clear demonstration of how dissipative singularities appear generically in the non-linear time-evolution of force-free fluids. In both the rotating and non-rotating cases, our simulations indicate that the collapse induces a strong electromagnetic transient. In the case of sub-millisecond rotation, the magnetic field experiences strong winding and the transient carries much more energy. This result has important implications for models of gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figures (quality lowered to reduce sizes). Improved initial data and matching condition results in a lower, but still important, energy emission. Added appendix with a discussion on effects of transition laye
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