167 research outputs found

    Depression in autoimmune diseases

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    Up to 50% of patients with autoimmune diseases show an impairment of health-related quality of life and exhibit depression-like symptoms. The immune system not only leads to inflammation in affected organs, but also mediates behavior abnormalities including fatigue and depression-like symptoms. This review focuses on the different pathways involved in the communication of the immune system with the neuronal network and the body's timing system. The latter is built up by a hierarchically organized expression of clock genes. As discussed here, the activation of the immune system interferes with high amplitude expression of clock genes, an effect which may play a pivotal role in depression-like behavior in autoimmune diseases

    Pathophysiology in cortico-amygdala circuits and excessive aversion processing: the role of oligodendrocytes and myelination

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    Stress-related psychiatric illnesses, such as major depressive disorder, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, present with alterations in emotional processing, including excessive processing of negative/aversive stimuli and events. The bidirectional human/primate brain circuit comprising anterior cingulate cortex and amygdala is of fundamental importance in processing emotional stimuli, and in rodents the medial prefrontal cortex-amygdala circuit is to some extent analogous in structure and function. Here, we assess the comparative evidence for: (i) Anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortexamygdala bidirectional neural circuits as major contributors to aversive stimulus processing; (ii) Structural and functional changes in anterior cingulate cortexamygdala circuit associated with excessive aversion processing in stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders, and in medial prefrontal cortexamygdala circuit in rodent models of chronic stress-induced increased aversion reactivity; and (iii) Altered status of oligodendrocytes and their oligodendrocyte lineage cells and myelination in anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortexamygdala circuits in stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders and stress models. The comparative evidence from humans and rodents is that their respective anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortexamygdala circuits are integral to adaptive aversion processing. However, at the sub-regional level, the anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortex structure-function analogy is incomplete, and differences as well as similarities need to be taken into account. Structure-function imaging studies demonstrate that these neural circuits are altered in both human stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders and rodent models of stress-induced increased aversion processing. In both cases, the changes include altered white matter integrity, albeit the current evidence indicates that this is decreased in humans and increased in rodent models. At the cellular-molecular level, in both humans and rodents, the current evidence is that stress disorders do present with changes in oligodendrocyte lineage, oligodendrocytes and/or myelin in these neural circuits, but these changes are often discordant between and even within species. Nonetheless, by integrating the current comparative evidence, this review provides a timely insight into this field and should function to inform future studies-human, monkey and rodent-to ascertain whether or not the oligodendrocyte lineage and myelination are causally involved in the pathophysiology of stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders

    Effects of chronic social stress on oligodendrocyte proliferation-maturation and myelin status in prefrontal cortex and amygdala in adult mice

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    Stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders present with excessive processing of aversive stimuli. Whilst underlying pathophysiology remains poorly understood, within- and between-regional changes in oligodendrocyte (OL)-myelination status in anterior cingulate cortex and amygdala (ACC-AMY network) could be important. In adult mice, a 15-day chronic social stress (CSS) protocol leads to increased aversion responsiveness, accompanied by increased resting-state functional connectivity between, and reduced oligodendrocyte- and myelin-related transcript expression within, medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala (mPFC-AMY network), the analog of the human ACC-AMY network. In the current study, young-adult male C57BL/6 mice underwent CSS or control handling (CON). To assess OL proliferation-maturation, mice received 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine via drinking water across CSS/CON and brains were collected on day 16 or 31. In mPFC, CSS decreased the density of proliferative OL precursor cells (OPCs) at days 16 and 31. CSS increased mPFC myelin basic protein (MBP) integrated density at day 31, as well as increasing myelin thickness as determined using transmission electron microscopy, at day 16. In AMY, CSS increased the densities of total CC1+ OLs (day 31) and CC1+/ASPA+ OLs (days 16 and 31), whilst decreasing the density of proliferative OPCs at days 16 and 31. CSS was without effect on AMY MBP content and myelin thickness, at days 16 and 31. Therefore, CSS impacts on the OL lineage in mPFC and AMY and to an extent that, in mPFC at least, leads to increased myelination. This increased myelination could contribute to the excessive aversion learning and memory that occur in CSS mice and, indeed, human stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders

    Mouse Model of Chronic Social Stress-Induced Excessive Pavlovian Aversion Learning-Memory

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    Increased experience of aversive stimuli/events is a psychological-neurobiological state of major importance in psychiatry. It occurs commonly in generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and major depression. A sustained period of exposure to threat (chronic stressor) is a common risk factor, and a major symptom is generalized excessive perception of, and reactivity to, aversive stimuli. In rodents, Pavlovian aversion learning and memory (PAL, PAM), quantified in terms of the conditioned defensive behavior freezing, is an extensively studied behavioral paradigm, and well understood in terms of underlying neural circuitry. In mice, chronic social stress (CSS) is a 15-day resident-intruder paradigm in which C57BL/6 adult males are exposed continuously and distally to dominant-aggressive CD-1 male mice (sustained threat) interspersed with a brief daily period of proximal attack (acute threat). To ensure that physical wounding is minimized, proximal attacks are limited to 30 to 60 s/day and lower incisor teeth of CD-1 mice are blunted. Control (comparison) mice are maintained in littermate pairs. The CSS and CD-1 mice are maintained in distal contact during subsequent behavioral testing. For PAL, CSS and control (CON) mice are placed in a conditioning chamber (context) and exposed to a tone [conditioned stimulus (CS)] and mild, brief foot shock [unconditioned stimulus (US)]. For PAM, mice are placed in the same context and presented with CS repetitions. The CSS mice acquire (learn) and express (memory) a higher level of freezing than CON mice, indicating that CSS leads to generalized hypersensitivity to aversion, i.e., chronic social aversion leads to increased aversion salience of foot shock. Distinctive features of the model include the following: high reproducibility; rare, mild wounding only; male specificity; absence of "susceptible" vs "resilient" subgroups; behavioral effects dependent on continued presence of CD-1 mice; and preclinical validation of novel compounds for normalizing aversion hypersensitivity with accurate feedforward prediction of efficacy in human patients. © 2024 The Authors. Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Chronic social stress (CSS) Basic Protocol 2: Pavlovian aversion learning and memory (PALM)

    Translating the evidence for gene association with depression into mouse models of depression-relevant behaviour: current limitations and future potential

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    Depression is characterised by high prevalence and complex, heterogeneous psychopathology. At the level of aetio-pathology, considerable research effort has been invested to identify specific gene polymorphisms associated with increased depression prevalence. Genome-wide association studies have not identified any risk polymorphisms, and candidate gene case-control studies have identified a small number of risk polymorphisms. It is increasingly recognised that interaction between genotype and environmental factors (G×E), notably stressful life events, is the more realistic unit of depression aetio-pathology, with G×E evidence described for a small number of risk polymorphisms. An important complementary approach has been to describe genes exhibiting brain region-specific expression changes in depression. Mouse models of depression informed by the human evidence allow for the study of causality, but to-date have also yielded limited insights into depression aetio-pathology. This review of the translational evidence integrates human and mouse research approaches and evidence. It also makes specific recommendations in terms of how future research in human and mouse should be designed in order to deliver evidence for depression aetio-pathology and thereby to inform the development of novel and improved antidepressant treatments

    Effects of antenatal dexamethasone treatment on glucocorticoid receptor and calcyon gene expression in the prefrontal cortex of neonatal and adult common marmoset monkeys

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    BACKGROUND: Synthetic glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone (DEX) are commonly used to promote fetal lung maturation in at-risk preterm births, but there is emerging evidence of subsequent neurobehavioral abnormalities in these children e.g. problems with inattention/hyperactivity. However, molecular pathways mediating effects of glucocorticoid overexposure on motor and cognitive development are poorly understood. METHODS: In this study with common marmoset monkeys, we investigated for neonatal and adulthood effects of antenatal DEX treatment on the expression of the corticosteroid receptors and also calcyon, a risk gene for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Pregnant marmosets were exposed to DEX (5 mg/kg body weight) or vehicle during early (days 42-48) or late (days 90-96) stages of the 144-day pregnancy. RESULTS: In neonates, relative to controls, glucocorticoid receptor (GR) mRNA levels were significantly reduced after the late DEX treatment in the medial, orbital and dorsal PFC and after the early DEX treatment in the dorsal PFC. The early DEX exposure, specifically, resulted in significant reduction in calcyon mRNA expression in the medial, orbital, dorsal and lateral PFC relative to controls. Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) mRNA levels were not significantly affected by DEX treatment. In adults, PFC GR, calcyon, and MR mRNA levels were not significantly affected by early or late prenatal DEX treatment. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that antenatal DEX treatment could lead to short-term alterations in PFC expression of the GR and calcyon genes, with possible neurodevelopmental functional consequences

    Behavioural endophenotypes in mice lacking the auxiliary GABAB receptor subunit KCTD16

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    Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and is implicated in the pathophysiology of a number of neuropsychiatric disorders. The GABAB receptors are G-protein coupled receptors consisting of principle subunits and auxiliary potassium channel tetramerization domain (KCTD) subunits. The KCTD subunits 8, 12, 12b and 16 are cytosolic proteins that determine the kinetics of the GABAB receptor response. Previously, we demonstrated that Kctd12 null mutant mice (Kctd12(-/-)) exhibit increased auditory fear learning and that Kctd12(+/-) mice show altered circadian activity, as well as increased intrinsic excitability in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. KCTD16 has been demonstrated to influence neuronal excitability by regulating GABAB receptor-mediated gating of postsynaptic ion channels. In the present study we investigated for behavioural endophenotypes in Kctd16(-/-) and Kctd16(+/-) mice. Compared with wild-type (WT) littermates, auditory and contextual fear conditioning were normal in both Kctd16(-/-) and Kctd16(+/-) mice. When fear memory was tested on the following day, Kctd16(-/-) mice exhibited less extinction of auditory fear memory relative to WT and Kctd16(+/-) mice, as well as more contextual fear memory relative to WT and, in particular, Kctd16(+/-) mice. Relative to WT, both Kctd16(+/-) and Kctd16(-/-) mice exhibited normal circadian activity. This study adds to the evidence that auxillary KCTD subunits of GABAB receptors contribute to the regulation of behaviours that could constitute endophenotypes for hyper-reactivity to aversive stimuli in neuropsychiatric disorders

    Bank voles show more impulsivity in IntelliCage learning tasks than wood mice

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    Impulsivity is a personality trait of healthy individuals, but in extreme forms common in mental disorders. Previous behavioral testing of wild-caught bank voles and wood mice suggested impulsiveness in bank voles. Here, we compared behavioral performance of bank voles and wood mice in tests for response control in the IntelliCage. In the reaction time task, a test similar to the five-choice serial-reaction time task (5CSRTT), bank voles made more premature responses. Impulsivity in the reaction time task was associated with smaller medial habenular nucleus in bank voles. Additional tests revealed reduced behavioral flexibility in the self-paced flexibility task in bank voles, but equal spatial and reversal learning in the chaining/reversal task in both species. Expression of immediate early gene Arc after behavioral testing was low in medial prefrontal cortex, but high in hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus in bank voles. Wood mice showed the opposite pattern. Numbers of Arc-positive cells in the dorsal hippocampus were higher in bank voles than wood mice. Due to continuous behavioral testing (24/7), associations between behavioral performance and Arc were rare. Corticosterone measurements at the end of experiments suggested that IntelliCage testing did not elicit a stress response in these wild rodents. In summary, habenular size differences and altered activation of brain areas after testing might indicate differently balanced activations of cortico-limbic and cortico-hypothalamic circuits in bank voles compared to wood mice. Behavioral performance of bank voles suggest that these rodents could be a natural animal model for investigating impulsive and perseverative behaviors

    Somatostatin receptor 4 agonism normalizes stress-related excessive amygdala glutamate release and Pavlovian aversion learning and memory in rodents

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    Background Excessive processing of aversive life events is a major pathology in stress-related anxiety and depressive disorders. Current pharmacological treatments have rather non-specific mechanisms of action. Somatostatin is synthesized and released as an inhibitory co-neurotransmitter by specific GABA interneurons and one of its receptors, SSTR4, is localized in brain regions involved in adaptive aversion processing and implicated in negative valence neuropathology, including the amygdala. Methods Rat and mouse experiments were conducted to investigate effects of specific SSTR4 agonism on neurobehavioral aversion processing including any normalization of stress-related hyper-responsiveness. A mouse experiment to investigate stress and SSTR4 agonism effects on reward processing was also conducted. Results In male rats (N=5-10/group) fitted with glutamate biosensors in basolateral amygdala, SSTR4 agonism attenuated glutamate release to restraint stress in control rats and particularly in rats previously exposed to chronic corticosterone. In male mice (N=10-18/group), SSTR4 agonism dose-dependently attenuated Pavlovian tone-footshock learning and memory measured as freezing behavior, both in controls (CON) and following exposure to chronic social stress (CSS) which induces excessive Pavlovian aversion learning-memory. Specificity of SSTR4 agonism effects to aversion learning-memory was demonstrated by absence of effects on discriminative reward (sucrose) learning-memory in both CON and CSS mice; SSTR4 agonism did increase reward-to-effort valuation in a dose-dependent manner, and in both CON mice and mice exposed to CSS which attenuates reward motivation. Conclusions These neuropsychopharmacological findings add substantially to the preclinical proof-of-concept evidence for SSTR4 agonism as a treatment in anxiety and depressive disorders. Keywords Somatostatin receptor 4 Amygdala Stress Aversion Reward GABA interneuro

    Effects of the mGluR2/3 agonist LY354740 on computerized tasks of attention and working memory in marmoset monkeys

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    Rationale: LY354740 is a recently developed metabotropic glutamatergic receptor 2 and 3 (mGluR2/3) agonist. A high density of mGluR2 has been reported in terminal fields of the perforant path in rodents and humans, suggesting its involvement in cognitive functions mediated by the temporal lobe, including memory. A small number of in vivo studies in rodents have assessed the effects of LY354740 on memory tasks, reporting the induction of impaired memory for spatial orientation in a water maze task and for delayed match and non-match to position in an operant version of these tasks. Objective: In the present primate study, we used radioautography to describe the distribution and intensity of 3H-LY354740 binding in the hippocampal formation of the common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus) relative to the rat. In the major, in vivo part of the study, the effects of systemic LY354740 on computerized tasks of attention and memory were investigated. Methods: Adult common marmosets were trained to perform a five-choice serial reaction time (5-CSRT) task and a concurrent delayed match-to-position (CDMP) task from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Automated test Battery (CANTAB). Filter tests of LY354740 effects on motor dexterity and motivation for reward revealed high inter-individual variation in sensitivity; therefore, on the 5-CSRT, subjects were tested at a dose range of 3-10mg/kg, and on the CDMP, subjects were tested at 1-3 or 3-10mg/kg. Results: Radioautography revealed a relatively low level of 3H-LY354740 binding in the marmoset hippocampal formation compared to the rat. Despite low binding, LY354740 reduced sustained-attention accuracy in the 5-CSRT, and reduced accuracy in two stages of the CDMP. Conclusions: The current study provides novel evidence for the importance of mGluR2/3 in the regulation of primate cognitive functionin