11 research outputs found

    Quality of Life of Nigerians with Unilateral Lower Limb Amputation

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    Purpose: The aims of this study were to determine the QoL of Nigerians with lower limb amputation and to investigate the influence of some clinical and socio-demographic variables on it. Method: Forty-seven individuals with lower limb amputation participated in this study. Participants’ age, gender, marital status, occupation, time since amputation, level of amputation, affected limb and use of prosthesis were recorded. Quality of life was then measured using the WHO QOL-BREF. Data were analysed using mean and standard deviation, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test at 0.05 alpha levels. Results: Participants’ overall health and QoL scores were 3.6(SD 0.9) and 3.9(SD 0.7) respectively. Male subjects had significantly higher scores than females in the domains of physical health (p = 0.007), social relationships (p = 0.024) and overall health (p = 0.012). Prosthesis-wearing subjects scored significantly higher in the domains of physical health (p = 0.015), psychological health (p = 0.008) and environment (p = 0.011) and overall health (0.033), than those not wearing prosthesis. Level of amputation, leg dominance and pre-amputation occupational category had no significant influence on participants’ QoL. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that the QoL of individuals with lower limb amputation in Nigeria is moderate. The only factors which have significant influence on some QoL domains are gender and use of prosthesis.Implications: Individuals with lower limb amputation, particularly females and those not wearing prosthesis, require special attention. Clinicians should identify barriers to the use of prosthesis so as to enhance their quality of life.</p

    Comparison of performances of SIREN or MFSRS in stroke risk prediction in an African environment

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    Abstract Background The Modified Framingham Stroke Risk Score (MFSRS) is a widely utilized stroke risk assessment algorithm usually applied in international comparison. The Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network (SIREN) is the only known African-specific stroke risk assessment algorithm. Aims and objectives To compare stroke risk estimates from the SIREN and the MFSRS in an African community. Methods This was a population-based cross-sectional survey involving consecutively recruited 310 consenting adult residents (mean age = 37.21 ± 15.84 years) of a Nigerian community. Risk factors of stroke were assessed among the participants and were utilized in calculating stroke risk estimates on the MFSRS and the SIREN. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Spearman-rank order correlation test at an alpha level of 0.05. Results The percentage stroke risk scores estimated by the SIREN and the MFSRS were 34.5% and 6.79% respectively. The most prevalent risk factors among the participants were hypertriglyceridemia (100.0%), raised waist-hip ratio (50.6%), hypercholesterolemia (45.5), physical inactivity (43.2%), psychological stress (41.3%), and hypertension (37.7%). Only two (hypertriglyceridemia and high blood pressure) out of the six factors considered in the MFSRS were rated among the first 10 most impactful risks by the SIREN. There was a weak correlation between the total scores on the MFSRS and the SIREN (rho = 0.39; p < 0.01) suggesting that the two ratings were discordant. Conclusion There were disagreements between the risk estimates on the SIREN and MFSRS with SIREN having a higher estimate that corresponded with the literature; this may be suggesting a poorer estimation of stroke risks by the MFSRS in an African environment. There is a need for large African-based quality control studies to determine and address these lapses

    Informal caregiving burden and perceived social support in an acute stroke care facility

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    Abstract Background Providing informal caregiving in the acute in-patient and post-hospital discharge phases places enormous burden on the caregivers who often require some form of social support. However, it appears there are few published studies about informal caregiving in the acute in-patient phase of individuals with stroke particularly in poor-resource countries. This study was designed to evaluate the prevalence of caregiving burden and its association with patient and caregiver-related variables and also level of perceived social support in a sample of informal caregivers of stroke survivors at an acute stroke-care facility in Nigeria. Methods Ethical approval was sought and obtained. Fifty-six (21 males, 35 females) consecutively recruited informal caregivers of stroke survivors at the medical ward of a tertiary health facility in South-Southern Nigeria participated in this cross-sectional survey. Participants’ level of care-giving strain/burden and perceived social support were assessed using the Caregiver Strain Index and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support respectively. Caregivers’ and stroke survivors’ socio-demographics were also obtained. Data was analysed using frequency count and percentages, independent t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and partial correlation at α =0.05. Results The prevalence of care-giving burden among caregivers is 96.7% with a high level of strain while 17.9% perceived social support as low. No significant association was found between caregiver burden and any of the caregiver- or survivor-related socio-demographics aside primary level education. Only the family domain of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support was significantly correlated with burden (r = − 0.295). Conclusion Informal care-giving burden was highly prevalent in this acute stroke caregiver sample and about one in every five of these caregivers rated social support low. This is a single center study. Healthcare managers and professionals in acute care facilities should device strategies to minimize caregiver burden and these may include family education and involvement

    Population-based stroke risk profile from a West-African community

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    Objectives: To determine the stroke risk profile of dwellers of Nnewi community in Nigeria. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey involving consecutively recruited community-dwelling adults without a previous history of stroke. The Modified Framingham Stroke Risk Score (MFSRS) was used to evaluate the stroke risk profile of the participants. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics at an alpha level of 0.05. Result: 310 individuals (mean age = 37.21 ± 15.84 years; 68.7% females) participated in this study. The mean MFSRS (6.79 ± 5.21) of the participants was minimal with 16% having a moderate-to-high risk. Dyslipidaemia (100.0%), meat (88.1%) and sugar (70.6%) consumption, hypertension (37.7%), physical inactivity (43.2%), and psychological stress (41.3%) were the most prevalent risk factors in the population. Participants' MFSRS significantly and positively correlated with their body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and waist-hip ratio (WHR) and significantly differed across their gender, educational, and occupational categories (p < 0.05). Conclusion: According to MFSRS, the risk of stroke among the sampled community was minimal and was significantly influenced by their BMI, WC, WHR, gender, education, and occupation. However, results revealed that stroke risk might be higher in the population than was depicted by the MFSRS. Enlightenment on the risk of stroke is needed in the community

    Effect of educational intervention programme on the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in South-East, Nigeria

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    Abstract Background Diabetes is one of the most important chronic diseases that have a great impact on health as people with diabetes are constantly being reminded of their disease daily; they have to eat carefully, exercise, and test their blood glucose. They often feel challenged by their disease because of its day-to-day management demands and these affect their quality of life. The study aimed at determining the effect of an educational intervention program on the quality of life of Individuals with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in South East, Nigeria. Methods A quasi-experimental controlled study involving three hundred and eighty-two (382) type 2 DM persons recruited from the tertiary health institutions in South East, Nigeria, and randomly assigned to intervention and control groups respectively. Data was collected from the diabetic clinics of the health institutions using the SF – 36 questionnaires. Pretest data collection was done, and thereafter, education on self-care was given to the intervention group. After a 6months follow-up, post-test data were collected from both groups. Analysis was done using an Independent t-test, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), Paired Samples Test, and Spearman rank order correlation at 0.05 alpha level. Results The control group indicated significantly higher mean HRQOL scores in most domains of the HRQOL before intervention (t = -1.927 to -6.072, p < 0.05). However, 6 months after the intervention, the mean HRQOL scores of the intervention group increased significantly in all the domains of HRQOL (p < 0.05) with an effect size of 0.14 (Eta squared). A comparison of the two groups shows a statistically significant difference (64.72 ± 10.96 vs. 58.85 ± 15.23; t = 4.349. p = 0.001) after the intervention. Age was inversely correlated with some domains of HRQOL; as age increases, HRQOL decreases in those domains. Gender had no significant influence on HRQOL. Conclusion Educational intervention was effective in improving HRQOL in individuals with type 2 DM. Hence, it is recommended for inclusion in all diabetes care plans

    Social Support, Social Participation, and Life Accomplishment of Older Adult Residents of Assisted Living Facilities and Their Adjoining Communities

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    Objectives: To assess and compare levels of social support (SS), social participation (SP) and life accomplishment (LA) among older adults in some assisted-living facilities (ALFs) and their community-dwelling (CD) peers. Methods: One hundred twenty older adults (54 ALF, 66 CD) from a Nigerian population participated in this cross-sectional survey. The Multidimensional Scale for Perceived Social Support, the Participation Scale and the Life Habit Questionnaires were used to evaluate levels of SS, SP, and LA, respectively. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman rank order correlation, at .05 alpha level. Results: Participation restriction (PR) was significantly more prevalent among the ALF group compared to the CD group (χ 2  = 12.74; p  = .01) but the two groups enjoyed comparable level of SS. LA was significantly better for the CD group in the overall score. LA had significant correlation with PR in both the ALFs ( r  = −.44; p  < .05) and CD ( r  = −.62; p  < .05) group. Conclusions: Older adults in ALFs received moderate SS, had LA, and a high PR, while CD older adults received a high SS and LA but had no PR. The findings implicate that social participation and enhancing community support for older adults may be important for a sustainable community

    Determination of hand grip strength and its correlates during pregnancy : a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Pregnancy results in many changes, including reduced hand grip strength (HGS). However, good HGS is required for physical functions such as carrying and breastfeeding the baby after birth. The aim of this study was to determine the factors that may predict HGS during pregnancy. Methods The study was a cross-sectional study approved by the Research Ethics Committees of Kano State Ministry of Health and Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital in Kano, north-west, Nigeria. Pregnant women at the designated hospitals were included in the study if they had no serious comorbidities or any known neurological condition that affects the hands and the neck. Demographic characteristics and independent (predictor) variables (age, weight, height, BMI, maternity leave status, number of full-term deliveries, number of preterm deliveries, number of live births, number of abortuses, gravidity, trimester, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, inter arm systolic BP difference [IASBP], inter arm diastolic BP difference [IADBP], and heart rate) of each of the participants were recorded by experienced therapists. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and standard multiple regression. Result One hundred and sixty-one pregnant women with mean age, 25.04 ± 4.83 years participated in the study. In the dominant hand, 120 participants (74.5%) had weak grip strength. In the non-dominant hand, 135 participants (83.9%) had weak grip strength. For the dominant hand, the total variance explained by the whole model was significant, 28.5%, F(11, 161) = 1.187, R2 = 0.081, p = 0.300 . In the final model, none of the variables significantly predicted HGS. However, systolic blood pressure contributed to the model more than any other variable (Beta = -0.155). For the non-dominant hand, the total variance explained by the whole model was not significant, 33.1%, F(11, 161) = 1.675, R2 = 0.111, p = 0.089 . In the final model, only systolic blood pressure (Beta = -0.254, p = 0.023) significantly predicted hand grip strength. Conclusion Cardiovascular events or changes during pregnancy (such as change in systolic blood pressure) may be related to HGS in pregnant women. It is therefore, important for clinicians to pay attention to this, in planning rehabilitation strategies for pregnant women