773 research outputs found

    Southwest Indian Ridge lower crust and Moho: the nature of the lower crust and Moho at slower spreading ridges (SloMo-Leg 1)

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    International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 360 will form the first leg of a multiphase drilling project that aims to drill through the crust/mantle boundary at the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge and investigate the nature of the Mohorovičić seismic discontinuity (Moho). Expedition 360 is expected to drill ~1300 m into lower crustal gabbro and is unlikely to penetrate the crust–mantle transition or recover a significant amount of peridotite. Drilling will be sited at Atlantis Bank, on an elevated wave-cut platform on the east flank of the Atlantis II Transform. Previous drilling and mapping shows that Atlantis Bank is a large oceanic core complex, exposing a tectonic window of deep crustal and lithospheric mantle exhumed on the footwall of an oceanic detachment fault. The shallowest part of Atlantis Bank, at 700 m water depth, consists of a ~25 km2 wave-cut platform rimmed by a thin bioclastic limestone cap. The platform is part of a continuous gabbro massif ~40 km long by 30 km wide, overlying granular mantle peridotite that forms the lower slopes of the eastern wall of the Atlantis II Transform. Mapping shows that basement on the wave-cut platform consists largely of shallow-dipping amphibolitized gabbro mylonite generated by detachment faulting. This fault rooted near-continuously into partially crystalline gabbro for >4 million years. The mylonite exposed on the platform, and by cross-faulting and landslips on the sides of Atlantis Bank, both cut and are cut by steeply north dipping greenschist-facies diabase dikes. Thus, the gabbro crystallized at depth was uplifted into the zone of diking at the ridge axis, creating, in effect, the equivalent to the base of a dike–gabbro transition seen in many ophiolites. Previous Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) operations at Atlantis Bank drilled the 1508 m deep Hole 735B and 150 m deep Hole 1105A, both recovering long sections of gabbro. During Expedition 360, we propose to drill to a nominal depth of 1.3 km at a site on the northern edge of the Atlantis Bank platform, ~1 km north-northeast of Hole 1105A and ~2 km northeast of Hole 735B. A future drilling expedition, SloMo-Leg 2, aims to deepen the hole to ~3 km, with the overall goal of penetrating the crust–mantle transition, which is believed to be ~2.5 km above the seismically determined Moho. Specific objectives of Expedition 360 include establishing the lateral continuity of the igneous, metamorphic, and structural stratigraphies previously drilled to the southwest, testing the nature of a magnetic polarity transition, and investigating the biogeochemistry of the lower crust.Funding for the program is provided by the following international partners and implementing organizations: National Science Foundation (NSF), United States Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), People’s Republic of China Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) Australian Research Council (ARC) and GNS Science (New Zealand), Australian/New Zealand Consortium (ANZIC) Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), India Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Brazi

    The Atlantis Bank Gabbro Massif, Southwest Indian Ridge

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    This paper presents the first detailed geologic map of in situ lower ocean crust; the product of six surveys of Atlantis Bank on the SW Indian Ridge. This combined with major and trace element compositions of primary magmatic phases in 99 seafloor gabbros shows there are both significant vertical and ridge-parallel variations in crustal composition and thickness, but a continuity of the basic stratigraphy parallel to spreading. This stratigraphy is not that of magmatic sedimentation in a large crustal magma chamber. Instead, it is the product of dynamic accretion where the lower crust formed by episodic intrusion, large-scale upward migration of interstitial melt due to crystal mush compaction, and continuous tectonic extension accompanied by hyper- and sub-solidus, crystal-plastic deformation. Five crossings of the gabbro-peridotite contact along the transform wall show that massive mantle peridotite is intruded by cumulate residues of moderately to highly evolved magmas, few of which could be even close to equilibrium with a primary mantle magma. This contact then does not represent the crust-mantle boundary as envisaged in the ophiolite analog for ocean crust. The residues of the magmas parental to the shallow crust must also lie beneath the center of the complex. This, and the nearly complete absence of dunites in peridotites from the transform wall, shows that melt transport through the shallow lithosphere was largely restricted to the central region of the paleo-ridge segment. There is almost no evidence for a melt lens or high-level storage of primitive melt in the upper 1500 m of Atlantis Bank. Thus, the composition of associated mid-ocean ridge basalt appears largely controlled by fractional crystallization of primitive cumulates at depth, near or at the base of the crust, modified somewhat by melt-rock reaction during transport through the overlying cumulate pile to the seafloor. Inliers of the dike-gabbro transition show that the uppermost gabbros crystallized at depth and were then emplaced upward, as they cooled, into the zone of diking. ODP and IODP drilling along the center of the gabbro massif also found few primitive gabbros that could have been in equilibrium with the original overlying lavas. Evidence of large-scale upward, permeable transport of interstitial melt through the gabbros is ubiquitous. Thus, post-cumulus processes, including extensive reaction, dissolution, and re-precipitation within the cumulate pile have obscured nearly all evidence of earlier primitive origins. We suggest that many of the gabbros may have started as primitive cumulates but were hybridized and transformed by later, migrating melts to evolved compositions, even as they ascended to higher levels, while new primitive cumulates were emplaced near the base of the crust. Mass balance for a likely parental melt intruded from the mantle to form the crust, however, requires that such primitive cumulates must exist at depth beneath Atlantis Bank at the center of the magmatic complex. The Atlantis Bank Gabbro Massif accreted by direct magma intrusion into the lower crust, followed by upward diapiric flow, first as a crystal mush, then by solid-state, crystal-plastic deformation, and finally by detachment faulting to the sea floor. The strongly asymmetric spreading to the south, parallel to the transform, was due to fault capture, with the bounding faults on the northern rift valley wall cut off by the detachment fault, which extended across the zone of intrusion causing rapid migration of the plate boundary to the north

    Psychophysiological Measures of Driver Distraction and Workload While Intoxicated

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    The crash risk associated with cell phone use while driving is acontentious issue. Many states are introducing Advanced Traveler InformationSystems (ATIS) that may be accessed with cell phones while driving (e.g., 511Traveler Information Services). In these contexts, there is a need for relevantresearch to determine the risk of cell phone use. This study compared driverperformance while conversing on a hands-free cell phone to conditions ofoperating common in-vehicle controls (e.g., radio, fan, air conditioning) andalcohol intoxication (BAC 0.08). In addition, the study examined the combinedeffects of being distracted and being intoxicated given that there may be a higherrisk of a crash if the driver engages in a combination of risk factors. Duringsimulated traffic scenarios, resource allocation was assessed through an eventrelatedpotential (ERP) novelty oddball paradigm. Intoxicated drivers were lessattentive to all stimuli and drivers engaged in secondary tasks had weakerresponses to unexpected novel sounds in brain regions associated with evaluativeprocessing. Drivers conversing on the cell phone and in-vehicle tasks while soberhad lower accuracy during the target tone task than intoxicated drivers notcompleting any secondary task

    Increasing access to consumer health organisations among patients with chronic disease - a randomised trial of a print-based intervention

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    To assess whether a print-based intervention led to increased contact with consumer health organisations (CHOs) by general practice patients with chronic disease. CHOs can enhance people's capacity to manage chronic illness by providing information, education and psychosocial support. However, these organisations appear to be grossly under-utilised by patients and clinicians. A total of 276 patients completed a computer-assisted telephone interview before randomisation to an intervention (n = 141) or control (n = 135) group. The intervention consisted of mailed printed materials designed to encourage contact with a CHO relevant to the patient's main diagnosed chronic condition. Follow-up interviews were conducted 4 and 12 months later. Patients with conditions other than diabetes who received the intervention were twice as likely as those in the control group to contact a consumer health organisation during the 12-month study period: 41% versus 21% (P < 0.001). No such effect was found for diabetes patients, probably because of pre-existing high levels of contact with diabetes organisations. The intervention package received strong patient endorsement. Low-intensity interventions may be effective in improving access to CHOs for patients with chronic disease


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    The Michigan Big Woods research plot is a 23-ha forest dynamics research area at the Edwin S. George Reserve in Pinckney, MI, USA and is part of the Smithsonian Institution’s ForestGEO network of research stations. The plot’s freestanding woody vegetation (trees and shrubs) were censused three times, in 2003, 2008–2010, and 2014; lianas were censused on 20 ha from 2017 to 2018.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156251/1/MP 207.pdfDescription of MP 207.pdf : Main ArticleSEL

    Cues and knowledge structures used by mental-health professionals when making risk assessments

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    Background: Research into mental-health risks has tended to focus on epidemiological approaches and to consider pieces of evidence in isolation. Less is known about the particular factors and their patterns of occurrence that influence clinicians’ risk judgements in practice. Aims: To identify the cues used by clinicians to make risk judgements and to explore how these combine within clinicians’ psychological representations of suicide, self-harm, self-neglect, and harm to others. Method: Content analysis was applied to semi-structured interviews conducted with 46 practitioners from various mental-health disciplines, using mind maps to represent the hierarchical relationships of data and concepts. Results: Strong consensus between experts meant their knowledge could be integrated into a single hierarchical structure for each risk. This revealed contrasting emphases between data and concepts underpinning risks, including: reflection and forethought for suicide; motivation for self-harm; situation and context for harm to others; and current presentation for self-neglect. Conclusions: Analysis of experts’ risk-assessment knowledge identified influential cues and their relationships to risks. It can inform development of valid risk-screening decision support systems that combine actuarial evidence with clinical expertise

    RB1 deletion in retinoblastoma protein pathway-disrupted cells results in DNA damage and cancer progression

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    Proliferative control in cancer cells is frequently disrupted by mutations in the retinoblastoma protein (RB) pathway. Intriguingly, RB1 mutations can arise late in tumorigenesis in cancer cells whose RB pathway is already compromised by another mutation. In this study, we present evidence for increased DNA damage and instability in cancer cells with RB pathway defects when RB1 mutations are induced. We generated isogenic RB1 mutant genotypes with CRISPR/Cas9 in a number of cell lines. Cells with even one mutant copy of RB1 have increased basal levels of DNA damage and increased mitotic errors. Elevated levels of reactive oxygen species as well as impaired homologous recombination repair underlie this DNA damage. When xenografted into immunocompromised mice, RB1 mutant cells exhibit an elevated propensity to seed new tumors in recipient lungs. This study offers evidence that late-arising RB1 mutations can facilitate genome instability and cancer progression that are beyond the preexisting proliferative control deficit

    A multi-modal approach to measuring particulate iron speciation in buoyant hydrothermal plumes

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    Processes active within buoyant hydrothermal plumes are expected to modulate the flux of elements, such as Fe, to the deep ocean; however, they are yet to be described in a comprehensive manner through observations or models. In this study, we compare observed particulate Fe (pFe) speciation with thermodynamic (equilibrium) reaction path modeling for three vent fields in the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (ELSC). At each site, particles were collected from the buoyant rising portion of hydrothermal plumes using in situ filtration with a Remotely Operated Vehicle. Filter bound particles were analyzed by synchrotron micro-probe X-ray fluorescence mapping (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), XRF spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the Fe 1 s edge, as well as XRF-based chemical speciation mapping for Fe. For buoyant plumes of the ELSC, diversity in solid-state chemistry was high, and poorly crystalline, meta-stable phases were common. We demonstrate that to fully describe the crystalline-to-noncrystalline character of plume pFe, a multi-modal XRD-XANES analytical approach is needed. We found that an equilibrium modeling approach worked well for pyrite but performed poorly for important families of meta-stable pFe, namely Fe (oxyhydr)oxides and monosulfides. Based on our findings, we recommend future field expeditions strategically explore sites representing a diversity of site-specific conditions to better capture the full range of processes active in plumes. We also recommend development of kinetic models, as well as expansion of thermodynamic databases to better reflect the solid-state composition of plumes. These steps should allow oceanographers to understand the processes controlling Fe speciation in plumes well enough to create realistic models of hydrothermal fluxes to the ocean
