15 research outputs found

    Late Quaternary Environments, Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska

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    Late Quaternary pollen, plant macrofossils, and insect fossils were studied from sites along three rivers in the foothills north of the Alaska Range in Denali National Park and Preserve. The aim was to carry out a reconnaissance of late Quaternary organic sediments in the region, emphasizing the mid-Wisconsin, or Boutellier interstadial interval. Samples of probable early-to mid-Boutellier age (ca. 60 000 to 40 000 B.P.) from Unit 2 at the Toklat High Bluffs site indicate open boreal woodland with dense alder shrub vegetation. Organic Unit 1 at the Foraker River Slump site indicates open taiga with shrubs of probable Boutellier age. Fossil evidence from the youngest horizon in this unit indicates graminoid tundra environments, marking the transition from interstadial to late Wisconsin glacial environments. Early Holocene samples from the Foraker exposures suggest birch shrub tundra; coniferous forest apparently became established only after 6500 B.P. Local variations in forest composition at the Foraker and Sushana sites were probably the result of disturbances, such as fire.Les grains de pollen et les pièces macrofossiles de plantes et d'insectes, caractérisant le quaternaire tardif, ont été étudiés dans des sites localisés le long de trois rivières coulant à proximité du versant nord de l'Alaska Range, dans le parc national et la réserve Denali. Cette étude porte essentiellement sur les sédiments organiques de la région, plus particulièrement ceux caractérisant l'intervalle interstadiaire Boutellier (milieu de la période du Wisconsin). Les échantillons récoltés dans l'unité numéro deux du site Toklat High Bluffs et datant probablement du début ou du milieu de l'intervalle Boutellier (60 000 à 40 000 BP) témoignent de la présence d'une forêt boréale ouverte avec couvert arbustif dense composé essentiellement d'aulnes. Les macrorestes et le pollen de l'unité organique numéro un du site Foraker River Slump témoignent, pour leur part, de la présence d'une taïga ouverte parsemée d'arbustes. Selon toute vraisemblance, cette taïga daterait de l'intervalle Boutellier. Les macrorestes et le pollen contenus dans l'horizon le plus jeune de cette unité indiquent que le paysage était constitué d'une toundra herbacée, marquant ainsi une transition entre la végétation caractérisant l'interstade Boutellier et celle de la fin de la période wisconsinienne. Les échantillons datant du début de la période holocène du site Foraker suggèrent la présence d'une toundra arbustive composée surtout de bouleaux. La forêt coniférienne ne se serait établie qu'après 6500 BP. Les différences observées au niveau de la composition forestière des sites Foraker et Sushana résultent probablement de l'impact de perturbations, tel le feu

    Fossil Pollen and Insect Evidence for Postglacial Environmental Conditions, Nushagak and Holitna Lowland Regions, Southwest Alaska

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    This paper discusses the results of pollen and insect analyses of postglacial samples from the Nushagak and Holitna lowlands, southwest Alaska. Although radiocarbon dating control is poor, the samples can be arranged in a relative-age sequence based on stratigraphic occurrence. The fossil pollen data record the regional transition from a late-glacial dry graminoid tundra through the postglacial Birch, Alder, and Spruce zones. The lack of xeric insect species in the early postglacial suggests that the lowlands of southwest Alaska experienced maritime climatic conditions, in contrast to the interior. Rapid climatic warming is subsequently indicated by the fossil insect data, although the arrival of alder in the region postdates 8500 yr BP. There is no evidence for coniferous forest in the Nushagak lowland at any time in the postglacial, although spruce arrived in the Holitna lowland in the mid-postglacial.Key words: pollen analysis, fossil insects, paleoenvironments, postglacial, southwest AlaskaRÉSUMÉ. Cet article traite des résultats d’analyses polliniques et d’insectes d’échantillons postglaciaires venant des basses-terres de Nushagak et d’Holitna, dans le sud-ouest de l’Alaska. Bien que le contrôle de la datation par le radiocarbone soit médiocre, les échantillons peuvent être classés en ordre d’âger elatif, d’après leur occurrence stratigraphique. Les données de pollens fossiles traduisent le passage de la région d’une toundra sèche de graminées datant de la fin de l’époque glaciaire, à des zones postglaciaires de bouleaux, d’aulnes et d’épicéas. L’absence d’espèces d’insectes xérophiles au début du postglaciaire donne à penser que les basses-terres du sud-ouest de l’Alaska ont connu des conditions climatiques maritimes, contrairement à l’intérieur. Les données sur les insectes fossiles permettent donc d’établir qu’il y a eu un réchauffement climatique rapide, bien que l’arrivée de l’aulne dans la région soit postérieure à 8500 ans avant le présent. On n’a pas de preuve de l’existence d’une forêt de coniferes dans la basse-terre de Nushagak à un moment quelconque du postglaciaire, bien que l’épicéa fasse son arrivée dans la basse-terre d’Holitna au milieu du postglaciaire.Mots clés: analyse pollinique, insectes fossiles, paléoenvironnements, postglaciaire, sud-ouest de l’Alask

    Magnetic susceptibility of fluvial sediment, lower Fox River, northeastern Illinois, and implications for determining sediment source area /

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    Alaska\u27s Pavlof Volcano Ends 11-Year Repose

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    After an 11-year period of repose, Pavlof volcano on the Alaska Peninsula (Figure 1) began an episode of Strombolian eruption lasting 31 days, from 14 August to 13 September 2007. The eruption began abruptly on 14 August after a minor increase in seismicity the previous day. Nearly continuous lava fountaining, explosions, and lahars caused by minor disruption of the ice and snow cover on the volcano characterized the eruption. The eruption also produced diffuse ash plumes that reached 5–6 kilometers above sea level, but the plumes were too small and did not extend high enough to affect local or regional air travel. Melting of snow and ice on the upper part of the edifice by hot debris avalanches and lava resulted in numerous lahars that entered the sea and inundated a 2×106 square meter area on the volcanos southern slope

    Monitoring and modeling ice-rock avalanches from ice-capped volcanoes: A case study of frequent large avalanches on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska

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    Iliamna is an andesitic stratovolcano of the Aleutian arc with regular gas and steam emissions and mantled by several large glaciers. Iliamna Volcano exhibits an unusual combination of frequent and large ice-rock avalanches in the order of 1×106 m3 to 3×107 m3 with recent return periods of 2–4 years. We have reconstructed an avalanche event record for the past 45 years that indicates Iliamna avalanches occur at higher frequency at a given magnitude than other mass failures in volcanic and alpine environments. Iliamna Volcano is thus an ideal site to study such mass failures and its relation to volcanic activity. In this study, we present different methods that fit into a concept of (1) long-term monitoring, (2) early warning, and (3) event documentation and analysis of ice-rock avalanches on ice-capped active volcanoes. Long-term monitoring methods include seismic signal analysis, and space-and airborne observations. Landsat and ASTER satellite data was used to study the extent of hydrothermally altered rocks and surface thermal anomalies at the summit region of Iliamna. Subpixel heat source calculation for the summit regions where avalanches initiate yielded temperatures of 307 to 613 K assuming heat source areas of 1000 to 25 m2, respectively, indicating strong convective heat flux processes. Such heat flow causes ice melting conditions and is thus likely to reduce the strength at the base of the glacier. We furthermore demonstrate typical seismic records of Iliamna avalanches with rarely observed precursory signals up to two hours prior to failure, and show how such signals could be used for a multi-stage avalanche warning system in the future. For event analysis and documentation, space- and airborne observations and seismic records in combination with SRTM and ASTER derived terrain data allowed us to reconstruct avalanche dynamics and to identify remarkably similar failure and propagation mechanisms of Iliamna avalanches for the past 45 years. Simple avalanche flow modeling was able to reasonably replicate Iliamna avalanches and can thus be applied for hazard assessments. Hazards at Iliamna Volcano are low due to its remote location; however, we emphasize the transfer potential of the methods presented here to other ice-capped volcanoes with much higher hazards such as those in the Cascades or the Andes