14 research outputs found

    UPGMA cluster analysis of pairwise F<sub>ST</sub>/(1−F<sub>ST</sub>) markers among the 25 collections.

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    <p>UPGMA cluster analysis of pairwise F<sub>ST</sub>/(1−F<sub>ST</sub>) markers among the 25 collections.</p

    Geographic origin, sex, and sample sizes of <i>Aedes aegypti s.l.</i> used to screen for SNPs.

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    <p>Geographic origin, sex, and sample sizes of <i>Aedes aegypti s.l.</i> used to screen for SNPs.</p

    Addition of Senegal collections to Figure 1.

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    <p>Addition of Senegal collections to <a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0000408#pntd-0000408-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>.</p

    Distribution of <i>Aaa</i> or <i>Aaf</i> in Senegal.

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    <p>Pairwise Fisher's Exact Tests were performed on all collections. Strains with equivalent rates have the same labels and these were significantly different from one another.</p

    Genetic relationships among 34 worldwide collections of <i>Ae. aegypti s.l.</i>

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    <p>Each clade is labeled according to the original names followed by the country or location where the material was collected and, in parentheses, the number of collections. Modified from <a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0000408#pntd.0000408-Tabachnick4" target="_blank">[25]</a>.</p

    The amplified region of each of the 7 nuclear genes.

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    <p>PCR primer sites are underlined, all SNP sites are underlined, and the selected SNP is placed in a box.</p

    Vector competence of <i>Ae. aegypti s.l.</i> collections in Senegal.

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    <p>Disseminated infection rate (DIR) appears in black, midgut infection barrier rate (MIB) appears in grey, and midgut escape barrier rate (MEB) appears in white. Pairwise Fisher's Exact Tests were performed on all collections. Strains with equivalent rates have the same labels and these were significantly different from one another. Sample sizes = 50–65 females.</p

    AMOVA of SNP allele frequencies among and within A) years, B) subspecies, C) regions, D) vegetational zones, E) phytogeographic regions, and F) habitats.

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    <p>AMOVA of SNP allele frequencies among and within A) years, B) subspecies, C) regions, D) vegetational zones, E) phytogeographic regions, and F) habitats.</p

    Name, date, phytogeographic region, location, habitat and sample sizes of collection sites in Senegal.

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    a<p>N = number of mosquitoes examined for number of white scales on the first abdominal tergite.</p>b<p>N(SNP) = number of F<sub>1</sub> mosquitoes in the SNP genotype assays.</p>c<p>N(VC) = number of F<sub>1</sub> mosquitoes in the vector competence assays.</p