46 research outputs found

    Разработка технологии восстановления днища ковша экскаватора Р&Н 2800

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    В процессе выполнения ВКР проводились: разработка технологического процесса восстановления днища ковша, выбор основных материалов, выбор способа сварки, выполнение расчетов режимов сварки, выбор оборудования для сварки, выбор оснастки для восстановления, выбор методов контроля сварки, разработка технологической документации, выполнение технического нормирования операций.In the process of implementation, the WRC carried out: the development of the process of recovery of the bottom of the bucket, the choice of basic materials, the choice of the method of welding, the calculation of welding modes, the choice of equipment for welding, the choice of equipment for recovery, the choice of welding control methods, the development of technological documentation, the implementation of technical rationing of operations

    Перспективи використання культивованих грибів у технології ковбасних виробів

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    In order to solve the problems associated with expanding range of sausage meat component of high biological value, a search was conducted for alternative, natural and affordable sources of protein. Protein deficiency in human nutrition has led to the search for ways to increase biological value. It was proposed the optimal ratio of components of sausage meat, consisting of meat and mushroom raw materials. The purpose of this combination is to achieve the composition of sausages to the desired approximation of the "ideal protein" with the established technological effects for this production. The main objective of this work is to study the food and taste qualities of the finished product to expand the range of functional sausages at meat processing enterprises in Ukraine and China. Analysis of these data shows that an increase in the level of meat substitution with mushroom raw materials leads to a redistribution of the mass fractions of moisture, protein, fat and ash. The redistribution of these same indicators is affected by the physical state of the introduced mushroom raw material: powder or finely crushed mass. It was recorded a decrease in the mass fraction of fat by approximately 3% and 6%, respectively. Therefore, it was noted a decrease in energy value from 362 kcal to 335-304 kcal. The proportion of carbohydrates in the experimental samples has increased by an average of 1-2%. The mass fraction of protein remained almost unchanged, but the composition of the protein was closer to the "ideal protein". According to the results of organoleptic evaluation, it was found that when developing recipes for cooked smoked sausages, it is advisable to add boiled mushrooms in an amount of 15 - 20% in finely crushed form. It is advisable to add in the amount of 3.0 - 7.0% at the mixing stage in the form of a dry powder of fried mushrooms. The data presented in this article make it possible to assess the prospects of t he food industry in the production of sausages enriched with semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness based on cultivated mushrooms. The results of the analytical study reflect the unique degree of the cultivated mushrooms amino acid composition approximation to the "ideal protein". Particular attention was paid to essential (limiting) amino acids and their content in new types of sausages.Для вирішення проблем, пов'язаних з розширенням асортименту ковбасних виробів підвищеної біологічної цінності, був проведений пошук альтернативних, природних і доступних джерел білка. Такими пропонується розглядати культивовані гриби. Дефіцит білка в раціон харчування людей, давно вже став причиною пошуку способів підвищення біологічної цінності, тому ми пропонуємо оптимальні співвідношення компонентів ковбасного фаршу, що складається з м'ясного та грибного сировини. Метою такого комбінування є досягнення складу ковбасних виробів до бажаного наближення до "ідеального білку" при встановлених технологічних ефектах для даного виробництва. Основним завданням роботи є вивчення харчових і смакових якостей готової продукції для розширення асортименту функціональних ковбасних виробів на м'ясопереробних підприємствах України і Китаю. Аналіз наведених даних показує, що зі збільшенням рівня заміни м'яса грибним сировиною проходить перерозподіл масових часток вологи, білка, жиру і зольності. На перерозподіл цих же показників впливає фізичний стан внесеного грибного сировини: порошок або тонко подрібнена маса. Було зафіксовано зменшення масової частки жиру приблизно на 3% і 6% відповідно. Отже, зниження енергетичної цінності: з 362 ккал до 335 - 304 ккал. Частка вуглеводів у дослідних зразках збільшувалася в середньому на 1-2%. Масова частка білка залишалася практично незмінною, але склад білка був ближчий до "ідеального білку". За результатами органолептичної оцінки з'ясовано, що при розробці рецептур варено-копчених ковбас доцільно вносити варені гриби в кількості 15 - 20% в тонкоподрібненому вигляді. У вигляді сухого порошку з обсмажених грибів - в кількості 3,0 - 7,0% на етапі перемішування. Наведені в статті дані, дозволяють оцінити перспективу напрямків харчової промисловості в сфері виробництва ковбасних виробів, збагачених напівфабрикатами різного ступеня готовності на основі культивованих грибів. Результати аналітичного дослідження, відображають унікальну ступінь наближення амінокислотного складу культивованих грибів до "ідеального білку". Особливу увагу приділено есенціальним (лімітуючим) амінокислотам, їх вмісту в складі нових видів ковбасних виробів

    Influence of smoking and obesity on alveolar-arterial gas pressure differences and dead space ventilation at rest and peak exercise in healthy men and women

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    SummaryBackground and aimsBesides exercise intolerance, the assessment of ventilatory and perfusion adequacy allows additional insights in the disease pathophysiology in many cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases. Valid measurements of dead space/tidal volume ratios (VD/VT), arterial (a′) – end-tidal (et) carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) pressure differences (p(a′-et)CO2) and (p(et-a′)O2), and alveolar (A)–a′ O2 pressure differences (p(A-a′)O2) require using blood samples in addition to gas exchange analyses on a breath-by-breath-basis. Smoking and nutritional status are also important factors in defining disorders. Using a large healthy population we considered the impact of these factors to develop useful prediction equations.Methods and resultsIncremental cycle exercise protocols were applied to apparently healthy volunteer adults who did not have structural heart disease or echocardiographic or lung function pathologies. Age, height, weight, and smoking were analysed for their influence on the target parameters in each gender. Reference values were determined by regression analyses. The final study sample consisted of 476 volunteers (190 female), aged 25–85 years. Smoking significantly influences p(A-a′)O2 and p(a′-et)CO2 at rest and peak exercise, and VD/VT during exercise. Obesity influences upper limits of VD/VT, p(a′-et)CO2 and p(et-a′)O2 at rest as well as p(A-a′)O2 and p(et-a′)O2 at exercise. Reference equations for never-smokers as well as for apparently healthy smokers considering influencing factors are given.ConclusionGender, age, height, weight, and smoking significantly influence gas exchange. Considering all of these factors this study provides a comprehensive set of reference equations derived from a large number of participants of a population-based study

    Elevated nerve growth factor and neurotrophin-3 levels in cerebrospinal fluid of children with hydrocephalus

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    BACKGROUND: Elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) resulting from impaired drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) causes hydrocephalus with damage to the central nervous system. Clinical symptoms of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) in infants may be difficult to diagnose, leading to delayed treatment by shunt placement. Until now, no biochemical marker of elevated ICP has been available for clinical diagnosis and monitoring. In experimental animal models, nerve growth factor (NGF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) have been shown to be produced by glial cells as an adaptive response to hypoxia. We investigated whether concentrations of NGF and NT-3 are increased in the CSF of children with hydrocephalus. METHODS: NGF was determined in CSF samples collected from 42 hydrocephalic children on 65 occasions (taps or shunt placement surgery). CSF samples obtained by lumbar puncture from 22 children with suspected, but unconfirmed bacterial infection served as controls. Analysis was performed using ELISA techniques. RESULTS: NGF concentrations in hydrocephalic children were over 50-fold increased compared to controls (median 225 vs 4 pg/mL, p < 0.0001). NT-3 was detectable (> 1 pg/mL) in 14/31 hydrocephalus samples at 2–51 pg/mL but in none of 11 control samples (p = 0.007). CONCLUSION: NGF and NT-3 concentrations are increased in children with hydrocephalus. This may represent an adaptive response of the brain to elevated ICP

    Correlation of SHOX2 Gene Amplification and DNA Methylation in Lung Cancer Tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA methylation in the <it>SHOX2 </it>locus was previously used to reliably detect lung cancer in a group of critical controls, including 'cytologically negative' samples with no visible tumor cell content, at a high specificity based on the analysis of bronchial lavage samples. This study aimed to investigate, if the methylation correlates with <it>SHOX2 </it>gene expression and/or copy number alterations. An amplification of the <it>SHOX2 </it>gene locus together with the observed tumor-specific hypermethylation might explain the good performance of this marker in bronchial lavage samples.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>SHOX2 </it>expression, gene copy number and DNA methylation were determined in lung tumor tissues and matched morphologically normal adjacent tissues (NAT) from 55 lung cancer patients. Quantitative HeavyMethyl (HM) real-time PCR was used to detect <it>SHOX2 </it>DNA methylation levels. <it>SHOX2 </it>expression was assayed with quantitative real-time PCR, and copy numbers alterations were measured with conventional real-time PCR and array CGH.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A hypermethylation of the <it>SHOX2 </it>locus in tumor tissue as compared to the matched NAT from the same patient was detected in 96% of tumors from a group of 55 lung cancer patients. This correlated highly significantly with the frequent occurrence of copy number amplification (p < 0.0001), while the expression of the <it>SHOX2 </it>gene showed no difference.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Frequent gene amplification correlated with hypermethylation of the <it>SHOX2 </it>gene locus. This concerted effect qualifies <it>SHOX2 </it>DNA methylation as a biomarker for lung cancer diagnosis, especially when sensitive detection is needed, i.e. in bronchial lavage or blood samples.</p

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