114 research outputs found

    A Physiotherapeutic Approach to Musicians' Health – Data From 614 Patients From a Physiotherapy Clinic for Musicians (INAP/O)

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    Currently, the treatment of musicians is an interprofessional approach. Playing-related health complaints may impact the performance of a musician. In Germany, a medical consulting hour for musicians exists, but those for athletes in sports medicine are not so common. The diagnosing and treatment procedure within the physiotherapy consultation for musicians follows a specific concept-b and requires knowledge of instruments and musician-specific complaints. Based on the consulting hour in a clinic in Osnabrueck, 614 case reports were part of this sample, of which 558 data sets were complete. The focus of the analysis is the instrument and the primary complaint. Also, the type of therapy is characterized, and the amount is calculated. Primary complaints of musicians, in general, are found most frequently in the spine and upper extremity. Musician complaints are different between instruments. Instrumentalists have a significantly higher chance to suffer from a primary complaint in the area of the upper extremity. Furthermore, the groups without an instrument (e.g., singing or dancing) are developing complaints in the anatomical area which they primarily use. Therefore, these types of therapy were used: physiotherapy, manual therapy, and osteopathy with an average of 5.9 treatment units. This study underpinned the importance of musician-specific physiotherapy as a profession to treat musicians. Also, an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to treat all aspects of complaints

    The potential relevance of altered muscle activity and fatigue in the development of performance-related musculoskeletal injuries in high string musicians

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    Background: Muscle fatigue has been reported as a risk factor for the development of performance-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMD) in musicians. However, little research exists to support this claim. The aim of this study was to investigate whether changes occur in muscle activity patterns during high string performance over a prolonged playing period, and whether this is influenced by PRMD. Methods: High string musicians were divided into a PRMD and a non-PRMD group. They played a chromatic scale pre and post and a self-chosen “hard” (Borg scale 16-17) piece of music for one hour. Electromyography data recorded from arm, shoulder and trunk muscles was analyzed: the amplitude to measure muscle activity characteristics and the lower frequency to measure muscle fatigue. Differences between and within groups and the frequency spectrum were analyzed using linear mixed models. Results: Fifteen musicians participated (7 PRMD: 22.8 years, 2 male/5 female and 8 non-PRMD: 34.3 years, 2 male/6 female). Changes in muscle activation patterns were observed between and within both groups, however changes varied significantly depending on group affiliation. Significant low frequency spectrum changes between groups were observed in overall muscles of the right arm (p=0.04) and left forearm flexors (p=0.05) following one hour of playing. Conclusions: Muscle activity and frequency spectrum shifts differ in high string musicians with and without PRMD, suggesting possible differential muscle fatigue effects between the groups

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    Anatomie, Physiologie : Lehrbuch für Physiotherapeuten, Masseure/medizinische Bademeister und Sportwissenschaftler

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    Das Erfolgskonzept: Abgestimmt auf die Lehrinhalte der Physiotherapie-Ausbildung und in lernfreundlichen Layout sind Anatomie und Physiologie optimal verknüpft und zudem verbunden mit ausgewählten Krankheitsbildern. Über 900 farbige Illustrationen, Fotos und Tabellen machen Anatomie und Physiologie anschaulich, klar formulierte Texte erleichtern das Verständnis der oft komplexen Inhalte. Zahlreiche Kästen, u.a. zur Klinik und zur Physiotherapie-Praxis strukturieren die Inhalte. Lernzielübersichten helfen, das eigene Wissen richtig einzuschätzen. Alle Abbildungen zusätzlich online abrufbar. Neu in der 4. Auflage: Komplett überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert, vor allem um Ergänzungen zu Bindegewebe und Faszien sowie zum Thema Schmerzphysiologie / moderneres, frischeres Layout

    Lesend Fortbildungspunkte sammeln

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    Wer eine Physiotherapiezeitschrift von Thieme abonniert hat, kann damit künftig Fortbildungspunkte sammeln. Regelmäßig wird es sogenannte CPTE-Artikel samt Fragen geben, die man online beantworten kann. Der Artikel erzählt den Weg der Forschungsgruppe, die sich mit Continuing Physiotherapy Education beschäftigt

    Muskuloskelettale Beschwerden mit internistischem oder viszeralem Hintergrund

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    Um den Anforderungen eines Erstkontaktes in der Physiotherapie gerecht zu werden, ist es unerlässlich, internistische oder viszerale Erkrankungen zu (er)kennen, die sich hinter muskuloskelettalen Symptomen verbergen können. Dr. Christoff Zalpour stellt die häufigsten Erkrankungen und ihre Symptome vor