9 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modeling of Absorption-adsorption Processes for Waste Free Decontamination of Gases from SO2 in a Bubble Tray Column

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    Integrated absorption-adsorption for waste free desulfurization of gases from SO2 in a bubble tray column is presented. The method includes physical absorption of SO2 with water and chemical adsorption of HSO3-from the water solution by particles anionite. The two steps method is integrated in one apparatus-a bubble tray column. This method is regenerative and the regeneration is made with solution of ammonium hydroxide. The further step for utilization of the obtained (NH4)2SO3 and (NH4HSO3) is by using HNO3) for production of concentrated SO2 (gas) and NH4NO3 (solution). Convection-diffusion and average concentration models are presented, which are used to describe absorption and adsorption processes. A comparison of the calculated trough the mathematical model and the experimental data is shown

    Incorrect inverse problem conected with the parameter identification of the heat and mass transfer models

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    A method for inverse problem solution by means of iterative regularization has been developed. A numerical algorithm for solving inverse incorrect problems based on the developed iterative regularization has been proposed

    A method for stability analysis of the non-linear heat and mass transfer processes

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    Many systems with non-linear heat and mass transfer processes might be unstable at certain conditions. Small disturbances might bring out them of their equilibrium state, after which they achieve itself to a new stable state. The method developed here concerns a non-linear analysis of hydrodynamic stability of the systems with intensive heat and mass transfer. It al lows the determination of the kinetic energy distribution between the main flow and the disturbance, when the equilibrium value of the disturbance amplitude is determined

    A new approach for the column apparatuses modeling in chemical and power engineering

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    The column apparatuses are main devices for solution of technological and ecological problems in chemical and power engineering. A new approach of the column apparatuses modeling on the base of the physical approximations of the mechanics of continua, using two steps models: convection-diffusion type of model (for qualitative analysis) and average concentration model (for quantitative analysis), is presented. The convection-diffusion type of models describe chemical and mass transfer processes in column apparatuses in the cases of one, two ore three phases systems, where the solid phase is reagent, catalytic or packed bad. A qualitative analysis of these models, using generalized (dimensionless) variables, where the characteristic (inherent) scales are the maximal or average values of the variables, is presented. The using of the convection-diffusion type of models for quantitative analysis of the processes in column apparatuses is not possible because the velocity function in the convection-diffusion equation is unknown. The problem can be avoided if the average values of the velocity and concentration over the cross-sectional area of the column are used. The average concentration models permit to analyze the effect of the radial nonuniformities of the velocity and the concentration on the process efficiency in the column and to solve the scale-up problem. The convection-diffusion type of models are presented as a base for to be created convection and diffusion type of models


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    A method for model pa ram e ter iden ti fi ca tion on the bases of minimization of the least square func tion has been pro posed. An it er a tive reg u lar iza tion pro ce dure and a nu mer i cal al go rithm have been de vel oped for in cor rect (ill-posed) or es sen tially in cor rect in verse prob lem so lu tion. The method has been tested with one and two-pa ram e ter mod els, when the re la tions be-tween ob jec tives func tion and pa ram e ters are lin ear and non-lin ear. The “ex per i men tal ” data for pa ram e ters iden ti fi ca tion are ob tained from the model and a gen er a tor for ran dom num bers. The ef fects of the ini tial ap-prox i ma tions of the pa ram e ter val ues and the reg u lar iza tion pa ram e ter val-ues have been in ves ti gated. A sta tis ti cal ap proach has been pro posed for the anal y sis of the model ad e quacy. It is dem on strated that in the cases of es sen tial in cor rect ness, the least square func tion do not reach min ima. A cri te rion for the in cor rect ness of the in verse prob lem was pro posed. Key words: model parameter identification, incorrect inverse problems, iterative method, regularization, model adequac

    Modeling of Column Apparatus Processes

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    This book presents a new approach for the modeling of chemical and interphase mass transfer processes in industrial column apparatuses, using convection-diffusion and average-concentration models. The convection-diffusion type models are used for a qualitative analysis of the processes and to assess the main, small and slight physical effects, and then reject the slight effects. As a result, the process mechanism can be identified. It also introduces average concentration models for quantitative analysis, which use the average values of the velocity and concentration over the cross-sectional area of the column. The new models are used to analyze different processes (simple and complex chemical reactions, absorption, adsorption and catalytic reactions), and make it possible to model the processes of gas purification with sulfur dioxide, which form the basis of several patents


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    Many sys tems with non-lin ear heat and mass trans fer pro cesses might be un sta ble at cer tain con di tions. Small dis tur bances might bring out them of their equi lib rium state, af ter which they achieve it self to a new sta ble state. The method de vel oped here con cerns a non-lin ear anal y sis of hy dro dy namic sta bil ity of the sys tems with in ten sive heat and mass trans fer. It al lows the de ter mi na tion of the ki netic en ergy dis tri bu tion be tween the main flow and the dis tur bance, when the equi lib rium value of the dis tur bance am pli tude is de ter mined. Key words: non-linear stability, method of analysis, heat and mass transfe

    Modeling of column apparatus processes

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    This book presents a new approach for the modeling of chemical and interphase mass transfer processes in industrial column apparatuses, using convection-diffusion and average-concentration models. The convection-diffusion type models are used for a qualitative analysis of the processes and to assess the main, small and slight physical effects, and then reject the slight effects. As a result, the process mechanism can be identified. It also introduces average concentration models for quantitative analysis, which use the average values of the velocity and concentration over the cross-sectional area of the column. The new models are used to analyze different processes (simple and complex chemical reactions, absorption, adsorption and catalytic reactions), and make it possible to model the processes of gas purification with sulfur dioxide, which form the basis of several patents

    Studying the process of freons mixture separation on a structured packing Sultzer 500X

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    Structured packings are widely used in distillation columns to separate various types of mixtures. These packings have an ordered structure, which ensures more uniform conditions for interaction of counter-current flows of liquid and vapor than in the random packings and have a small hydraulic resistance. Nevertheless, in columns with a diameter of more than 0.5 m, formation of large-scale non-uniformity in distribution of liquid and vapor flow parameters over the packing cross-section is observed. In this work, experimental data on formation of large-scale non-uniformity in the temperature field over the cross-section of the Sulzer 500X packing, as well as on the efficiency of mixture separation and the pressure drop across the packing were obtained. The experiments were carried out with separation of R114/R21 freon mixture on a 10-layer structured packing Sulzer 500X with a diameter of 0.6 m and a height of 2.2 m. Experimental data were compared with the results obtained earlier for a structured packing Mellapack 350.Y with a diameter of 0.9 m and a height of 2.1 m. The presented experimental data will be used to construct and verify a new model of mass transfer and efficiency of mixture separation in the large-scale distillation packed columns