
A method for model pa ram e ter iden ti fi ca tion on the bases of minimization of the least square func tion has been pro posed. An it er a tive reg u lar iza tion pro ce dure and a nu mer i cal al go rithm have been de vel oped for in cor rect (ill-posed) or es sen tially in cor rect in verse prob lem so lu tion. The method has been tested with one and two-pa ram e ter mod els, when the re la tions be-tween ob jec tives func tion and pa ram e ters are lin ear and non-lin ear. The “ex per i men tal ” data for pa ram e ters iden ti fi ca tion are ob tained from the model and a gen er a tor for ran dom num bers. The ef fects of the ini tial ap-prox i ma tions of the pa ram e ter val ues and the reg u lar iza tion pa ram e ter val-ues have been in ves ti gated. A sta tis ti cal ap proach has been pro posed for the anal y sis of the model ad e quacy. It is dem on strated that in the cases of es sen tial in cor rect ness, the least square func tion do not reach min ima. A cri te rion for the in cor rect ness of the in verse prob lem was pro posed. Key words: model parameter identification, incorrect inverse problems, iterative method, regularization, model adequac

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