93 research outputs found

    Comparison of three tests for faecal calprotectin in children and young adults: a retrospective monocentric study

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    Objective: Faecal calprotectin is used as a sensitive marker for gastrointestinal mucosal inflammation. We compared the performance of three different assays in a large cohort of symptomatic paediatric patients. Design: Retrospective monocentric study. Setting: Inpatients and outpatients of a tertiary referral centre for paediatric gastroenterology. Participants: 304 symptomatic patients (163 males, aged 2–20 years) with active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD/A, n=130), IBD in clinical remission (IBD/R, n=62), other intestinal diseases (n=45) and controls without identified intestinal disease (n=67). Interventions: Calprotectin was measured in homogenised faecal samples with three tests (A: EliA Calprotectin, Phadia AB, Sweden; B: PhiCal, Calpro AS, Norway; C: EK-Cal, Bühlmann Laboratories, Switzerland). Outcomes: Concordance between tests was calculated using Kendall's τ coefficient. Results: IBD/A and controls were correctly classified as 97.7%/82.1% (A), 97.7%/85.1% (B) and 98.4%/62.7% (C; not significant). Test C tended to have higher calprotectin values with a lower specificity compared to tests A and B. The concordance between two tests was 0.835 for tests A and B, 0.782 for tests A and C and 0.765 for tests B and C. Conclusions: All three tests are very sensitive for detecting mucosal inflammation, but major differences exist between specificity and absolute values. It is highly advisable to use the test of the same manufacturer for follow-up and to monitor for disease activity

    Comparison of three tests for faecal calprotectin in children and young adults: a retrospective monocentric study

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    Objective: Faecal calprotectin is used as a sensitive marker for gastrointestinal mucosal inflammation. We compared the performance of three different assays in a large cohort of symptomatic paediatric patients. Design: Retrospective monocentric study. Setting: Inpatients and outpatients of a tertiary referral centre for paediatric gastroenterology. Participants: 304 symptomatic patients (163 males, aged 2–20 years) with active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD/A, n=130), IBD in clinical remission (IBD/R, n=62), other intestinal diseases (n=45) and controls without identified intestinal disease (n=67). Interventions: Calprotectin was measured in homogenised faecal samples with three tests (A: EliA Calprotectin, Phadia AB, Sweden; B: PhiCal, Calpro AS, Norway; C: EK-Cal, Bühlmann Laboratories, Switzerland). Outcomes: Concordance between tests was calculated using Kendall's τ coefficient. Results: IBD/A and controls were correctly classified as 97.7%/82.1% (A), 97.7%/85.1% (B) and 98.4%/62.7% (C; not significant). Test C tended to have higher calprotectin values with a lower specificity compared to tests A and B. The concordance between two tests was 0.835 for tests A and B, 0.782 for tests A and C and 0.765 for tests B and C. Conclusions: All three tests are very sensitive for detecting mucosal inflammation, but major differences exist between specificity and absolute values. It is highly advisable to use the test of the same manufacturer for follow-up and to monitor for disease activity

    Regulation of early human growth: impact on long-term health

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    Growth and development are central characteristics of childhood. Deviations from normal growth can indicate serious health challenges. The adverse impact of early growth faltering and malnutrition on later health has long been known. In contrast, the impact of rapid early weight and body fat gain on programming of later disease risk have only recently received increased attention. Numerous observational studies related diet in early childhood and rapid early growth to the risk of later obesity and associated disorders. Causality was confirmed in a large, double-blind randomised trial testing the ‘Early Protein Hypothesis'. In this trial we found that attenuation of protein supply in infancy normalized early growth and markedly reduced obesity prevalence in early school age. These results indicate the need to describe and analyse growth patterns and their regulation through diet in more detail and to characterize the underlying metabolic and epigenetic mechanisms, given the potential major relevance for public health and policy. Better understanding of growth patterns and their regulation could have major benefits for the promotion of public health, consumer-orientated nutrition recommendations, and the development of improved food products for specific target populations.</jats:p

    Transdisciplinarity and Shifting Network Boundaries:The Challenges of Studying an Evolving Stakeholder Network in Participatory Settings

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    Participatory research engages a transdisciplinary team of stakeholders in all aspects of the research process. Such engagement can lead to shifts in the research design, as well as who is considered a participant. We detail our experiences of studying an evolving stakeholder network in the context of a 2.5-year transdisciplinary, participatory project. We show how participation leads to shifts in the network boundary overtime and how a transdisciplinary effort was needed to retrospectively redefine the network boundary. Through tacking back and forth between ethnographic insights, research aims, and modeling assumptions, the team eventually reached agreement on what determined network membership and how to code network members according to their timing and level of participation. Our account advances literature on boundary and modeling approaches to shifting, evolving networks by demonstrating how participatory transdisciplinarity can be both a driver of, and solution to, capturing the complexity of evolving networks

    Benefits of Lactoferrin, Osteopontin and Milk Fat Globule Membranes for Infants

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    The provision of essential and non-essential amino acids for breast-fed infants is the major function of milk proteins. In addition, breast-fed infants might benefit from bioactivities of milk proteins, which are exhibited in the intestine during the digestive phase and by absorption of intact proteins or derived peptides. For lactoferrin, osteopontin and milk fat globule membrane proteins/lipids, which have not until recently been included in substantial amounts in infant formulas, in vitro experiments and animal models provide a convincing base of evidence for bioactivities, which contribute to the protection of the infant from pathogens, improve nutrient absorption, support the development of the immune system and provide components for optimal neurodevelopment. Technologies have become available to obtain these compounds from cow's milk and the bovine compounds also exhibit bioactivities in humans. Randomized clinical trials with experimental infant formulas incorporating lactoferrin, osteopontin, or milk fat globule membranes have already provided some evidence for clinical benefits. This review aims to compare findings from laboratory and animal experiments with outcomes of clinical studies. There is good justification from basic science and there are promising results from clinical studies for beneficial effects of lactoferrin, osteopontin and the milk fat globule membrane complex of proteins and lipids. Further studies should ideally be adequately powered to investigate effects on clinically relevant endpoints in healthy term infants

    Hyperadiponectinemia During Infliximab Induction Therapy in Pediatric Crohn Disease

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    Objectives: The inflammatory process in Crohn disease (CD) involves the visceral fat, characterized by adipocyte hyperplasia and altered adipose tissue and serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), leptin, adiponectin and resistin. We investigated the effect of anti-TNF therapy with infliximab (IFX) on serum adipokine levels in pediatric CD. Methods: Serum concentrations of resistin (ng/mL), leptin (ng/mL), and total adiponectin (mu g/mL) were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in 18 pediatric CD patients (mean age 15.0 +/- 1.5 years) before first, second, and fourth IFX infusion (weeks 0, 2, and 14) and compared with baseline values from sex- and BMI-matched healthy controls (HC, mean age 13.4 +/- 1.6 years). Results: At baseline, CD patients (mean age 15.0 +/- 1.5 years, 10 of 18 boys) compared with HC (13.4 +/- 1.6 years, 7 of 15 boys) had higher resistin levels (median 14.7 ng/mL, range 5.1-50.5 vs 7.3 ng/mL, 0.5-14.5);P = 0.0002). At weeks 2 and 14, resistin decreased to 6.9 ng/mL (2.9-16.8) (P < 0.0001) and 9.2 ng/mL (4.1-20.6;P = 0.0011), respectively. Leptin and adiponectin were comparable between patients and HC at baseline. Leptin increased in girls from 9.5 ng/mL (4.0-30.1) to 16.0 ng/mL (7.9-35.2;P = 0.0156) and 17.2 ng/mL (10.8-26.8;P = 0.1953) at weeks 0, 2, and 14 respectively;with a trend in boys from 2 (0.6-12.9) to 2.8 (1.7-8.6;P = 0.0840) and 3.3 (1.34.6;P = 0.1309). Adiponectin peaked initially from 7.8 mu g/mL (4.6-11.9) at week 0 to 9.2 mu g/mL (4.1-20.7;P = 0.0005) at week 2 and thereafter fell to 6.5 mu g/mL (3.0-12.7;P = 0.0182) at week 14. Conclusions: TNF blockade is associated with changes in circulating adipokines. The marked early increase of the potent anti-inflammatory adiponectin may contribute to the rapid response to IFX in CD
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