18 research outputs found

    Specimen inclusion/exclusion criteria for primary vaccine effectiveness analysis.

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    <p><sup>1</sup>Patients whom nurses were not able to approach because of early discharge or other operational considerations (i.e. workload demands during peak weeks of respiratory admissions); <sup>2</sup>Symptoms onset >72h after hospital admission; <sup>3</sup>Exclusions are not mutually exclusive; <sup>4</sup>15 respiratory syncytial viruses, 13 entero/rhinoviruses, 6 parainfluenza viruses, 2 coronaviruses, 1 human metapneumovirus</p

    Frequency polygons (ggplot2) of Shannon entropy index of <i>env</i> sequences of recent HIV-1 infected individuals compare to chronically infected ones by <i>env</i> segments.

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    <p>The Y axis represents the density of observations (frequency) and the X axis the Shannon entropy index distribution as sequence-based diversity measure. The blue color represents plot and distribution for recent HIV-1 infected population and the red color plot and distribution for chronic infected ones.</p

    Frequency polygons (ggplot2) of number of haplotypes of <i>env</i> sequences of recent HIV-1 infected individuals compare to chronically infected ones by <i>env</i> segments.

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    <p>The Y axis represents the density of observations (frequency) and the X axis the number of Haplotypes distribution as sequence-based diversity measure. The blue color represents plot and distribution for recent HIV-1 infected population and the red color plot and distribution for chronic infected ones.</p

    ROC curves comparing the predictive performance of different combinations of sequence-based diversity measures of HIV-1 gp120 conserved subdomains to identify HIV-1 infection recency.

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    <p>Five combinations of sequence-based diversity measures were analyzed. Shannon entropy + percent diversity + percent complexity: P1; percent diversity+ number of haplotypes+ percent complexity: P2; number of haplotypes+ percent complexity: P3; Shannon entropy+ percent complexity: P4 and percent diversity+ percent complexity: P5. Seven HIV-1 <i>env</i> segments were considered: gp120-C2_1; gp120-C2_2; gp120-C2_3; gp120-C3_1; gp120-C3_2; gp120-C4 and gp120-C5. ROC = receiver operating characteristics; AUC = area under the curve. AUC values between 0.8 and 1 were considered performance measures.</p

    Schematic figure showing all <i>env</i> segments used for diversity estimates.

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    <p>Segments length corresponds to that of strain HXB2 of HIV-1 nucleotides positions. Segments used are denoted by asterisks. Env domain abbreviations: SP, signal peptide; C1–C5, conserved domains 1 to 5; V1–V5, variable domains 1 to 5; FP, fusion peptide; HR1, heptad repeat 1 (NHR); DL, disulfide loop; HR2, heptad repeat 2 (CHR); MPER, membrane proximal ectodomain region; TM, transmembrane domain; CD, cytoplasmic domain. Image were friendly adapted from Michael Caffrey[<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0189999#pone.0189999.ref061" target="_blank">61</a>]; Trends in Microbiology, Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 191–197 (April 2011) 10.1016/j.tim.2011.02.001.</p

    ROC curves comparing the predictive performance of different combinations of sequence-based diversity measures of HIV gp120-C2-1, gp120-C2_3 and gp120-V3 segments for identifying HIV-1 subtype B infection recency.

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    <p>Five combinations of sequence-based diversity measures were analyzed: P1, percent complexity; P2, percent diversity; P3, number of haplotypes; P4, Shannon entropy; P5, Shannon entropy+ percent diversity and P6, Number of haplotypes+ percent diversity. Three HIV-1 env segments were considered: gp120-C2_1, gp120- C2_3 and gp120-V3 -. ROC = receiver operating characteristics; AUC = area under the curve. AUC values between 0.8 and 1 were considered performance measures.</p

    ROC curves comparing the performance of the 4 sequence-based diversity measures for discriminating recent from chronic HIV-1 infection.

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    <p>Five HIV-1 gp120 variable loops and one part of gp41 ectodomain (NHR). Five segments represented each of the HIV-1 gp120 variable loop as well as 1 segment of the gp41- NHR ectodomain were analyzed: gp120-V1 loop, gp120-V2 loop, gp120-V3 loop, gp120-V4 loop, gp120-V5 loop and part of the gp41-NHR ectodomain. The Y axis represents the proportion of sequences from true recent HIV-1 infected individuals (sensitivity), and the X axis represents the proportion of recent HIV-1 infected individuals who were incorrectly classified (1-specificity). ROC = receiver operating characteristics. NHR = N-terminal heptad repeat. AUC values between 0.8 and 1 were considered performance measures.</p