2 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Quantitative trait loci associated with different polar metabolites in perennial ryegrass - providing scope for breeding towards increasing certain polar metabolites

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) based on the correlation matrix of 26 polar metabolites of parents and F1 samples of the Lolium mapping population. Red = P_m maternal line; blue = P_f paternal line; black = F1. (PDF 9 kb

    Additional file 1 of An investigation of causes of false positive single nucleotide polymorphisms using simulated reads from a small eukaryote genome

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    Supplementary materials. This supplementary pack file is comprised of the following ones: ANOVA_FullResults.xlsx – comprises the multifactorial ANOVA results; avgPctOfMismapping.xlsx – details the average percentages of reads containing the alternate allele and across the mappings; readMappingStats.xlsx – brings the alignment rates of reads, in the mappings, retrieved with the SAMtools flagstat command; snpNumbersStats.xlsx – details the SNP numbers computed in the experiment; SupplementalData.pdf – contains all the additional information and files mentioned in the manuscript. (ZIP 1362 kb