40 research outputs found

    Impulse for animal welfare outside the experiment

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    Animal welfare is a growing societal concern and the well-being of animals used for experimental purposes is under particular scrutiny. The vast majority of laboratory animals are mice living in small cages that do not offer very much variety. Moreover, the experimental procedure often takes very little time compared to the time these animals have been bred to the desired age or are being held available for animal experimentation. However, for the assessment of animal welfare, the time spent waiting for an experiment or the time spent after finishing an experiment has also to be taken into account. In addition to experimental animals, many additional animals (e.g. for breeding and maintenance of genetic lines, surplus animals) are related to animal experimentation and usually face similar living conditions. Therefore, in terms of improving the overall welfare of laboratory animals, there is not only a need for refinement of experimental conditions but especially for improving living conditions outside the experiment. The improvement of animal welfare thus depends to a large extent on the housing and maintenance conditions of all animals related to experimentation. Given the current state of animal welfare research there is indeed a great potential for improving the overall welfare of laboratory animals

    Impulse for animal welfare outside the experiment

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    Animal welfare is a growing societal concern and the well-being of animals used for experimental purposes is under particular scrutiny. The vast majority of laboratory animals are mice living in small cages that do not offer very much variety. Moreover, the experimental procedure often takes very little time compared to the time these animals have been bred to the desired age or are being held available for animal experimentation. However, for the assessment of animal welfare, the time spent waiting for an experiment or the time spent after finishing an experiment has also to be taken into account. In addition to experimental animals, many additional animals (e.g. for breeding and maintenance of genetic lines, surplus animals) are related to animal experimentation and usually face similar living conditions. Therefore, in terms of improving the overall welfare of laboratory animals, there is not only a need for refinement of experimental conditions but especially for improving living conditions outside the experiment. The improvement of animal welfare thus depends to a large extent on the housing and maintenance conditions of all animals related to experimentation. Given the current state of animal welfare research there is indeed a great potential for improving the overall welfare of laboratory animals

    Grimace scale assessment during Citrobacter rodentium inflammation and colitis development in laboratory mice

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    IntroductionBacterial infections and chronic intestinal inflammations triggered by genetic susceptibility, environment or an imbalance in the intestinal microbiome are usually long-lasting and painful diseases in which the development and maintenance of these various intestinal inflammations is not yet fully understood, research is still needed. This still requires the use of animal models and is subject to the refinement principle of the 3Rs, to minimize suffering or pain perceived by the animals. With regard to this, the present study aimed at the recognition of pain using the mouse grimace scale (MGS) during chronic intestinal colitis due to dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) treatment or after infection with Citrobacter rodentium.MethodsIn this study 56 animals were included which were divided into 2 experimental groups: 1. chronic intestinal inflammation (n = 9) and 2. acute intestinal inflammation (with (n = 23) and without (n = 24) C. rodentium infection). Before the induction of intestinal inflammation in one of the animal models, mice underwent an abdominal surgery and the live MGS from the cage side and a clinical score were assessed before (bsl) and after 2, 4, 6, 8, 24, and 48 hours.ResultsThe highest clinical score as well as the highest live MGS was detected 2 hours after surgery and almost no sign of pain or severity were detected after 24 and 48 hours. Eight weeks after abdominal surgery B6-Il4/Il10-/- mice were treated with DSS to trigger chronic intestinal colitis. During the acute phase as well as the chronic phase of the experiment, the live MGS and a clinical score were evaluated. The clinical score increased after DSS administration due to weight loss of the animals but no change of the live MGS was observed. In the second C57BL/6J mouse model, after infection with C. rodentium the clinical score increased but again, no increased score values in the live MGS was detectable.DiscussionIn conclusion, the live MGS detected post-operative pain, but indicated no pain during DSS-induced colitis or C. rodentium infection. In contrast, clinical scoring and here especially the weight loss revealed a decreased wellbeing due to surgery and intestinal inflammation

    Grimace scale, burrowing, and nest building for the assessment of post-surgical pain in mice and rats-A systematic review

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    Several studies suggested an informative value of behavioral and grimace scale parameters for the detection of pain. However, the robustness and reliability of the parameters as well as the current extent of implementation are still largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to systematically analyze the current evidence-base of grimace scale, burrowing, and nest building for the assessment of post-surgical pain in mice and rats. The following platforms were searched for relevant articles: PubMed, Embase via Ovid, and Web of Science. Only full peer-reviewed studies that describe the grimace scale, burrowing, and/or nest building as pain parameters in the post-surgical phase in mice and/or rats were included. Information about the study design, animal characteristics, intervention characteristics, and outcome measures was extracted from identified publications. In total, 74 papers were included in this review. The majority of studies have been conducted in young adult C57BL/6J mice and Sprague Dawley and Wistar rats. While there is an apparent lack of information about young animals, some studies that analyzed the grimace scale in aged rats were identified. The majority of studies focused on laparotomy-associated pain. Only limited information is available about other types of surgical interventions. While an impact of surgery and an influence of analgesia were rather consistently reported in studies focusing on grimace scales, the number of studies that assessed respective effects was rather low for nest building and burrowing. Moreover, controversial findings were evident for the impact of analgesics on post-surgical nest building activity. Regarding analgesia, a monotherapeutic approach was identified in the vast majority of studies with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs and opioids being most commonly used. In conclusion, most evidence exists for grimace scales, which were more frequently used to assess post-surgical pain in rodents than the other behavioral parameters. However, our findings also point to relevant knowledge gaps concerning the post-surgical application in different strains, age levels, and following different surgical procedures. Future efforts are also necessary to directly compare the sensitivity and robustness of different readout parameters applied for the assessment of nest building and burrowing activities

    Grimace scale, burrowing, and nest building for the assessment of post-surgical pain in mice and rats—A systematic review

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    Several studies suggested an informative value of behavioral and grimace scale parameters for the detection of pain. However, the robustness and reliability of the parameters as well as the current extent of implementation are still largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to systematically analyze the current evidence-base of grimace scale, burrowing, and nest building for the assessment of post-surgical pain in mice and rats. The following platforms were searched for relevant articles: PubMed, Embase via Ovid, and Web of Science. Only full peer-reviewed studies that describe the grimace scale, burrowing, and/or nest building as pain parameters in the post-surgical phase in mice and/or rats were included. Information about the study design, animal characteristics, intervention characteristics, and outcome measures was extracted from identified publications. In total, 74 papers were included in this review. The majority of studies have been conducted in young adult C57BL/6J mice and Sprague Dawley and Wistar rats. While there is an apparent lack of information about young animals, some studies that analyzed the grimace scale in aged rats were identified. The majority of studies focused on laparotomy-associated pain. Only limited information is available about other types of surgical interventions. While an impact of surgery and an influence of analgesia were rather consistently reported in studies focusing on grimace scales, the number of studies that assessed respective effects was rather low for nest building and burrowing. Moreover, controversial findings were evident for the impact of analgesics on post-surgical nest building activity. Regarding analgesia, a monotherapeutic approach was identified in the vast majority of studies with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs and opioids being most commonly used. In conclusion, most evidence exists for grimace scales, which were more frequently used to assess post-surgical pain in rodents than the other behavioral parameters. However, our findings also point to relevant knowledge gaps concerning the post-surgical application in different strains, age levels, and following different surgical procedures. Future efforts are also necessary to directly compare the sensitivity and robustness of different readout parameters applied for the assessment of nest building and burrowing activities

    RELSA—A multidimensional procedure for the comparative assessment of well-being and the quantitative determination of severity in experimental procedures

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    Good science in translational research requires good animal welfare according to the principles of 3Rs. In many countries, determining animal welfare is a mandatory legal requirement, implying a categorization of animal suffering, traditionally dominated by subjective scorings. However, how such methods can be objectified and refined to compare impairments between animals, subgroups, and animal models remained unclear. Therefore, we developed the RELative Severity Assessment (RELSA) procedure to establish an evidence-based method based on quantitative outcome measures such as body weight, burrowing behavior, heart rate, heart rate variability, temperature, and activity to obtain a relative metric for severity comparisons. The RELSA procedure provided the necessary framework to get severity gradings in TM-implanted mice, yielding four distinct RELSA thresholds L1<0.27, L2<0.59, L3<0.79, and L4<3.45. We show further that severity patterns in the contributing variables are time and model-specific and use this information to obtain contextualized between animal-model and subgroup comparisons with the severity of sepsis > surgery > restraint stress > colitis. The bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals reliably show that RELSA estimates are conditionally invariant against missing information but precise in ranking the quantitative severity information to the moderate context of the transmitter-implantation model. In conclusion, we propose the RELSA as a validated tool for an objective, computational approach to comparative and quantitative severity assessment and grading. The RELSA procedure will fundamentally improve animal welfare, data quality, and reproducibility. It is also the first step toward translational risk assessment in biomedical research

    Postoperative Severity Assessment in Sheep

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    Introduction: Sheep are frequently used in translational surgical orthopedic studies. Naturally, a good pain management is mandatory for animal welfare, although it is also important with regard to data quality. However, methods for adequate severity assessment, especially considering pain, are rather rare regarding large animal models. Therefore, in the present study, accompanying a surgical pilot study, telemetry and the Sheep Grimace Scale (SGS) were used in addition to clinical scoring for severity assessment after surgical interventions in sheep. Methods: Telemetric devices were implanted in a first surgery subcutaneously into four German black-headed mutton ewes (4-5 years, 77-115 kg). After 3-4 weeks of recovery, sheep underwent tendon ablation of the left M. infraspinatus. Clinical scoring and video recordings for SGS analysis were performed after both surgeries, and the heart rate (HR) and general activity were monitored by telemetry. Results: Immediately after surgery, clinical score and HR were slightly increased, and activity was decreased in individual sheep after both surgeries. The SGS mildly elevated directly after transmitter implantation but increased to higher levels after tendon ablation immediately after surgery and on the following day. Conclusion: In summary, SGS- and telemetry-derived data were suitable to detect postoperative pain in sheep with the potential to improve individual pain recognition and postoperative management, which consequently contributes to refinement

    Regulation of monocyte cell fate by blood vessels mediated by Notch signalling

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    A population of monocytes, known as Ly6Clo monocytes, patrol blood vessels by crawling along the vascular endothelium. Here we show that endothelial cells control their origin through Notch signalling. Using combinations of conditional genetic deletion strategies and cell-fate tracking experiments we show that Notch2 regulates conversion of Ly6Chi monocytes into Ly6Clo monocytes in vivo and in vitro, thereby regulating monocyte cell fate under steady-state conditions. This process is controlled by Notch ligand delta-like 1 (Dll1) expressed by a population of endothelial cells that constitute distinct vascular niches in the bone marrow and spleen in vivo, while culture on recombinant DLL1 induces monocyte conversion in vitro. Thus, blood vessels regulate monocyte conversion, a form of committed myeloid cell fate regulation

    Regulation of monocyte cell fate by blood vessels mediated by Notch signalling

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    A population of monocytes, known as Ly6C(lo) monocytes, patrol blood vessels by crawling along the vascular endothelium. Here we show that endothelial cells control their origin through Notch signalling. Using combinations of conditional genetic deletion strategies and cell-fate tracking experiments we show that Notch2 regulates conversion of Ly6C(hi) monocytes into Ly6C(lo) monocytes in vivo and in vitro, thereby regulating monocyte cell fate under steady-state conditions. This process is controlled by Notch ligand delta-like 1 (Dll1) expressed by a population of endothelial cells that constitute distinct vascular niches in the bone marrow and spleen in vivo, while culture on recombinant DLL1 induces monocyte conversion in vitro. Thus, blood vessels regulate monocyte conversion, a form of committed myeloid cell fate regulation