2,889 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Kennedy, Christina G. (Presque Isle, Aroostook County)

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    Land cover between habitat patches ("matrix") can impact species persistence in fragmented landscapes by altering resource availability, edge effects, or inter-patch movement. This thesis examines how the matrix affects the Neotropical bird community in central Jamaica in landscapes where forest is embedded in three human-dominated matrix types (agriculture, peri-urban development, and bauxite mining) and one natural "matrix" (continuous forest). First, I examine whether richness, community composition, and abundances of resident birds differ in ~100 forest patches within the four matrix types, and relate species responses to traits influencing dispersal, resource acquisition, and/or population growth. Agricultural landscapes were found to retain avian diversity and community assemblages most similar to intact forest relative to peri-urban and bauxite landscapes. Traits related to resource acquisition best predicted species responses, indicating that resource limitation driven by the matrix may be a primary factor driving bird responses to fragmentation. Next, I determine the relative influence of patch area, isolation, vegetation structure, and matrix type on the occupancy dynamics of resident insectivorous birds. Within-patch vegetation and matrix type were the most important determinants of colonization and extinction, but the effects of patch area, isolation, and vegetation on occupancy dynamics were matrix- and species-dependent. Across the community, the matrix influenced extinction probabilities more than colonization, indicating that extinction processes likely drive population dynamics. Finally, I examine the relative permeability of peri-urban, bauxite, and forested landscapes on the movement of the migrant American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) and the resident Jamaican Tody (Todus todus) by experimentally translocating > 140 birds 0.6-4 km from their territories across landscape treatments. Redstarts returned with greater success and faster speed than Todies. Return success was not impacted by landscape treatment, but both species returned more rapidly in forest relative to bauxite matrix, with return times intermediate in a peri-urban matrix. These findings indicate that bird mobility in fragmented landscapes is mediated by the landscape matrix. This research is among few empirical studies to discern the impacts of different matrix types on species patterns and processes. These results inform theory on fragmentation as well as bird conservation in an understudied system

    The Effects of Praise Notes on the Disruptive Behaviors of Elementary Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in a Residential Setting

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    In this study, the effects of two secondary tier positive behavioral support strategies, teacher praise notes (TPNs) and peer praise notes (PPNs), were investigated using an alternating treatments single-subject design in residential classroom settings with eight elementary students with emotional and behavioral disorders (E/BD) in grades one through five who displayed disruptive behaviors. These students were selected based on the following criteria: (a) identified as using attention-seeking behaviors to disrupt classroom instruction, and (b) accrued an average of three or more office discipline referrals (ODRs) during classroom instruction since the beginning of the semester. Teacher praise notes are notes written by the teacher to a student regarding observed appropriate classroom behaviors while peer praise notes are written by the students to peers of their choice regarding observed appropriate behaviors. The type of praise notes were counterbalanced across each session. Duration recording was used to record the length of disruption per student during all sessions. Data were analyzed by visual analysis. The results suggest that TPNs and PPNs decreased disruptive behaviors of the students with E/BD in a residential setting; however, there was minimal to no fractionation between the two interventions. Limitations and future for research directions are discussed

    'British Animation Women and the Myth of Meritocracy.' Society of Animation Studies. Animate Energies 2020. New Orleans

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    British Animation Women and the Myth of Meritocracy I produced and directed a documentary to celebrate women working in the animation industry for Sky Showcase Channel 192 on 13th October. The women interviewed in the documentary were from a range of backgrounds – animators, directors, commissioners and writers. These women all stated that there are less women in key creative roles than men, yet UK Screen Alliance, recently published a report that revealed that 51% of workers in animation were women – 89% in production, 55% in senior creative production and 49% in creative artist roles. At first these figures seem very exciting, but on further examination, the categories seem rather vague. Were these women in key creative roles or were these figures obscuring the reality of the kinds of roles women were actually engaged with. Out of the total number of animation series commissioned or co-produced in the UK between 1990 – 2018, only 6.5% were created by women (En.wikipedia.org.2018). The cultural and creative industries including animation, are usually seen as ‘cool, creative and egalitarian’ (Gill, 70-89, 2002). Yet when conducting my research by interviewing women across the industry, there appear to be clear paradoxes with inequalities in gender and race. In the animation industry, networking and word of mouth are key methods of gaining employment. ‘There is evidence that this may have different outcomes for men and women in the creative industries’ (Grugulis & Stoyanova, 2012.2) This appears to put women in animation at a disadvantage for a variety of reasons; women with children will find it hard to network, people from the same ilk tend to stick together and there is little transparency in recruitment. This paper asks the question, ‘Where are the key women in the UK animation industry?’ and attempts to create a possible framework to answer it. Bibliography Animated Women Breaking The Mold. (2019) https://www.britishanimationwomen.com/ Password to watch the documentary is crapston Animated Women UK. (2018). Animated Women UK Supporting Women in VFX & Animation. [online] Available at: http://www.animatedwomenuk.com/ [Accessed 12 Nov. 2018]. Gill, R., (2002), ‘Cool, creative and egalitarian? Exploring gender in project-based new media work in Europe’, Information, Communication & Society, 5 (1): 70–89. Grugulis,I.and Stoyanova,D.(2012),‘Socia lcapital and networks in ïŹlm and TV:jobs for the boys?’ The British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2012: Sociology in an Age of Austerity. Wreyford, N. (2015). Birds of a Feather: Informal Recruitment Practices and Gendered Outcomes for Screenwriting Work in the UK Film Industry. The Sociological Review, 63(1_suppl), pp.84-96

    Christina Van Raalte Wrote Her Parents, Rev. Albertus and Christina Van Raalte, and Her Sister, Mary

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    On the same day Christina Van Raalte wrote her parents, Rev. Albertus and Christina Van Raalte, and her sister, Mary, she also wrote to her sister whom she calls Annie [Anna Sophia]. The letter includes a list of Christina\u27s expenditures, apparently intended for her mother and father.https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1860s/1159/thumbnail.jp

    Discovery of new dipper stars with K2 : a window into the inner disc region of T Tauri stars

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    In recent years, a new class of young stellar object (YSO) has been defined, referred to as dippers, where large transient drops in flux are observed. These dips are too large to be attributed to stellar variability, last from hours to days and can reduce the flux of a star by 10-50 per cent. This variability has been attributed to occultations by warps or accretion columns near the inner edge of circumstellar discs. Here, we present 95 dippers in the Upper Scorpius association and ρ Ophiuchus cloud complex found in K2 Campaign 2 data using supervised machine learning with a random forest classifier. We also present 30 YSOs that exhibit brightening events on the order of days, known as bursters. Not all dippers and bursters are known members, but all exhibit infrared excesses and are consistent with belonging to either of the two young star-forming regions. We find 21.0 ± 5.5 per cent of stars with discs are dippers for both regions combined. Our entire dipper sample consists only of late-type (KM) stars, but we show that biases limit dipper discovery for earlier spectral types. Using the dipper properties as a proxy, we find that the temperature at the inner disc edge is consistent with interferometric results for similar and earlier type stars

    Christina Van Raalte Wrote Her Sister, Mary [Maria Wilhelmina Kollen]

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    Christina Van Raalte also wrote her sister, Mary [Maria Wilhelmina Kollen],on this date telling her also that she hoped to come home in four weeks. She discusses several family matters with her sister. When Mina Oggel and family were coming to Kalamazoo, would the Van Raaltes be coming to pick them up? Was Mary still taking lessons from Mrs. Van Olinda?https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1860s/1158/thumbnail.jp

    Christina Van Raalte Wrote Her Mother, Mrs. Christina J. Van Raalte

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    Christina Van Raalte wrote her mother, Mrs. Christina J. Van Raalte, that she has received the five dollars and was very appreciative of it. She will use the money to buy a locket. She made several comments about her life and work. Mrs. Pijster is her landlady who is very thrifty. The other girls in the shop think that they are superior to the Dutch girls. It was the talk of the town that Rev. Roelof Pieters may have declined a call.https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1860s/1152/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from Christina Van Raalte to Helena Van Raalte

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    In a letter to Helena (Mrs. Albertus) Van Raalte, Christina Van Raalte wrote her sister-in-law that she hoped to receive a letter from her. Christina made a small present for little Anna She asked about Allie and Chrissie. She asked Helena to kiss brother Bertus and the children for her. Christina signed her letter as Chrissie because that\u27s what I am called here. [By this time, Albertus and Helena Hoffinan had three children. They had married in early 1859. Little Albertus was born 12 December 1859, Christine was born 8 June 1861, and Anna Helena was born 9 September 1862.]https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1860s/1150/thumbnail.jp

    Christina Van Raalte Wrote Her Mother, Mrs. Albertus C. Van Raalte

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    Christina Van Raalte wrote her mother, Mrs. Albertus C. Van Raalte, congratulating her that her birthday was tomorrow, the 31st. She wished her much blessing and that you will continue to be spared for us for a long time. She also enclosed a gift for her mother. Marinus Oggel told Christina that Rev. Pieter Oggel was returning to Holland. She also reported that she bought a book of music but the piano in the home where she boarded was not tuned. It is evident from her letter that the Van Raaltes had a piano in the family home.https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1860s/1157/thumbnail.jp
