29 research outputs found

    Readily available drugs and other interventions to potentially improve the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade in cancer

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    To improve the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) for cancer treatment, various strategies, including combination therapies with repurposed drugs, are being explored. Several readily available interventions with potential to enhance programmed death 1 (PD-1) blockade have been identified. However, these interventions often remain overlooked due to the lack of financial incentives for their development, making them financial orphans. This review summarizes current knowledge regarding off-label drugs, supplements, and other readily available interventions that could improve the efficacy of PD-1 blockade. The summary of each intervention includes the proposed mechanism of action for combination with checkpoint inhibitors and data from animal and human studies. Additionally, we include summaries of common interventions to be avoided by patients on PD-1 blockade. Finally, we present approaches for conducting further studies in patients, with the aim of expediting the clinical development of these interventions. We strive to increase awareness of readily available combination therapies that may advance cancer immunotherapy and help patients today

    The comorbidity of depression and neurocognitive disorder in persons with HIV infection: call for investigation and treatment

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    Depression and neurocognitive disorder continue to be the major neuropsychiatric disorders affecting persons with HIV (PWH). The prevalence of major depressive disorder is two to fourfold higher among PWH than the general population (∼6.7%). Prevalence estimates of neurocognitive disorder among PWH range from 25 to over 47% – depending upon the definition used (which is currently evolving), the size of the test battery employed, and the demographic and HIV disease characteristics of the participants included, such as age range and sex distribution. Both major depressive disorder and neurocognitive disorder also result in substantial morbidity and premature mortality. However, though anticipated to be relatively common, the comorbidity of these two disorders in PWH has not been formally studied. This is partly due to the clinical overlap of the neurocognitive symptoms of these two disorders. Both also share neurobehavioral aspects — particularly apathy — as well as an increased risk for non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Shared pathophysiological mechanisms potentially explain these intersecting phenotypes, including neuroinflammatory, vascular, and microbiomic, as well as neuroendocrine/neurotransmitter dynamic mechanisms. Treatment of either disorder affects the other with respect to symptom reduction as well as medication toxicity. We present a unified model for the comorbidity based upon deficits in dopaminergic transmission that occur in both major depressive disorder and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Specific treatments for the comorbidity that decrease neuroinflammation and/or restore associated deficits in dopaminergic transmission may be indicated and merit study

    The comorbidity of depression and neurocognitive disorder in persons with HIV infection: call for investigation and treatment

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    Depression and neurocognitive disorder continue to be the major neuropsychiatric disorders affecting persons with HIV (PWH). The prevalence of major depressive disorder is two to fourfold higher among PWH than the general population (∼6.7%). Prevalence estimates of neurocognitive disorder among PWH range from 25 to over 47% – depending upon the definition used (which is currently evolving), the size of the test battery employed, and the demographic and HIV disease characteristics of the participants included, such as age range and sex distribution. Both major depressive disorder and neurocognitive disorder also result in substantial morbidity and premature mortality. However, though anticipated to be relatively common, the comorbidity of these two disorders in PWH has not been formally studied. This is partly due to the clinical overlap of the neurocognitive symptoms of these two disorders. Both also share neurobehavioral aspects — particularly apathy — as well as an increased risk for non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Shared pathophysiological mechanisms potentially explain these intersecting phenotypes, including neuroinflammatory, vascular, and microbiomic, as well as neuroendocrine/neurotransmitter dynamic mechanisms. Treatment of either disorder affects the other with respect to symptom reduction as well as medication toxicity. We present a unified model for the comorbidity based upon deficits in dopaminergic transmission that occur in both major depressive disorder and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Specific treatments for the comorbidity that decrease neuroinflammation and/or restore associated deficits in dopaminergic transmission may be indicated and merit study

    Host SAMHD1 protein restricts endogenous reverse transcription of HIV-1 in nondividing macrophages

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    Abstract Background SAM domain and HD domain containing protein 1 (SAMHD1) is a host anti-HIV-1 restriction factor known to suppress viral reverse transcription in nondividing myeloid cells by its dNTP triphosphorylase activity that depletes cellular dNTPs. However, HIV-2 and some SIV strains rapidly replicate in macrophages due to their accessory protein, viral protein X (Vpx), which proteosomally degrades SAMHD1 and elevates dNTP levels. Endogenous reverse transcription (ERT) of retroviruses is the extra-cellular reverse transcription step that partially synthesizes proviral DNAs within cell-free viral particles before the viruses infect new cells. ERT activity utilizes dNTPs co-packaged during budding from the virus-producing cells, and high ERT activity is known to enhance HIV-1 infectivity in nondividing cells. Here, since Vpx elevates cellular dNTP levels in macrophages, we hypothesize that HIV-2 should contain higher ERT activity than HIV-1 in macrophages, and that the Vpx-mediated dNTP elevation should enhance both ERT activity and infectivity of HIV-1 particles produced in macrophages. Results Here, we demonstrate that HIV-2 produced from human primary monocyte derived macrophages displays higher ERT activity than HIV-1 produced from macrophages. Also, HIV-1 particles produced from macrophages treated with virus like particles (VLPs) containing Vpx, Vpx (+), displayed large increases of ERT activity with the enhanced copy numbers of early, middle and late reverse transcription products within the viral particles, compared to the viruses produced from macrophages treated with Vpx (−) VLPs. Furthermore, upon the infection with an equal p24 amount to fresh macrophages, the viruses produced from the Vpx (+) VLP treated macrophages demonstrated higher infectivity than the viruses from the Vpx (−) VLP treated macrophages. Conclusions This finding identifies the viral ERT step as an additional step of HIV-1 replication cycle that SAMHD1 restricts in nondividing myeloid target cells

    A Rationale and Approach to the Development of Specific Treatments for HIV Associated Neurocognitive Impairment

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    Neurocognitive impairment (NCI) associated with HIV infection of the brain impacts a large proportion of people with HIV (PWH) regardless of antiretroviral therapy (ART). While the number of PWH and severe NCI has dropped considerably with the introduction of ART, the sole use of ART is not sufficient to prevent or arrest NCI in many PWH. As the HIV field continues to investigate cure strategies, adjunctive therapies are greatly needed. HIV imaging, cerebrospinal fluid, and pathological studies point to the presence of continual inflammation, and the presence of HIV RNA, DNA, and proteins in the brain despite ART. Clinical trials exploring potential adjunctive therapeutics for the treatment of HIV NCI over the last few decades have had limited success. Ideally, future research and development of novel compounds need to address both the HIV replication and neuroinflammation associated with HIV infection in the brain. Brain mononuclear phagocytes (MPs) are the primary instigators of inflammation and HIV protein expression; therefore, adjunctive treatments that act on MPs, such as immunomodulating agents, look promising. In this review, we will highlight recent developments of innovative therapies and discuss future approaches for HIV NCI treatment

    The comorbidity of depression and neurocognitive disorder in persons with HIV infection: call for investigation and treatment

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    Depression and neurocognitive disorder continue to be the major neuropsychiatric disorders affecting persons with HIV (PWH). The prevalence of major depressive disorder is two to fourfold higher among PWH than the general population (∼6.7%). Prevalence estimates of neurocognitive disorder among PWH range from 25 to over 47% – depending upon the definition used (which is currently evolving), the size of the test battery employed, and the demographic and HIV disease characteristics of the participants included, such as age range and sex distribution. Both major depressive disorder and neurocognitive disorder also result in substantial morbidity and premature mortality. However, though anticipated to be relatively common, the comorbidity of these two disorders in PWH has not been formally studied. This is partly due to the clinical overlap of the neurocognitive symptoms of these two disorders. Both also share neurobehavioral aspects — particularly apathy — as well as an increased risk for non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Shared pathophysiological mechanisms potentially explain these intersecting phenotypes, including neuroinflammatory, vascular, and microbiomic, as well as neuroendocrine/neurotransmitter dynamic mechanisms. Treatment of either disorder affects the other with respect to symptom reduction as well as medication toxicity. We present a unified model for the comorbidity based upon deficits in dopaminergic transmission that occur in both major depressive disorder and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Specific treatments for the comorbidity that decrease neuroinflammation and/or restore associated deficits in dopaminergic transmission may be indicated and merit study