54 research outputs found

    Das native Tetrazyklin-Repressor-Operator-System zur Kontrolle der Expression von b-Galaktosidase in gene-gun-transfizierten COS1-Zellen, L6-Myoblasten und neonatalen Kardiozyten

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    Ausgangspunkt dieser Doktorarbeit ist die dominant erbliche hypertrophische Kardiomyopathie, eine Herzkrankheit, die mit FunktionseinschrĂ€nkungen des Myokards und einem relativ hohen Risiko fĂŒr einen plötzliche Herztod assoziiert ist. Als Ursachen wurden ca. 160 Mutationen in bisher zehn verschiedenen Genen nachgewiesen, die - mit einer möglichen Ausnahme - fĂŒr Proteine des kardialen Sarkomers kodieren. Am hĂ€ufigsten betroffen sind das ventrikelspezifische -Myosin (schwere Kette) sowie das kardiale Myosin-Bindungsprotein C. Ein in Bad Nauheim initiiertes Projekt hat zum Ziel, die Wirkungen einer Mikrodeletion im - Myosingen (Deletion des Codons 927, E927) auf die Struktur und Arbeitsweise des Herzens in transgenen MĂ€usen zu untersuchen. Es ist bei diesem Projekt beabsichtigt, die Expression des mutierten Myosin-Transgens so zu steuern, dass es nicht unkontrolliert dauernd (konstitutiv), sondern zeitlich kontrolliert (induzierbar) im Herzen exprimiert wird. Als Induktionssystem der Wahl ist dabei das bakterielle Tetrazyklinrepressor-System vorgesehen. Dieses besteht aus dem Repressor tetR, einer DNA- Repressor-Bindungssequenz tetO und einem von außen zugefĂŒhrten Induktor (Tetrazyklin, tet, oder Doxyzyklin, DOX, einem tet-Derivat). Da dieses Regulationssystem vor dem aufwĂ€ndigen Einsatz an transgenen MĂ€usen zunĂ€chst in vitro an Zellkulturen zu testen war, wurden fĂŒr die transiente Transfektion von Zellen in Kultur zwei Plasmide (mit jeweils zwei verschiedenen Promotoren, also insgesamt vier Plasmide) hergestellt. Ein Plasmid enthielt den Repressor und das zweite die tetO-Sequenz mit einem nachgeschalteten Reportergen (lacZ fĂŒr -Galactosidase). Die beiden Promotoren waren der ubiquitĂ€re virale CMV-Promotor (hCMV-Promotor) einerseits und der herz- und mĂ€usespezifische -Myosin-Promotor (-MHC Promotor) andererseits. Getestet wurde die Regulierbarkeit des Reportergens in transient transfizierten COS1-Zellen, L6 Myoblasten sowie an neonatalen Kardiozyten von Ratten. FĂŒr die Kotransfektion von jeweils einem Paar der Plasmide (mit dem tetR-Gen, bzw. dem tetO/lacZ-Gen) wurde ein modifiziertes und in dieser Arbeit optimiertes ballistisches System (Gene Gun von BioRad) benutzt. Die Versuchsanordnung bestand aus AnzĂŒchtung der Zellen, Transfektion, Induktion und Nachweis des Reporterenzyms. Mit dem hCMV-Promotor wurde in allen drei getesteten Zelltypen eine von DOX abhĂ€ngige Expression der -Galaktosidase nachgewiesen. Mit dem -MHC Promotor, der wegen seiner HerzspezifitĂ€t nur an kardialen Rattenmyozyten getestet werden konnte, waren in der Standardversuchsanordnung (nach DOX Induktion) nur sehr geringe Mengen an - Galaktosidase nachweisbar. Um die Regulierbarkeit des lacZ-Gens eindeutig zu demonstrieren, wurden als Stimulatoren des -MHC Promotors die Hormone Trijodthyronin, Insulin und Dexamethason einzeln und in Kombination verwendet. Die höchste Stimulierung (ca. 5-fach) wurde mit einer Kombination aller drei Hormone erreicht. In dieser Anordnung wurde damit gezeigt, dass das binĂ€re tetR/tetO-System in vitro nach Induktion auch mit dem -MHC Promotor funktioniert. Mit diesem Resultat war - im Prinzip - der Weg fĂŒr Experimente mit transgenen MĂ€usen vorgegeben. In Transgen-Linien mit Einzeltransgenen (entweder mit dem tetR-Gen oder dem lacZ-Gen, beide unter Kontrolle des -MHC Promotors, letzteres zusĂ€tzlich mit der tetO- Sequenz fĂŒr den Repressor) wurde die herzspezifische Expression der -Galaktosidase eindeutig nachgewiesen, nicht jedoch die des tet-Repressors. Die GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr können gegenwĂ€rtig nur vermutet werden. Die Zahl der Genkopien könnte unzureichend gewesen sein. Da es sich um ein bakterielles Gen handelt, könnte auch eine ungĂŒnstige Codon-Verwendung einer effizienten Expression entgegenstehen. Zur KlĂ€rung dieser UmstĂ€nde sind weitere Versuche (die nicht mehr Gegenstand dieser Doktorarbeit sind) inzwischen initiiert worden. Das hier in Zellkultur getestete Regelsystem wird als tetON-System charakterisiert, bei dem das Transgen, dessen Expression kontrolliert werden soll (jetzt das Gen fĂŒr -Galktosidase, spĂ€ter ein mutiertes ventrikelspezifisches Myosingen), erst nach Zugabe des Induktors (Doxyzyklin, bei MĂ€usen im Trinkwasser) aktiviert wird. Damit unterscheidet sich dieses System von vielfach benutzten tetOFF-Systemen. Diese bestehen aus einem hybriden Protein, das aus zwei verschiedenen Struktur/FunktionsdomĂ€nen besteht: der tet-BindungsdomĂ€ne des bakteriellen tet-Repressors und einem viralen ubiquitĂ€ren Transkriptionsaktivator (das Hybridprotein hat die Bezeichnung tTA). Die zu regulierenden Zielgene enthalten die tetO- Sequenz. Bindung von tet an tTA fĂŒhrt zur Dissoziation des tTA/tetO-Komplexes und damit zur Deaktivierung des Zielgens. Entzug von tet erlaubt die Bindung von tTA an den Promotor des Zielgens und ermöglicht damit dessen Transkription. Dieses System, dessen FunktionalitĂ€t an Modellversuchen nachgewiesen wurde, hat gleichwohl Nachteile. Diese sind erstens auf eine gewisse ToxizitĂ€t des Transkriptionsaktivators tTA und zweitens auf negative Wirkungen in Verbindung mit der Dauerzufuhr von Tetrazyklin (zur UnterdrĂŒckung der Expression des Zielgens) zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Da ein in der Literatur auch beschriebenes tTA-basiertes tetON- System als nicht ausreichend berichtet wird, erscheint der Aufwand fĂŒr die Herstellung eines einfachen (nicht-viralen) und ggf. genetisch modifizierten tetON-Systems fĂŒr die Anwendung an MĂ€usen sinnvoll und notwendig

    Midkine Controls Arteriogenesis by Regulating the Bioavailability of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A and the Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 and 3

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    Midkine is a pleiotropic factor, which is involved in angiogenesis. However, its mode of action in this process is still ill defined. The function of midkine in arteriogenesis, the growth of natural bypasses from pre-existing collateral arteries, compensating for the loss of an occluded artery has never been investigated. Arteriogenesis is an inflammatory process, which relies on the proliferation of endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells. We show that midkine deficiency strikingly interferes with the proliferation of endothelial cells in arteriogenesis, thereby interfering with the process of collateral artery growth. We identified midkine to be responsible for increased plasma levels of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), necessary and sufficient to promote endothelial cell proliferation in growing collaterals. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that leukocyte domiciled midkine mediates increased plasma levels of VEGFA relevant for upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase 1 and 3, necessary for proper endothelial cell proliferation, and that non-leukocyte domiciled midkine additionally improves vasodilation. The data provided on the role of midkine in endothelial proliferation are likely to be relevant for both, the process of arteriogenesis and angiogenesis. Moreover, our data might help to estimate the therapeutic effect of clinically applied VEGFA in patients with vascular occlusive diseases

    Effects on the profile of circulating mirnas after single bouts of resistance training with and without blood flow restriction-a three-arm, randomized crossover trial

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    Background: The effects of blood flow restriction (training) may serve as a model of peripheral artery disease. In both conditions, circulating micro RNAs (miRNAs) are suggested to play a crucial role during exercise-induced arteriogenesis. We aimed to determine whether the profile of circulating miRNAs is altered after acute resistance training during blood flow restriction (BFR) as compared with unrestricted low- and high-volume training, and we hypothesized that miRNA that are relevant for arteriogenesis are affected after resistance training. Methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers (aged 25 ± 2 years) were enrolled in this three-arm, randomized-balanced crossover study. The arms were single bouts of leg flexion/extension resistance training at (1) 70% of the individual single-repetition maximum (1RM), (2) at 30% of the 1RM, and (3) at 30% of the 1RM with BFR (artificially applied by a cuff at 300 mm Hg). Before the first exercise intervention, the individual 1RM (N) and the blood flow velocity (m/s) used to validate the BFR application were determined. During each training intervention, load-associated outcomes (fatigue, heart rate, and exhaustion) were monitored. Acute effects (circulating miRNAs, lactate) were determined using pre-and post-intervention measurements. Results: All training interventions increased lactate concentration and heart rate (p < 0.001). The high-intensity intervention (HI) resulted in a higher lactate concentration than both lower-intensity training protocols with BFR (LI-BFR) and without (LI) (LI, p = 0.003; 30% LI-BFR, p = 0.008). The level of miR-143-3p was down-regulated by LI-BFR, and miR-139-5p, miR-143-3p, miR-195-5p, miR-197-3p, miR-30a-5p, and miR-10b-5p were up-regulated after HI. The lactate concentration and miR-143-3p expression showed a significant positive linear correlation (p = 0.009, r = 0.52). A partial correlation (intervention partialized) showed a systematic impact of the type of training (LI-BFR vs. HI) on the association (r = 0.35 remaining after partialization of training type). Conclusions: The strong effects of LI-BFR and HI on lactate- and arteriogenesis-associated miRNA-143-3p in young and healthy athletes are consistent with an important role of this particular miRNA in metabolic processes during (here) artificial blood flow restriction. BFR may be able to mimic the occlusion of a larger artery which leads to increased collateral flow, and it may therefore serve as an external stimulus of arteriogenesis

    Inhibition of Protein Prenylation of GTPases Alters Endothelial Barrier Function

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    The members of Rho family of GTPases, RhoA and Rac1 regulate endothelial cytoskeleton dynamics and hence barrier integrity. The spatial activities of these GTPases are regulated by post-translational prenylation. In the present study, we investigated the effect of prenylation inhibition on the endothelial cytoskeleton and barrier properties. The study was carried out in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and protein prenylation is manipulated with various pharmacological inhibitors. Inhibition of either complete prenylation using statins or specifically geranylgeranylation but not farnesylation has a biphasic effect on HUVEC cytoskeleton and permeability. Short-term treatment inhibits the spatial activity of RhoA/Rho kinase (Rock) to actin cytoskeleton resulting in adherens junctions (AJ) stabilization and ameliorates thrombin-induced barrier disruption whereas long-term inhibition results in collapse of endothelial cytoskeleton leading to increased basal permeability. These effects are reversed by supplementing the cells with geranylgeranyl but not farnesyl pyrophosphate. Moreover, long-term inhibition of protein prenylation results in basal hyper activation of RhoA/Rock signaling that is antagonized by a specific Rock inhibitor or an activation of cAMP signaling. In conclusion, inhibition of geranylgeranylation in endothelial cells (ECs) exerts biphasic effect on endothelial barrier properties. Short-term inhibition stabilizes AJs and hence barrier function whereas long-term treatment results in disruption of barrier properties

    Effects of single bouts of different endurance exercises with different intensities on microRNA biomarkers with and without blood flow restriction: a three-arm, randomized crossover trial

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    Purpose: Physical activity is associated with altered levels of circulating microRNAs (ci-miRNAs). Changes in miRNA expression have great potential to modulate biological pathways of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and metabolism. This study was designed to determine whether the profile of ci-miRNAs is altered after different approaches of endurance exercise. Methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers (aged 24 ± 3 years) participated this three-arm, randomized-balanced crossover study. Each arm was a single bout of treadmill-based acute endurance exercise at (1) 100% of the individual anaerobic threshold (IANS), (2) at 80% of the IANS and (3) at 80% of the IANS with blood flow restriction (BFR). Load-associated outcomes (fatigue, feeling, heart rate, and exhaustion) as well as acute effects (circulating miRNA patterns and lactate) were determined. Results: All training interventions increased the lactate concentration (LC) and heart rate (HR) (p < 0.001). The high-intensity intervention (HI) resulted in a higher LC than both lower intensity protocols (p < 0.001). The low-intensity blood flow restriction (LI-BFR) protocol led to a higher HR and higher LC than the low-intensity (LI) protocol without BFR (p = 0.037 and p = 0.003). The level of miR-142-5p and miR-197-3p were up-regulated in both interventions without BFR (p < 0.05). After LI exercise, the expression of miR-342-3p was up-regulated (p = 0.038). In LI-BFR, the level of miR-342-3p and miR-424-5p was confirmed to be up-regulated (p < 0.05). Three miRNAs and LC show a significant negative correlation (miR-99a-5p, p = 0.011, r = − 0.343/miR-199a-3p, p = 0.045, r = − 0.274/miR-125b-5p, p = 0.026, r = − 0.302). Two partial correlations (intervention partialized) showed a systematic impact of the type of exercise (LI-BFR vs. HI) (miR-99a-59: r = − 0.280/miR-199a-3p: r = − 0.293). Conclusion: MiRNA expression patterns differ according to type of activity. We concluded that not only the intensity of the exercise (LC) is decisive for the release of circulating miRNAs—as essential is the type of training and the oxygen supply

    Purinergic Regulation of Endothelial Barrier Function

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    Increased vascular permeability is a hallmark of several cardiovascular anomalies, including ischaemia/reperfusion injury and inflammation. During both ischaemia/reperfusion and inflammation, massive amounts of various nucleotides, particularly adenosine 5&prime;-triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine, are released that can induce a plethora of signalling pathways via activation of several purinergic receptors and may affect endothelial barrier properties. The nature of the effects on endothelial barrier function may depend on the prevalence and type of purinergic receptors activated in a particular tissue. In this review, we discuss the influence of the activation of various purinergic receptors and downstream signalling pathways on vascular permeability during pathological conditions

    Purinergic Regulation of Endothelial Barrier Function

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    Increased vascular permeability is a hallmark of several cardiovascular anomalies, including ischaemia/reperfusion injury and inflammation. During both ischaemia/reperfusion and inflammation, massive amounts of various nucleotides, particularly adenosine 5â€Č-triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine, are released that can induce a plethora of signalling pathways via activation of several purinergic receptors and may affect endothelial barrier properties. The nature of the effects on endothelial barrier function may depend on the prevalence and type of purinergic receptors activated in a particular tissue. In this review, we discuss the influence of the activation of various purinergic receptors and downstream signalling pathways on vascular permeability during pathological conditions

    Uridine Triphosphate Thio Analogues Inhibit Platelet P2Y12 Receptor and Aggregation

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    Platelet P2Y12 is an important adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor that is involved in agonist-induced platelet aggregation and is a valuable target for the development of anti-platelet drugs. Here we characterise the effects of thio analogues of uridine triphosphate (UTP) on ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Using human platelet-rich plasma, we demonstrate that UTP inhibits P2Y12 but not P2Y1 receptors and antagonises 10 ”M ADP-induced platelet aggregation in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 value of ~250 °”M. An eight-fold higher platelet inhibitory activity was observed with a 2-thio analogue of UTP (2S-UTP), with an IC50 of 30 ”M. The 4-thio analogue (4S-UTP) with an IC50 of 7.5 ”M was 33-fold more effective. A three-fold decrease in inhibitory activity, however, was observed by introducing an isobutyl group at the 4S- position. A complete loss of inhibition was observed with thio-modification of the γ phosphate of the sugar moiety, which yields an enzymatically stable analogue. The interaction of UTP analogues with P2Y12 receptor was verified by P2Y12 receptor binding and cyclic AMP (cAMP) assays. These novel data demonstrate for the first time that 2- and 4-thio analogues of UTP are potent P2Y12 receptor antagonists that may be useful for therapeutic intervention
