31 research outputs found

    The Impact of Environmentally Friendly Innovations on Value Added

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    While recent literature has focused on explaining the determinants of green innovations, it is not well understood how such innovations affect performance. To analyse the relationship between green innovation and performance, new industry-level panel data were exploited: these include 12 OECD countries, the whole manufacturing sector and a period of 30 years. The results show that green inventions are U-shape related to performance. However, the turning point is quite high and hence only relevant for a few industries. This indicates that—given the current level of green promotion—market incentives alone are not sufficient to allow the green invention activities of industries to rise considerably. To verify these results and to get a better understanding of the mechanisms in the green market, we finally made several interviews with multinational firms that have a good understanding of what happens on the global market of green innovation

    B-site substituted lanthanum strontium ferrites as electrode materials for electrochemical applications

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    For electrochemical systems such as solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) or solid oxide electrolyzer cells (SOECs), perovskites are widely used as cathode material for the reduction of molecular oxygen. At present, strontium-substituted lanthanum manganite, La1-xSrxMnO3-δ (LSM), is used as standard SOFC cathode material for operation at high temperatures, whereas strontium-substituted lanthanum ferrite (LSF) is alternatively explored for medium-temperature SOFCs. Moreover, LSF is considered to be a potential candidate for oxygen separation membranes as the material reported interesting electrical properties. The design of new perovskite-type La transition-metal oxides is of significant technological importance in order to reduce the operating temperature to 600-800 °C and thus to reduce the SOFC system cost. For investigations on a new material class, (La1-xSrx)yFe1-z(Ni,Cu)zO3-δ was synthesized by a spray-pyrolysis process and modified on the A-site in both stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric configurations and on the B-site by substituting Fe with Ni and C

    WDX Studies on Ceramic Diffusion Barrier Layers of Metal Supported SOECs

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    Solid oxide electrolyser cells (SOECs) have great potential for efficient and economical production of hydrogen fuel. Element diffusion between the Ni-cermet electrode and the metal substrate of metal supported cells (MSC) is a known problem in fuel cell and electrolysis technology. In order to hinder this unintentional mass transport, different ceramic diffusion barrier layers (DBLs) are included in recent cell design concepts. This paper is based on wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence investigations of different SOEC and focuses on Fe, Cr and Ni diffusion between the metal grains of the cathode and the metal substrate. Due to the low detection limits and therefore high analytical sensitivity, wavelength dispersive electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) provides a precise method to determine element distribution, absolute element concentration and changes between the reference material and aged cells on a microstructural level by element mappings and concentration profiles. The results of this work show considerable concentration gradients in the metal grains caused by mass exchange during cell operation. Diffusion can be inhibited significantly by integrating different ceramic DBLs of doped LaCrO₃-type or doped LaMnO₃-type perovskite, either by vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) or physical vapour deposition technique (PVD)

    A Service of zbw The Performance Effect of Environmental Innovations The Performance Effect of Environmental Innovations

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    Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Abstract. While recent literature has focused on explaining the determinants of green innovations, it is not well understood how such innovations affect performance. To analyse the relationship between green innovation and performance, new industry-level panel data were exploited: these include 12 OECD countries, the whole manufacturing sector and a period of 30 years. The results show that green inventions are U-shape related to performance. However, the turning point is quite high and hence only relevant for a few industries. This indicates that -given the current level of green promotion -market incentives alone are not sufficient to allow the green invention activities of industries to rise considerably. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor ma

    The Impact of Environmentally Friendly Innovations on Value Added

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    While recent literature has focused on explaining the determinants of green innovations, it is not well understood how such innovations affect performance. To analyse the relationship between green innovation and performance, new industry-level panel data were exploited: these include 12 OECD countries, the whole manufacturing sector and a period of 30 years. The results show that green inventions are U-shape related to performance. However, the turning point is quite high and hence only relevant for a few industries. This indicates that—given the current level of green promotion—market incentives alone are not sufficient to allow the green invention activities of industries to rise considerably. To verify these results and to get a better understanding of the mechanisms in the green market, we finally made several interviews with multinational firms that have a good understanding of what happens on the global market of green innovation.ISSN:0924-6460ISSN:1573-150

    The Impact of Environmentally Friendly Innovations on Value Added

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    While recent literature has focused on explaining the determinants of green innovations, it is not well understood how such innovations affect performance. To analyse the relationship between green innovation and performance, new industry-level panel data were exploited: these include 12 OECD countries, the whole manufacturing sector and a period of 30years. The results show that green inventions are U-shape related to performance. However, the turning point is quite high and hence only relevant for a few industries. This indicates that—given the current level of green promotion—market incentives alone are not sufficient to allow the green invention activities of industries to rise considerably. To verify these results and to get a better understanding of the mechanisms in the green market, we finally made several interviews with multinational firms that have a good understanding of what happens on the global market of green innovation

    The Performance Effect of Environmental Innovations

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    While recent literature has focused on explaining the determinants of green innovations, it is not well understood how such innovations affect performance. To analyse the relationship between green innovation and performance, new industry-level panel data were exploited: these include 12 OECD countries, the whole manufacturing sector and a period of 30 years. The results show that green inventions are U-shape related to performance. However, the turning point is quite high and hence only relevant for a few industries. This indicates that - given the current level of green promotion - market incentives alone are not sufficient to allow the green invention activities of industries to rise considerably