602 research outputs found

    Treatment of renal stones by extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy - An update

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    Aim: Despite the extensive experience with minimal invasive stone therapy, there are still different views on the ideal management of renal stones. Materials and Methods: Analysis of the literature includes more than 14,000 patients. We have compared these data with long-term results of two major stone centers in Germany. The results have been compared concerning the anatomical kidney situation, stone size, stone localization and observation time. Results: According to the importance of residual fragments following extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), we have to distinguish between clinically insignificant residual fragments and clinically significant residual fragments (CIRF). 24 months following ESWL stone passage occurs as a continous process, and if there are no clinical symptoms, any endoscopic procedure should be considered as overtreatment. According to these results, stone-free rates of patients increase in longer follow-up periods. Newer ESWL technology has increased the percentage of CIRF. Conclusion: We consider ESWL in most patients with renal calculi as first-line treatment, except in patients with renal calculi bigger than 30 mm in diameter. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

    The operational meaning of min- and max-entropy

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    We show that the conditional min-entropy Hmin(A|B) of a bipartite state rho_AB is directly related to the maximum achievable overlap with a maximally entangled state if only local actions on the B-part of rho_AB are allowed. In the special case where A is classical, this overlap corresponds to the probability of guessing A given B. In a similar vein, we connect the conditional max-entropy Hmax(A|B) to the maximum fidelity of rho_AB with a product state that is completely mixed on A. In the case where A is classical, this corresponds to the security of A when used as a secret key in the presence of an adversary holding B. Because min- and max-entropies are known to characterize information-processing tasks such as randomness extraction and state merging, our results establish a direct connection between these tasks and basic operational problems. For example, they imply that the (logarithm of the) probability of guessing A given B is a lower bound on the number of uniform secret bits that can be extracted from A relative to an adversary holding B.Comment: 12 pages, v2: no change in content, some typos corrected (including the definition of fidelity in footnote 8), now closer to the published versio

    Leftover Hashing Against Quantum Side Information

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    The Leftover Hash Lemma states that the output of a two-universal hash function applied to an input with sufficiently high entropy is almost uniformly random. In its standard formulation, the lemma refers to a notion of randomness that is (usually implicitly) defined with respect to classical side information. Here, we prove a (strictly) more general version of the Leftover Hash Lemma that is valid even if side information is represented by the state of a quantum system. Furthermore, our result applies to arbitrary delta-almost two-universal families of hash functions. The generalized Leftover Hash Lemma has applications in cryptography, e.g., for key agreement in the presence of an adversary who is not restricted to classical information processing

    Causal Boxes: Quantum Information-Processing Systems Closed under Composition

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    Complex information-processing systems, for example quantum circuits, cryptographic protocols, or multi-player games, are naturally described as networks composed of more basic information-processing systems. A modular analysis of such systems requires a mathematical model of systems that is closed under composition, i.e., a network of these objects is again an object of the same type. We propose such a model and call the corresponding systems causal boxes. Causal boxes capture superpositions of causal structures, e.g., messages sent by a causal box A can be in a superposition of different orders or in a superposition of being sent to box B and box C. Furthermore, causal boxes can model systems whose behavior depends on time. By instantiating the Abstract Cryptography framework with causal boxes, we obtain the first composable security framework that can handle arbitrary quantum protocols and relativistic protocols.Comment: 44+24 pages, 16 figures. v3: minor edits based on referee comments, matches published version up to layout. v2: definition of causality weakened, new reference

    Toward an Algebraic Theory of Systems

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    We propose the concept of a system algebra with a parallel composition operation and an interface connection operation, and formalize composition-order invariance, which postulates that the order of composing and connecting systems is irrelevant, a generalized form of associativity. Composition-order invariance explicitly captures a common property that is implicit in any context where one can draw a figure (hiding the drawing order) of several connected systems, which appears in many scientific contexts. This abstract algebra captures settings where one is interested in the behavior of a composed system in an environment and wants to abstract away anything internal not relevant for the behavior. This may include physical systems, electronic circuits, or interacting distributed systems. One specific such setting, of special interest in computer science, are functional system algebras, which capture, in the most general sense, any type of system that takes inputs and produces outputs depending on the inputs, and where the output of a system can be the input to another system. The behavior of such a system is uniquely determined by the function mapping inputs to outputs. We consider several instantiations of this very general concept. In particular, we show that Kahn networks form a functional system algebra and prove their composition-order invariance. Moreover, we define a functional system algebra of causal systems, characterized by the property that inputs can only influence future outputs, where an abstract partial order relation captures the notion of "later". This system algebra is also shown to be composition-order invariant and appropriate instantiations thereof allow to model and analyze systems that depend on time

    A Tight High-Order Entropic Quantum Uncertainty Relation With Applications

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    We derive a new entropic quantum uncertainty relation involving min-entropy. The relation is tight and can be applied in various quantum-cryptographic settings. Protocols for quantum 1-out-of-2 Oblivious Transfer and quantum Bit Commitment are presented and the uncertainty relation is used to prove the security of these protocols in the bounded quantum-storage model according to new strong security definitions. As another application, we consider the realistic setting of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) against quantum-memory-bounded eavesdroppers. The uncertainty relation allows to prove the security of QKD protocols in this setting while tolerating considerably higher error rates compared to the standard model with unbounded adversaries. For instance, for the six-state protocol with one-way communication, a bit-flip error rate of up to 17% can be tolerated (compared to 13% in the standard model). Our uncertainty relation also yields a lower bound on the min-entropy key uncertainty against known-plaintext attacks when quantum ciphers are composed. Previously, the key uncertainty of these ciphers was only known with respect to Shannon entropy.Comment: 21 pages; editorial changes, additional applicatio

    The operational meaning of min- and max-entropy

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    We show that the conditional min-entropy Hmin(A|B) of a bipartite state rho_AB is directly related to the maximum achievable overlap with a maximally entangled state if only local actions on the B-part of rho_AB are allowed. In the special case where A is classical, this overlap corresponds to the probability of guessing A given B. In a similar vein, we connect the conditional max-entropy Hmax(A|B) to the maximum fidelity of rho_AB with a product state that is completely mixed on A. In the case where A is classical, this corresponds to the security of A when used as a secret key in the presence of an adversary holding B. Because min- and max-entropies are known to characterize information-processing tasks such as randomness extraction and state merging, our results establish a direct connection between these tasks and basic operational problems. For example, they imply that the (logarithm of the) probability of guessing A given B is a lower bound on the number of uniform secret bits that can be extracted from A relative to an adversary holding B

    Doppelt negative T-Lymphozyten, löslicher FAS Rezeptor und löslicher FAS Ligand bei Kindern mit häufigen Infektionen

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    Es wurden 29 Patienten untersucht, die sich wegen häufigen Infektionen im Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital vorstellten. Hierbei wurde die prozentuale Verteilung von CD4-, CD8-positiven und doppelt negativen T-Lymphozyten bestimmt. Ebenfalls bestimmt wurden die Plasmaspiegel der Plasmaproteine sFas und sFasL. Der prozentuale Anteil an DN-T-Zellen lag signifikant über dem der gesunden Kontrollen bei gleichzeitig erniedrigten CD8 positiven Zellen. Es wird angenommen, dass aktivierte T-Lymphozyten über die Zwischenstufe der DN-T-Lymphozyten in Apoptose übergehen, daher könnten diese Befunde Zeichen einer vermehrten Lymphozytenaktivierung von CD8 positiven Zellen sein. Desweiteren fanden sich in dieser Arbeit Hinweise für eine in der Literatur vorbeschriebene Abhängigkeit von sFas und DN-T-Lymphozyten. Hier jedoch korrelierten niedrige sFas Spiegel mit einem höherem Anteil an DN-T-Lymphozyten, während in der Literatur nach Injektion von sFas bei Mäusen eine Erhöhung von DN-T-Lymphozyten gefunden wurde. Ein Interpretationsversuch der in dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Daten lautet, dass der Körper durch eine Erniedrigung des Spiegels von apoptosehemmenden sFas einen Anstieg des Anteils an DN-T-Zellen nicht noch begünstigen will

    Mapping the energy and diffusion landscapes of membrane proteins at the cell surface using high-density single-molecule imaging and Bayesian inference: application to the multi-scale dynamics of glycine receptors in the neuronal membrane

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    Protein mobility is conventionally analyzed in terms of an effective diffusion. Yet, this description often fails to properly distinguish and evaluate the physical parameters (such as the membrane friction) and the biochemical interactions governing the motion. Here, we present a method combining high-density single-molecule imaging and statistical inference to separately map the diffusion and energy landscapes of membrane proteins across the cell surface at ~100 nm resolution (with acquisition of a few minutes). When applying these analytical tools to glycine neurotransmitter receptors (GlyRs) at inhibitory synapses, we find that gephyrin scaffolds act as shallow energy traps (~3 kBT) for GlyRs, with a depth modulated by the biochemical properties of the receptor-gephyrin interaction loop. In turn, the inferred maps can be used to simulate the dynamics of proteins in the membrane, from the level of individual receptors to that of the population, and thereby, to model the stochastic fluctuations of physiological parameters (such as the number of receptors at synapses). Overall, our approach provides a powerful and comprehensive framework with which to analyze biochemical interactions in living cells and to decipher the multi-scale dynamics of biomolecules in complex cellular environments.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure
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