38 research outputs found


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    This paper describes inter-firm partnerships in three major high-tech industries over the 1985-2005 period. We found that the architecture of the respective networks had evolved toward a ‘small world' in the early 1990s. We also found that the number of alliances collapsed in the late 1990s. This result roughly follows the number of patents granted in the respective industries and is correlated to an increase in market concentration, and to some extent to the rising number of mergers and acquisitions

    Choix de localisation des entreprises. L’arrivée des firmes chinoises et indiennes en Europe

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    The article analyzes the choices of location of firms from Emerging economies, i.e. Chinese and Indian firms, towards the developed world, Europe taken as a case study. In doing so it put into question the previous postulates based on the requirement of a competitive gap for the advantage of the foreign investor. As a result the motivations which drive the choice of location for these companies are specific to them whereas the level of development reached by their country is playing a critical role. If two motivations are clearly recognizable – the access to markets and the quest for specific assets – it emerges that the weight of the second is relatively more important for the Chinese firms, especially in the early period (1990-2001), than for the Indian firms. The relative decline of the second motivation during the last period of time for Chinese firms can be explained by learning effects. The whole outcome is however ambivalent for Chinese firms. On one side, it goes against the intuitive thought that the structure and the performance of the Chinese economy is driven by the exports of manufactured goods while Europe is her first export market. On the other one, it buttresses the need of the Chinese firms for specific assets, as for Indian companies but on a lesser extent, to consolidate or even build their capabilities on their national and international markets. Last, the superiority of the access-to-market motivation for Indian firms when they choose Europe stems from their focus on two sectors (data processing and pharmacy).

    European inroads by BRICs’ firms:The M&A avenue

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    The main outcome of the paper is an exploratory and empirical approach to map out the respective entry or expansion of BRICs’ companies in Europe during the crisis years through Mergers-and-Acquisitions. It also points out the relative place of Europe as a target zone, and the corresponding sector and geographical distributions for the deals completed before and during the crisis period

    La géofinance

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    Milelli Christian. La géofinance. In: Espace géographique, tome 16, n°2, 1987. p. 154

    L’archipel financier

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    A new financial system both concentrate and autonomous is built up. These «hallowed places» are mapped : major «world centres» (2 or 3), regional centres or «specialized» centres organized in archipelago.Un nouveau système financier, à la fois concentré et autonome, se met en place. Ses «lieux sacrés» sont cartographiés : «centres universels » majeurs (2 ou 3), centres régionaux, centres «spécialisés» en archipel.Se está poniendo en marcha un nuevo sistema financiero, concentrado y autónomo a la vez. Hemos cartografiado sus «lugares sagrados» : centros «universales» mayores (2 o 3), centros regionales, centros «especializados » en archipiélago.Milelli Christian. L’archipel financier. In: Mappemonde, 1987/1. pp. 44-46

    Japon - Mexique : un cas spécifique de relations Nord-Sud

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    [eng] This article stress the emergence during 1980 by Japan of a new strategy in commercial exchanges with Mexico. Due to threats on hydrocarbon international market, Japan whose mastery of energy supply is the core of her economie security reacts very fast. Thus, at the initiative of Japan takes step towards Mexico who disposes of numerous attractions in economie and politic fields a process of perfect mutual specialization : hydrocarbons in conterpart of equipments goods and know-how. These are supplied by Japan in areas where it excels — steel industry, transportation infrastructures — to Mexico who has a great need of them. [fre] Cet article souligne la mise en œuvre au cours de l'année 1980 par le Japon d'une nouvelle stratégie de relations commerciales avec le Mexique. En raison des menaces pesant sur le marché international des hydrocarbures, le Japon dont la maîtrise de l'approvisionnement énergétique est au cœur même de sa sécurité économique a réagi très rapidement. Ainsi, vis-à-vis du Mexique qui dispose de nombreux atouts tant économiques que politiques, s'est amorcé à l'initiative du Japon un processus de spécialisation réciproque parfait : des hydrocarbures en contrepartie de biens d'équipement et de savoir-faire. Ces derniers sont offerts par le Japon dans des domaines où il excelle — sidérurgie, infrastructures de transport — au Mexique qui en a le plus grand besoin.

    La présence japonaise en Europe : état des lieux, conséquences et réactions européennes

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    Japanese commerce and investments in Europe are much more important than European commerce and investment in Japan. In industry, these investments concern mostly electric equipment and electronics.Les flux commerciaux et les investissements du Japon en Europe sont beaucoup plus importants qu'ils ne le sont dans le sens contraire. Dans l'industrie les investissements japonais concernent surtout la filière électrique et électronique.Milelli Christian. La présence japonaise en Europe : état des lieux, conséquences et réactions européennes. In: Hommes et Terres du Nord, 1993/1. L'Europe de 1993. pp. 47-52

    Les dynamiques de localisation en Ile-de-France : quelques tendances en 1985

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    For 1985, the maps presented here give evidence of the dynamics of a region that still keeps a central position in France. The selected thems and topics deal with changes in location of public services and manufacturing plants over a year. Automatic cartography allows to map diffuse phenomena and observe scale and scope-different situations.Les cartes ci-dessous sont, pour 1985, les premiers témoins de la dynamique d’une région qui demeure centrale. La cartographie automatique des thèmes retenus ici, à savoir les modifications sur une année de la localisation des équipements collectifs et des établissements industriels, permet de visualiser des phénomènes diffus et d’en repérer des situations d’échelle et d’ampleur différentes.Milelli Christian. Les dynamiques de localisation en Ile-de-France : quelques tendances en 1985. In: Mappemonde, 1986/2. pp. 5-7

    La localisation des investissements industriels étrangers au Japon

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    In Japan aliens ( half of them are American) invest the three-quarters of their capital on industrial activities in four favoured districts. These trends registered between 1950 and 1980 are still proved true in 1986-1987.Au Japon les étrangers (dont la moitié sont américains) investissent pour les trois quarts dans l'industrie et sur quatre régions préférentielles. Ces tendances, enregistrées entre 1950 et 1985, se confirment à peu près en 1986-1987.En el Japon, los extranjeros (la mitad de ellos americanos) invierten principalmente en la industria (75%) y en cuatro regiones predilectas. Estas tendencias observadas entre 1950 y 1985 se confirman màs o menos en 1986-1987.Milelli Christian. La localisation des investissements industriels étrangers au Japon . In: Mappemonde, 1988/3. pp. 16-18

    The surge of Preferential Trade Agreements across Asia: What is at stake?

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    International audienceEconomists along with policy makers are generally viewing trade agreements as a ‘second best' process for trade expansion and economic growth on a global scale. The current surge of Preferential Trade Agreements on a bilateral basis, particularly in Asia, is somehow challenging such common view. The following paper is grounded on updated rough facts and put forward that the standard economic approach is a bit flawed. Obviously, the outcomes and prospects for Asian countries seem much more problematic insofar as power asymmetry and discrimination are embedded in these arrangements